Archive: Jan 2020 – Dec 2020

Dooring Danger & Cost in NZ

One minute cycling, the next flying into ACC cycle v car figures, Stuff, NZ, Jan 13, 2021. [Article & video on dooring and Dutch Reach.]

Hyderabad City Security Council, India

Door safety advice and graphic by Hyderabad City Security Council, India, 23 Dec 2020. View on twitter here.

Ten Advantages of Far Hand Rule to Open

Ten reasons why the far hand rule is safer than near hand habit for egress, Hyderabad City Security Council on Twitter, 23 Dec 2020.  More coverage in India of Dutch Reach/Far Hand Rule here.

DVR Tipp: der Holländischer Griff

DVR „Dooring“-Kampagne, Zweite Runde Mit Alliierten Transportunternehmen

Behalte beim Aussteigen deine Tür im Griff! „Dooring“-Kampagne geht in die zweite Runde. DVR Pressemitteilungen, 18. November 2020. Die Kampagne umfasst Video, soziale Medien, informative Kopfstützenbezüge und andere grafische Materialien mit vielen Mitarbeitern im Transportbereich.

Kopfstützenbezug mit "Dooring" -Vorbeugungshinweis

All Things Bike Recaps DR Project

Dooring Music - DVR

"Dooring" y cómo evitarlo - Ir En Bici

 abrir la puerta del vehículo con la mano contraria, es decir, con la mano más alejada de la puerta. ¿Por qué deberíamos hacerlo así? Porque al hacerlo, estarás obligando a girar el cuerpo y tu cabeza en dirección contraria en la que estás estacionado y, podrás comprobar por la ventanilla del coche si algún ciclista se acerca. Haciéndolo así, evitarás un accidente.

Evita el Dooring: Manoiobra Hollendesa, (artículo con videos) de Ir En Bici, 11/11/2020.


Holländischer Griffplakat - BG ETEM .de

Holländischer-Griff Linker Haken - Den toten Winkel austricksen: Einfach mit rechts die Fahrertür öffnen, Die BG ETEM, 2020. PDF (560k) & Datei in bester Qualität hier. herunterladen.

Officer Failed to Use Far Hand, Doors & Beats Motorcyclist

यहां घटना पर CarToq समाचार रिपोर्ट पढ़ें। Read CarToq news report on incident here. Indore, India, 10 Nov 2020,

La poignée hollandaise - Ornikar, .fr

Comment ouvrir sa portière tout en protégeant les autres usagers? Ornikar [auto-école en ligne]. Voir les instructions ici.

Dutch Reach Dance Moves on TikTok

UK auto insurer Veygo launches Dutch Reach dance video challenge on TikTok to educate young drivers, 20 Oct 2020. On TikTok, Twitter & Facebook at #veygodutchreach. See also: Cycling Industry News, 21 Oct 2020.

Road Skills Online: The Dutch Reach

Kampagne "Twist & Schaut" - Bayern de

"Dooring"-Unfälle vermeiden - Verkehrssicherheitskampagne "Twist & Schaut" der ADFC & AGFK Bayern, 24 Sept 2020.  [nb. Twist & Shout was a 1962 top hit in US, Lyrics: "Well, shake it up, baby, now / Twist and shout / Come on, come on, come, come on, baby, now / Come on and work it on out…"]  Siehe auch hier.

Canadian Auto Assn 'Within Reach' Graphic

WITHIN REACH - A simple manoeuvre can spare cyclists from serious injury. Here's how to do the Dutch Reach, Canadian Automobile Assn, CAA Magazine, Summer 2020. Click on image to enlarge. Also see here.

PennDOT Dutch Reach Infographic

Vehicle operator Dutch Reach safety tip from Pennsylvania Dept .of Transportation. Source: Borough of State College, PA.

'Dutch Reach' Sicherheitsaufkleber. Buchholtz de

Durch den holländischen Griff gerettet

A woman trapped for hours in her car, unable to exit for fear of wild crashing objects, is saved by the holländische Griff!  Polizei Nordrhein-Westfalen, Kreis Paderborn de.

Dutch Reach in Cymraeg / Welsh by Road Safety Wales

Dutch Reach illustrated with instructions in Welsh (Cymraeg). Credit:  Road Safety Wales / RoSPA. See English versions here. Click on image to enlarge. Learn more here.

Dutch Reach - Alberta Edition

Travelling Safely on Alberta's Roads, Dutch Reach advisory included in Alberta Cycling Coalition's education pamphlet.

Der holländische Griff - Video | Polizei Kreis Paderborn

Der holländische Griff Video  -  Kennen Sie schon den holländischen Griff? Falls nicht, sollten Sie sich das Video anschauen. Dann klappt es auch mit dem sicheren Aussteigen. Für Sie und für Fahrradfahrer. Polizei Nordrhein-Westfalen, Kreis-Paderborn. 11 Aug 2020.

D.C. DMV Adds Dutch Reach to Driver Manual

District of Columbia Dept of Motor Vehicles features the Dutch Reach in the preface to its latest Driver's Manual, which is issued in 7 languages: English, Amharic / አማርኛ (an Ethiopian language),  Chinese / 中文, French / Français, Korean / 한국어, Spanish / Español, & Vietnamese / Tiếng Việt.

Michigan State Police Advisory

Michigan State Police road safety tip for drivers. to prevent dooring of bicyclists. (July 2020.

UK Highway Code Consultation Finds for Dutch Reach

Dutch Reach up for inclusion in UK HIghway Code per Consultation report; comment period pending. 28 July 2020. Related article here.

Musikalische Sicherheitserinnerung

Jinge zur Förderung des Holländischen Griffs, Ministerium für Verkehr Baden-Württemberg .de. [Scrollen Sie zum Ende der verknüpften Seite, um Audio zu erhalten]. Dutch Reach jingle by the Ministry of Transport, Baden-Württemberg. Scroll to bottom of linked page for audio.]

Geparkte Gefahren -

Erinnerungsaufkleber - Reminder Sticker

„Holländischer Griff“ schützt Radfahrende. - Sicher & Gesund, Hamburg und Schleswig-Holstein, UK Nord .de

Canadian Automobile Assn Dutch Reach Animation

Naumburger-Tageblatt .de

Studie zeigt Gefahr Mit diesem Trick können Autofahrer Radfahrer schützen, von Rebecca Häfner,, 17.07.20,

Crash Dummy Dooring Video - Gefahr für Radfahrer und Fußgänger: Parkende Autos und "Dooring" [Danger for cyclists and pedestrians: parked cars and "dooring"], Süddeutsche Zeitung, July 15, 2020.

Inline Skater / Rollerblader Doored

The Deathly Doorers, UK

The Deathly Doored, by Madonna del Ghisallo | Cycle Safety Project. 17 June 2020. Explains Dutch Reach @ 4m 18s.

Dutch Reach Lever Adapter

Dutch Reach door latch adapter which when placed on car door lever requires use of the far hand to to open.. Credit: Shaofeng Wang, National Taipei University of Technology Taipei, Taiwan. iF World Design Guide's Young Talent Contest. More tech solutions for dooring here.

Don't be a bicycle eater!

Dutch Reach Nudged by Behavioral Scientists

Using self-nudging to make better choices: A behavioral science technique to improve self-control. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Science Daily, May 11, 2020. Source: Behavioural Public Policy. Click image to enlarge.

Learning to Ride & Teaching Beginners

[Includes Dooring & Dutch Reach @ 31 min.]

National Safety Council's Far Hand Reach Video

More info & longer version of video here.

Вести.RU Наука (Vesti.Ru Science): "методу голландского обзора" (Dutch reach)

ay 12, 2020 11:44 Maria Myasnikova Resist the temptation: scientists have listed simple ways to increase self-control

Устоять перед соблазном: ученые перечислили простые способы повышения самоконтроля, Мария Мясникова, Вести.Ru, 12 мая 2020. Нажмите на изображение, чтобы увеличить.

Otwieraj drzwi po holendersku!

Pen the door in Dutch reach

Wróciły miejskie rowery. Kierowco, rozglądaj się! - (Otwieraj drzwi po holendersku), Krzysztof Gregorczyk, Francuskie .pl, 2020-05-13.

Gernot Hassknecht: Neue Folge zu Dooring-Unfällen

Der Holländische Griff – wisst ihr was das ist?  Lesen Sie den Artikel zu diesem Video, vom Deutscher Verkehrssicherheitsrat (DVR).  Siehe auch RunterVomGas-Erklärung "Pas op!"


Trick an die Hand: den Holländischen Griff

In the fourth episode of "Gernot Hassknecht: The Road Safety Expert", the professional choleric explains the danger of dooring accidents and how they can be avoided with a simple trick: the Dutch Handle or Reach

Gernot Hassknecht: Neue Folge zu Dooring-Unfällen, vom DRV.  Siehe auch  Pas op! „Gernot Hassknecht: Der Experte für Verkehrssicherheit“ erklärt der Berufscholeriker die Gefahr von Dooring-Unfällen und wie sich diese mit einem einfachen Trick vermeiden lassen: den Holländischen Griff. Runter Vom Gas, 04/24/2020.  Klicken Sie auf das Bild, um es zu vergrößern. Video ansehen.

Lufttransporterfahrer verursacht Autotürkollision

Am Abend kam es zu einem Unfall in der Kiefholzstraße in Alt-Treptow, als der Fahrer eines Kleintransport seine Tür, ohne auf den Verkehr zu achten, öffnete und einen Radfahrer vom Rad rammte. Der Radfahrer wurde verletzt und kam in ein Krankenhaus. Ein alarmierter Rettungshubschrauber wurde zum Glück nicht gebraucht. Die Beamten der Direktion 6 ermitteln zur Unfallursache.

Transporterfahrer reißt Tür auf und erfasst Radfahrer, Berliner Zeitung, Treptow-Köpenick Liveticker, 29. April 2020.

Dem Holländischen Griff! Verhinderung von Autotürkollisionen -

Sei Kein Fahrradfresser!

Sei kein Fahrradfresser! Sei ein Lebensretter. Der Holländische Griff rettet Leben. Unser Film zeigt, was Du als parkender Autofahrer tun musst, um keine Fahrradfahrer auf dem Gewissen zu haben. Bestelle jetzt auch unseren kostenlosen Aufkleber für Deine Fahrertür:
April 30, 2020. Mehr: MIR NULL!  Der Aufkleber [Don't be a bike eater!]

Ontario, Canada

OECD - Observatory of Public Sector Innovation: DRP Case Study

Case study on the Dutch Reach Project now published by the Observatory for Public Sector Innovation of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. DRP's case report was submitted in response to OPSI 2020 Call for 'Edge of Government Innovations'. 9 April 2020. Click image to enlarge.

Znáte holandský chvat? - TN CZ

Pozor na Dooring: Znáte holandský chvat? Jednoduchý trik chrání cyklisty i dveře od auta, TN CZ, 15. 4. 2020. [S videem od Škody]. [Do you know the Dutch Hurry? (Czech).]

CA SB 945: Dutch Reach Bill

SB 945, as introduced, Beall. Rules of the road: Dutch Reach method.

Senator Beall, Chair of California Senate Transportation Committee, introduced SB 945, a bill to include the Dutch Reach method in CA Driver Handbook and in licensing test question pool., Feb 10, 2020.

StreetsBlogCAL on SB 945

 California Bicycle Coalition is sponsoring a bill that would require the DMV to add information about the so-called “Dutch Reach” to its educational materials for drivers, to prevent dooring,

To Do While Isolating: Write a Letter in Support of the Dutch Reach, by Melanie Curry, StreetsBlogCAL, March 16, 2020

Road Sharing Safety = ^ Healthy Transport

A picture is worth.... how to avoid the flu, by Lloyd Alter Treehugger, Jan 16, 2017, [Make biking safer improves individual & societal health].

Florida: The BlindSpot State

"Correlating with official statistics making Florida a deadly state for cyclists, 56% of cyclists declared that they feel more unsafe using Florida roads than in other states. To emphasize the point, the survey revealed that 59.5% of drivers never check behind them before opening their doors," The Boca Raton Tribune, FL , Feb 25, 2020. Survey by Gunther Volvo..

Cully, Portland, Oregon, US

Make Bicyclists’ Day...With the Dutch Reach! [También en español: ¡Mejora el día de los ciclistas...con el Estiramiento Holandés! Cully Neighbor News Spring-2020], by Tori Bortman, Oregon, USA.

Ford's New Anti-Dooring Tech

Exit Warning sounds an alarm and could prevent doors opening fully if it detects a potential collision

Ford Motor Company of Europe announces dooring alert & prevention features, Cologne, Germany, Feb 2020. Exit Warning sounds an alarm and could prevent doors opening fully if it detects a potential collision.

Can Dutch Reach Curb Victim Blaming?

Dutch Reach can shift accountability narrative:  Cyclist sent flying after taxi door opens – but who is to blame? by Brooke Rolfe,
Yahoo News Australia, 20 Feb 2020.

Gazette Chides Gotham for Slow Walk

American Automobile Assn - Textbook

Automobile Association of America textbook for novice drivers, 2020 edition, contains sections on Dutch Reach. & dooring danger.

Click image to enlarge; here to order.AAA's 15th Edition of How to Drive [pp. 83-84,231] & companion Instructor Kit.

The AA on the Dutch Reach - UK

This simple car door opening method can save lives,  For The Automobile Association's full Dutch Reach & Dooring advisory go here.. UK.

Berkeley Official Witnesses Dooring

Safety Graphic - Bike Houston, TX

We Can Share the Road, infographic for bike safety by Bike Houston, Texas, USA. Includes Dutch Reach, Right & Left Hooks, Taking the Lane, Safe Pass, etc. as taught in Bike Friendly Driver Program.

Decal Spotted in Modo Ride Share - BC, ca

Dutch Reach decal sighted in Vancouver, BC, Canada; by Modo rideshare company. Click image to enlarge. First posted on Twitter hereModo's Dutch Reach web post here. 27 Jan 2020. View more Dutch Reach reminders here.

Modo Ride Share Dutch Reach decal as jpg hi resolution

Modo Ride Share's Dutch Reach window sticker as hi-resolution jpeg above; or as PDF here for download & printing.

Emportiérage - Police de Montréal

Emportiérage: et La Poignee Hollandaise: pour éviter les accidents de portières..

Paris seizes la "poignée hollandaise!"

GRACQ - Belgique

Voir l'article du GRACQ affiché sur le site   Web: La poignée hollandaise au service de cyclistes, Belgique, 13 décembre 2019.

Gulf-man Pumps Dutch Reach

What & Why the Dutch Reach? NZ

Nizozemski Zahvat - The Dutch Grip

Biciklisti su jedna od ugroženih skupina u prometu, a Nizozemci su se dosjetili kako im pomoći na jednostavan način.

Nizozemski zahvat spašava bicikliste od stradavanja, AutoPress, Croatia, 13 Jan 2020..

Collision de porte mortelle à Toulouse

Tesla to Add Anti-Dooring Function to EVs

Tesla to reprogram on-board software to warn drivers of dooring risk incident with warning.

Elon Musk, Testa's chief, agrees to anti-dooring update for its electric vehicles.  Zweimal kurz „Ok“: Tesla-Chef nimmt Twitter-Vorschläge für neue Funktionen an, TeslaMag, Jan 7, 2020.  More tech solutions here.

La Maniobra Holandesa: Abrir con la mano más lejana a la puerta

Center for Motor Vehicle Safety Strategic Plan 2020-2029

Notice & Draft: The draft of the CDC / NIOSH Center for Motor Vehicle Safety 2020-2029 Strategic Plan is now available for public comment until February 14, 2020. View the announcement & draft pdf, and submit comments to the NIOSH docket via link provided above. Be heard...and demand more safety. Bicycle, pedestrian & vulnerable active transportation workers - eg. e-bike delivery people & bike to work workers are not a priority for CMVS and no comparable federal agency exists for our safety yet we the public are at the mercy of poorly trained drivers & large & unsafe fleet vehicles. Please bring this to the attention of likewise concerned organizations & citizens!

February 14, 2020 deadline to comment on CDC NIOSH Center for Motor Vehicle Safety's draft Strategic Plan. Click here for files.

A Cabbie & Ford on Tech Solutions for Doorings

Autotür kollisionen Koln Cologne taxi driver patents door opening alert system to warn cyclists tying handle operation to alerts. Ford studies sensor-based solutions for doorings. By Ayhan Demirci, EXPRESS, 12/20/19, Cologne .de. [Original article in German. Use Google Translate.] Click image to enlarge. More Tech Dooring Solutions here.

Ontario Law Firm Presses Anti-Dooring Bills

Toronto cyclists, founders of the "Door Prize", have suffered more than their share of doorings this century. Martin & HIllyer Associates' blog summarizes the issues & promising partial solutions. 6 Dec 2019.

NYC DOT Large Urban Vehicle Driver Retraining w/ Dutch Reach

NYC DOT video instructs urban large vehicle fleet drivers on best road sharing practices with vulnerable road users. The far hand reach across method to avoid dooring bicyclists - aka the Dutch Reach - is taught at 3 min 12 sec. Dec 2, 2019.

AAA's "How To Drive" Teaches the Reach. 15th Ed., 2020.

AAA How to Drive, 15th Edition, 2020

Click image to enlarge; here to order..