Find & view pre-Dutch Reach anti dooring videos here.

Montage of anti- dooring graphics - stickers, posters & logos from around the world. Find source files here. Credit: Dutch Reach Project
Look Behind Before Opening, RoSPA, 1950, UK

Look Behind Before Opening Door, road safety poster by Leonard Cusden, for the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (UK), 1950, Reused by Safer Essex Roads Partnership here. [Note use of left (far) hand to aid shoulder-check! Was this recommended practice at the time? If so, it would be the first documented teaching of the far hand method.]
Vintage Berlin Anti-Dooring Graphic

Autofahrer und Radfahrer und das #dooring haben eine lange Geschichte. Die Postleitzahl zum Plakat ist Berlin W9. Source: @Polreporterin, Twitter, 2 Dec 2021. [Dooring has a long history. Berlin safety graphic. Credit, date unk.]
RoSPA Road Safety Dooring Poster, c. 1960

'Look Before Opening' road safety dooring prevention poster of The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents UK by Roland Davies, 1960's.
Documentation of Anti Dooring Campaigns by The Chainlink posted in 2012
The Chainlink published this collection in 2012: Some Examples of Anti-Dooring Campaigns from Elsewhere
It cites campaigns in Denmark; Long Beach, CA; Washington, DC; and New York City. Chicago was mounting its own anti- dooring "Look" campaign at the time. A comment to the post added Melbourne, Victoria, Australia's research to address its dooring carnage: “Bicycle Rider Collisions with Car Doors” by Road Safe Action Group Inner Melbourne (RSAGIM). A subsequent study was commissioned to evaluate the efficacy of an anti-dooring awareness campaign in Melbourne: Reducing ‘car-dooring’: The role of stickers as visual reminders Final Report, by Concepts of Change with Ipsos Social Research. It concluded that awareness reminders were ineffective. Also see: A multi-stage, multi-faceted approach to addressing ‘car dooring’ in inner
Melbourne, by Bolitho, J., and Research.
A great place to start is Toronto which had its first anti-dooring campaign in 2005 and appears to have originated the term "Door Prize" for the tragic fact of being killed or injured by a negligently opened car door. Among many concerned voices, Lloyd Alter who writes for Treehugger, has been perhaps the most articulate and passionate of advocates focused on dooring prevention. Alter has for years promoted the - as yet un-monikered - reach method as part of the solution. In a 2016 article he lauded the 'Dutch Reach' coinage.
Why dooring cyclists is like a sunny day - Treehugger
The Door Prize - Treehugger
Door prize – Biking TorontoCollecting the Door Prize - Treehugger
Door Prize Lady Charged "To The Full Extent of the Law" - Treehugger
Survey: Should Drivers Who Give Out The Door Prize Be Charged? - Treehugger
The Guardian on the Door Prize: How Bad Bike Lane Design Is Killing Cyclists - The Guardian
Here's how drivers can help save cyclist lives: Do the "Dutch Reach" - Treehugger
Objects in mirror...could be saved - Treehugger
Cycling - City of Toronto, Canada Cycling Infomation Website
Safety & Education -- Car Bike Collisions -- Understanding Types of Collisions
Sept. 25, 2012
Press Release #12-49
LOOK Safety Campaign
For more, on NYC DOT's Anti-Dooring efforts, see:
StreetBlog USA: DOT and TLC Unveil New Anti-Dooring Video and Decal
Not so un-sanitized nor groovy, is NYC DOT's previous anti-dooring PSA -- NYC DOT LOOK
These videos ran in rotation on Taxi TV in NYC.
Doorings in Chicago and NYC are still a sorry state but one of them is doing something about it, by Grid Chicago, Sept., 2012.
PORTLAND, OREGON, USA: 2015 - Present
"One Door One Life" / "Une Porte Une Vie"
Cyclists launch campaign to prevent ‘dooring’
Ongoing Une Porte Une Vie website
VicRoads Re-Affirms Reach

On its current website, VicRoads, Victoria AU renewed its teaching of the far hand method, which VicRoads first cited as a safety tip in 2012. Click image to view advisory.
The Road Safety Action Group Inner Melbourne, in the State of Victoria, Australia undertook a series of research projects as early as 2011 to study the occurrence, causes and actions to reduce doorings, with the issue having become a major concern for the cycling community in the absence of government recognition or action. It's initial study found that doorings were the most common cause of linner Melbournes bike crashes, amounting to 19.7% of all such incidents from 2010 t0 2011. RSAGIM produced, commissioned and/or published the following in what eventually became an NGO/governmental collaboration with Parliamentary support:
- “Bicycle Rider Collisions with Car Doors” by Road Safe Action Group Inner Melbourne (RSAGIM).
- "A multi-stage, multi-faceted approach to addressing ‘car dooring’ in inner Melbourne," Bolitho, J., Road Safety Action Group Inner Melbourne. Australasian College of Road Safety Conference – “A Safe System: The Road Safety Discussion” Adelaide, 2013.
- Reducing ‘car-dooring’: The role of stickers as visual reminders, Final Report, Concepts of Change with Ipsos Social Research August, 2013.
Related reports:
What infrastructure and legal changes are needed to prevent dooring deaths in Melbourne, Better by Bike, 2015?
9 August 2012:
VicRoads* issued warning on dooring; tip advises far hand method.
VicRoads inserted advertisements in newspapers to warn drivers and passengers of the doubling of fines for dooring offences.
The warning ad may be downloaded here.
The Bicycle Network website maintains coverage of the dooring issue, viz:
Bicycle Network - Melbourne, Victoria, & NSW: Anti-Dooring Posts , News, Initiatives
Doorings of riders is of serious concern as new riders flock to the streets and driver distraction worsens. Many serious injuries, and death, have resulted.
* Note: "VicRoads or the Roads Corporation of Victoria is a statutory corporation which is the road and traffic authority in the state of Victoria, Australia." - Melbourne is the capital and most populous city of Victoria. -- Wikipedia.
Which side of the road...?
SYDNEY AU: "Think of the Impact" Awareness Campaign - 2016

Stickers (below) & graphics using the slogan "Think of the Impact" were messaged to educate road users to avoid doorings. Car-Dooring Awareness Campaign in Sydney, by Gary Hunt, Bicycling, 13 July 2016.
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, USA - 2008, 2013 --
“Look Chicago” Anti-Dooring Campaign - which includes fad hand method in flier. See adjacent image.
June, 2008:
Someone Opened A door And Killed My Friend - general anti-dooring awareness campaign by Chicago Fixed Gear Forum in 2008.
Objects in mirror...could be saved - Lloyd Alter, Treehugger, June 2008.
LOOK Chicago with 'Reach' text added - 2013:
“Look Chicago” Anti-Dooring Campaign Starts Flyering on Saturday, Streets Blog Chicago, Feb 28, 2013

2013 "Look Chicago" anti dooring campaign flier, tells drivers to use right hand; warns of harms to bicyclists & legal consequences & liability for driver.
Section 11.58.050 OPENING AND CLOSING VEHICLE DOORS. No person shall enter, leave, or open the door of a motor vehicle on the side adjacent to moving traffic unless and until it is reasonably safe to do so, and can be done without interfering with the movement of other traffic, nor shall any person leave a door open on the side of a vehicle adjacent to moving traffic for a period of time longer than necessary to load or unload passengers.
New Haven campaign to re-train drivers taught "The Amsterdam method"!
In 2013, the New Haven's Transportation, Traffic & Parking Dept. promoted "the new Amsterdam technique" ie. 'reach across' -- and other advice to reduce cyclist doorings. "Doors Hurt" flyers were placed on parked car windshields in a downtown business district. The flyers were the centerpiece of the driver reeducation campaign. The T T & P Dept. picked up on the idea after Devil’s Gear Bike Shop & Elm City Cycling called for anti-dooring infrastructure improvements and posted cyclist suggestions which included the 'reach' on its website. But New Haven's campaign did not use a unique name to describe it. However a news story in the New Haven Independent refers to the maneuver as the Amsterdam or European method.

Driver reeducation flier, placed under windshield wiper of parked cars on Orange St, New Haven, CT in 2013, advises 'reach across door- opening technique.'
The City of Fort Collins, Colorado's FC Bikes in coordination with the local cycling non-profit Fort Collins Bikes developed and began promoting the "Opposite Hand Trick" aka far hand reach method in the mid 2010's.
It is part of FC Bikes/Bike Fort Collns' Bicycle Friendly Driver Program. The BFDP is now being adopted in scores of towns and cities around the the country.
Vancouver, Canada
In 2016 HUB Cycling (formerly the Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition) led an anti-dooring campaign which included the far hand method in its press information and in its PSA video. Flyers and stickers however did not feature the method.viz:
British Columbia, CBC News, Mar 18, 2016
Car door killers: Campaign tries to make a dent in cyclist doorings
March 19, 2016
Drivers asked to stop ‘dooring’ to help cyclists (article & video)
"In British Columbia, one in 14 crashes are due to dooring. In Vancouver, one in seven bike crashes are the result of dooring....HUB Cycling recommends drivers open their door with their right hand, forcing them to do an over the shoulder check."

New Zealand Transport Agency, Official Road Code on Opening Vehicle Doors [2015]
Greater Boston bicycle advocates, the Cities of Boston, Somerville & Cambridge, and a major teaching hospital in Boston, Massachusetts have all engaged in anti dooring awareness and Dutch Reach campaigns. Taxis are required to place bicycle alerting decals on passenger windows. Cambridge instructs the Reach method in its Cambridge Street Code and distributes side-mirror decals to residents. Somerviile's Police Dept. deployed mobile traffic signs to message anti dooring advisories.