Ghost Bike with Explanatory & Memorial Signs

Ghost bike sign in Los Angeles, Opinion: ‘Dooring’ shouldn’t worry only cyclists. Drivers need to prevent it too, LA Times, 23 Dec 2023.
Personal injury lawyers may both promote & utilize the Dutch Reach standard
Bicycle plaintiffs' lawyers & solicitors are already helping to make the Dutch Reach our cultural norm.
Lawyers and solicitors across the USA and the United Kingdom have begun posting information on the Dutch Reach on their websites to advance dooring awareness, prevention and best safety practices. Often such posts are of excellent quality, and very much worth sharing (See below).
As the community safety standard shifts to embody the Dutch far-hand dooring countermeasure, litigation on behalf of dooring victims will benefit. It will influence legal argument about the operative 'ordinary care' and 'ordinary practice' expected of drivers & passengers. The personal agency and failure to perform reasonable care by 'doorer' drivers and passengers can be made more evident, and defendant counter-claims of victim responsibility weakened.
Passengers, private & employed drivers, ride-sharing and hackney companies and fleet operators may be held to a higher standard. Failure to train employees in the Dutch Reach method and to restrict passengers from exiting heedlessly into a travel or bike lane, will be argued as increasingly negligent conduct subject to findings of liability. While investigating police, prosecutors, judges and juries are now often apparently biased against doored victims at present, arguments by the plaintiffs bar and increased public recognition and adoption of the Dutch Reach may improve odds for justice at court of law and in the public's mind.
Plaintiffs' expert forensic analyses in dooring cases are valuable. This Project welcomes receiving & sharing trial reports and forensic testimony as the Dutch Reach enters the courtroom. (A 2002 pre-Dutch Reach dooring forensic analysis is found here.)
Plaintiffs' lawyers and solicitors are invited to contribute news and reports of any use of the Dutch Reach in their litigation efforts. Also, please share news of the Reach with your colleagues. This Project also welcomes examples of your public interest postings describing doorings and the Dutch Reach. Contact us by email here.
Blog: Bike Law Illinois - Car Dooring Liability Case

Resolution of a Case That Highlights Car Door Danger, Bike Law Illinois Blog post by Chicago bike attorney Brendan H. Kevenides. 22 Dec 2015. Click to enlarge. Bike Law Network website (USA).
Bike Safety & Traffic Law in Maine

Lauri Boxer-Macomber Talks Right Hooks, Dooring, and Safe Passing with Fred Thomas of All Things Bike, February 15, 2019. Dooring & Dutch Reach segment starts at 7 min 40 sec. Click image to view.
Dutch Reach advisory, tort law & 'ordinary care' standard

Illinois Drivers Now Advised to Use the "Dutch Reach" to Prevent Doorings, Illinois Bicycle Accident Lawyers, Keating PC. (Scroll down to find 'Dooring' post), Aug 15, 2018. Click to enlarge.
Doorings & Rideshare Liability

From: The Rise of Rideshare “Dooring” Lawsuits, by: Curtis Weyant, The Legal Look, Consumer Safety, May 16, 2019. The Meneo Law Group.
Uber Launches Bicycle Friendly Driver Education & Alerts

Making it safer for people biking on and off the platform, by Kristin Smith, Head of Global Road Safety Policy, May 28, 2021. Also on Webwire here. Info on Bike Leagues's Bicycle Friendly Driver program here.
The Guardian - Doored. Whose fault? Cycling Blog

The Guardian’s Bike blogger Helen Pidd calls for the ‘Dutch reach’ to included in Great Britain’s driving test. 6 Feb 2018.
Lyft Teaches Dutch Reach...

Lyft rideshare users now get this 'push notification' via smartphone 10 minutes into trip. The message teaches & cues the Dutch Reach. See Lyft's Dutch Reach blog post and animation here. 24 Apr 2019. Click image to enlarge.
And Uber Does Too!
The Dutch Reach is a simple technique that can help keep people on bikes safer. Uber, May 15, 2019. Read more here.
#Garbageman doored by #passenger can sue #Uber #dutchreach @CalBike @sfbike #bikelaw #plaintiff #personalinjury #uber #rideshare #cycling #biking #doorzone #roadsafety #bikelawyer
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) March 29, 2022
CA Apellate Decision in Mason vs Uber Technologies Inc.

Dismissal reversed. Case can proceed. WILLIAM J. MASON v. UBER TECHNOLOGIES INC., A161000, A161966 (San Francisco City & County Super. Ct. No. CGC-18-563924). pdf
Dooring Liability Demo'd, UK
Watch as driver smashes into waiting car door while overtaking traffic #dooring #liability #travellane #doorzone #driver #passenger #crash #crashnotaccident #accident #damages #cycling #biking #drivers #delivery #dutchreach
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) May 7, 2023
The issue of "dooring" can be catastrophic for cyclists. The injuries that occur when someone opens their car door into the path of a cyclist can be quite severe. Find out how you can best avoid these situations. #cyclingcrashes #dooring
— Jim Dodson (@JimDodsonLaw) May 20, 2021
Someone Opened Their Car Door Into Me on My Bike (Dooring cyclist), Jim Dodson, May 20, 2021.
Automakers Can Stop Dooring, Now!

Car occupants cause doorings. Automakers can stop it! Köln: VOX TV, Frühsommer 2021.
Product Liability Exposure of Automakers?
'Dooring' alert & prevention options & features for autos are now on the market. View Tech Solutions here.
"Dutch Reach" Door Latch Lever

Redesigned door lever encourages Dutch 'far hand' method to prevent doorings. Details & discussion here.. 2018 Aston Martin Vantage sports car features ergonomic means to promote safe egress from vehicles. Lever design may set stage for product liability claims in dooring cases. Video demonstration @8m:12s here. News source: Lincolnshire Police, UK.
Ford's New Anti-Dooring Tech

Ford Motor Company of Europe announces dooring alert & prevention features, Cologne, Germany, Feb 2020. Exit Warning sounds an alarm and could prevent doors opening fully if it detects a potential collision.
Center for Motor Vehicle Safety Strategic Plan 2020-2029

February 14, 2020 deadline to comment on CDC NIOSH Center for Motor Vehicle Safety's draft Strategic Plan. Click here for files.
Can Dutch Reach Curb Victim Blaming?

Dutch Reach can shift accountability narrative: Cyclist sent flying after taxi door opens – but who is to blame? by Brooke Rolfe,
Yahoo News Australia, 20 Feb 2020.
Adverse Ruling in Taxi Dooring Case

Opening a Taxicab Door Is Not "Operating" the Taxicab -- Liability NYS: Coverage to Passenger Who Opened Door into Path of Bicyclist Denied, Click here to view Coverage Counsel post, July 10, 2010.
Bike Cam Video Evidence

Cyclist Video Evidence promotes using video & technology to track, map & analyze near miss incidents to improve police enforcement, deterence & collision prevention.
A Life Forever Altered by Heedless Dooring

Jury awards $2.4 million for doored, run over & seriously injured Philadelphia woman cyclist - StreetsBlogUSA, Jun 18, 2014. Liability was assigned to dooring driver, van driver & victim. See: Philly Mag, original complaint, & jury decision.
Ontario Law Firm Presses Anti-Dooring Bills

United States of America
Ohio & Greater Cleveland’s laws on Bicycle “DOORING” accidents ORC §4511.70(C) [scroll down]
German Insurers Accident Research GDV

Pkw Heck- und Seitenkollisionen mit Fußgängern und Radfahrern Unfallforschung - kompakt, - Unfallforschung der Verkehrssicher, GDV 2018. PDF download. Research study simulates car dooring scenarios. Results may assist forensic investigations & crash reconstruction, warning system development & cyclist risk avoidance education.
United Kingdom

The law for cyclists hit by vehicle doors, by Yolanda Law, solicitor, Bolt Burdon Kemp, for Cyclists' Defense Fund, UK.
NYS Traffic Code re: Safe Egress
In todays episode of law-abiding drivers who are totally ignorant of the law.
— Bike South Brooklyn! (@BikeSouthBklyn) April 10, 2023
Dooring Basic Overview

Bicyclists Hit By Car Door Accident Cases, by Atty. Lawrence J. Buckfire, Personal Injury, April 13, 2022, c/o See Comment here.
Law Firm Promotes Dutch Reach
@CHCH also wonderfully profiles the #dutchreach. A simple practice we can teach drivers to open their door w the hand furthest from it, thereby forcing them to check their blind spot before opening the door & hitting a cyclist [4/5].
— The Biking Lawyer (Dave Shellnutt) (@TheBikingLawyer) May 2, 2023