Missing Signs WE must find, create, share...
Ever seen a Speed Limit, Right on Red, Bump or Moose Crossing sign for motorists?
What about DANGER!: Right Hook, Left Cross, Dooring Zone, signage to protect us? Or to clue novice cyclists how to avoid these dangers?
And how about warnings about garbage trucks' blind zones or pick-up trucks' giant wing mirrors?
I haven't, but if you have, we need to share and get them out there.
If they don't exist, we need to make them. And then get them plastered on poles, backs and sides of trucks, on meters, bumper stickers and pavement.
No one bike organization or town government has the bandwidth to do all this work. But together we could build such a bike-sign library.
I've made a STARTER KIT to get us going. Instructions included.
View it on this web page on the top right.
If you know of others already doing this, do tell!
Michael Charney
Sign Bike Safety!
Dutch Reach Project
PS: Advocates - Draft program below. Adapt for local initiative.
Contact: dutch % reach % org [a/t} gmail.... (remove symbols, spaces, no dot between 'reach & org' & of course add .com).
How can we Sign these 10 hazards?
Bike-Vehicle collisions constitute about half of all bike crashes. Here's a good summary article with diagrams to challenge your design & messaging skills!
Starter Kit for DIY / DI Ourselves Bike Sign Making
Bike Safety Signage Callenge PDF v1 071018USE ARROWS ^ AT LOWER LEFT OF FRAME TO ADVANCE SLIDES. (Place pointer over lower corner)
Progam Ideas, Rationale, for Signage Project
Create & deploy new - & more - official road signage to protect Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs), & promote Road Sharing understanding & safe practices at Point of Risk.
Communications & outreach to generate awareness, seek designs.
Raise awareness of missing signage, & Why it's important.
Tie argument to crashes, survivors & victims, crash data, of hazards, needed safety pointers, cues; need to re-train all road users for road sharing.
Demonstrate Signage: Create, display, exhibit, distribute, deploy signage.
Press events/releases announcing initiative, policy goals.
Demonstration projects & events -
Design challenges, contests,
Donor/ grant-funded or in-house design development
Exhibit new works on-line or as events
Street deployment of new signage w/ or w/o gov't permission.
1) Organizations & Agencies - with interest in Bike/Road Sharing/Road Safety
eg: Bike Advocacy, Bike/Ped, Road/Traffic Safety or Gov't DOTs/ Depts Traffic & Parking, Trauma Prevention, General safety /& Child injury prevention, organizations. Trauma Centers, Brain damage /Disability Orgs, EMS, ER & Pediatric orgs.
Also: Sustainability, Livable cities, Urban planning organizations, Bike-Share, Ride-Share, Insurance & other stakeholder orgs & companies.
2) Individuals - Motivated amateur artists or graphics-trained, skilled people concerned about bike safety, child safety, etc. Also other volunteers with skills useful to this project.
3) Media to broadcast & amplify - For public recognition of problem & Sign Project, but also to use to educate public on road safety/road sharing issues, warnings & advice.
4) Public Officials, Staff: Elected or employed, State, Local, DOT, DPW, T&P, PD, City's Vision Zero/ Bike Committee, etc. to implement our call for new & more VRU signage, facilitated by Project's forthcoming signage, drafts & ideas.
5) Share effective designs widely, using social media, networking with allied organizations, to build collections and make all available via multiple websites.
v. 7/15/2018
Can You Design a Sign for These Hazards?

Here's a challenge: Create signs to warn or tip bicyclists on how to avoid one or more of these dangerous situations: Top 10 Ways How Not to Get Hit by a Car while Biking, Courtesy of Hoole & King Law Offices. Click here or image to view article.
Sign Bike #Safety!https://t.co/dCXJS8S2Qe#nscsafety #roadsafety @peopleforbikes @apbp @WABADC @bikewalkct @NJBikeWalk #trauma #pediatrics #helmets #bikehelmets #mothers #children #family #love #SafetyFirst #cycling #cyclists #bicycling #biking #bikesafe #bikelove #bikelife #TdF pic.twitter.com/gW6Ed76XGD
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) July 13, 2018
12 More Lessons...in Need of Signage

Click here or image to view 12 gif animated road-sharing safety lessons for cyclists & motorists.