Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ)

L'ouverture pivot pour éviter l'emportiérage à vélo, Vélo Québec et Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ), 2 Sept 2022.
SAAQ Will Teach 'Reach' for New Permit
After coroner's ruling on #dooring death Quebec to teach new drivers the #DutchReach #Quebec #Montreal #Toronto #BritishColumbia #NovaScotia #Ontario #BikeTO #Manitoba #NewBrunswick #Alberta #dot @UNRSC #roadsafety @VisionZeroCA @EuCyclistsFed #biking #car
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) September 3, 2022
Vélo Québec
L'emportiérage est la première cause de collision entre cyclistes et automobilistes dans les villes. Pour l'éviter, adoptez l'ouverture pivot qui consiste à ouvrir sa portière avec la main opposée.
En collaboration avec la @SAAQ.
Plus d'information 👉
— Vélo Québec (@VeloQuebec) September 1, 2022
Coroner tells SAAQ teach Dutch Reach, raise dooring fine
Coroner faults #Quebec's #DMV [#SAAQ] for failing to teach the #DutchReach #dooring #crash #cycliste #méthode #portière #France #Belgique #française #Paris #Lyon #Dijon #Marseille #Strasbourg #Bordeaux #Nice #Nantes #Geneva #Avignon #habitude #Montreal
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) June 29, 2022
See also Dutch Reach: Quebec coroner recommends technique to open your car door after cycling death, Montreal CTV News, 29 June 2022 (article & video).
Health Provider Preaches the 'Reach'

In an effort to prevent dooring injuries, Fraser Health urges drivers to use the “Dutch Reach.” - Jennifer Palma, Global News, B.C., Canada, Sept 13, 2021. Read Fraser Health's advisory here.
Fraser Health Video, Canada
Do the Dutch Reach! (article with instructions), Indo-Canadian Voice, 13 Sept 2021.
CAA Advises the Dutch Reach

Keep cyclists safe by doing the Dutch Reach, Lisa Boynton, May 07, .2018. Canadian Automobile Assn.
CAA Dutch Reach Graphic

WITHIN REACH - A simple manoeuvre can spare cyclists from serious injury. Here's how to do the Dutch Reach, Canadian Automobile Assn, CAA Magazine, Summer 2020. Click on image to enlarge. Also see here.
Dutch Reach - Alberta Edition

Travelling Safely on Alberta's Roads, Dutch Reach advisory included in Alberta Cycling Coalition's education pamphlet.
Drivers, Passengers: Dutch Reach!

Practicing the Dutch Reach forces you to check over your shoulder. CAA & Share the Road graphic, c/o TPS Traffic Services, CA.
Road Sharing & the Dutch Reach
Dutch Reach for Bike Safety

Use the Dutch Reach. CAA & Share the Road Infographic. CAA Magazine, April 02, 2020
Dooring Death in Vancouver BC

"...witnesses reported the victim had swerved to avoid a car door opened by a driver whose vehicle was parked in the curb lane." - Cyclist dead after collision with truck in North Vancouver,
Brent Richter / North Shore News, 27 Jan 2019.
Canadian Auto Assn So. Central Ontario
As the weather gets warmer, more people get on their bikes. Help keep them safe by doing the ‘Dutch Reach’ when exiting your vehicle. #DutchReach #BikeSafety @STRCycling
— CAA South Central ON (@CAASCO) April 23, 2020
Memorial Ride & Call for Safety
A sad, tragic incident where using the #DutchReach could have saved Mike McIntosh's life.
ALWAYS open your car door with your right hand, allowing you to check over your shoulder for people cycling. #VisionZero
.— HUB Cycling (@WeAreHub) February 1, 2020
Decal Spotted in Modo Ride Share - Vancouver

Dutch Reach decal sighted in Vancouver, BC, Canada; by Modo rideshare company. Click image to enlarge. First posted on Twitter here. Modo's Dutch Reach web post here. 27 Jan 2020. View more Dutch Reach reminders here.

Modo Ride Share's Dutch Reach window sticker as hi-resolution jpeg above; or as PDF here for download & printing.
Zoomer Podcast: Dutch Reach Bill for ON

Zoomer Radio Podcast: The Dutch Reach with MPP Marit Stiles, 5 Mar 2019. Click image to view & listen..
Canadian Automobile Assn & Share the Road Cycling Coalition Go Dutch! - Article, Video
Canadian Automobile Association announced a joint road safety campaign with Share the Road Ca to promote the Dutch Reach. See:: Why Is the Dutch Reach Important for All Road Users?, by Andrew Raven, CAA Magazine, 4 May 2018.

Montréal's Police now advise the far hand / reach across habit to avoid doorings. In 2014 Montréal cyclists launched "Une Porte Une Vie", an anti dooring campaign which advocated the 'reach' method. Click image or Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal - Dooring for webpage.
Vancouver: Plea for Driver Retraining

Vancouver drivers should practice Dutch Reach to keep cyclists safe in door zone,
By North Shore News, Vancouver Is Awesome, July 19, 2019.
Ontario to debate Dutch Reach Bill Apr 18, 2019

Queen’s Park Update: MPP looks to bring the Dutch Reach to Ontario, Share the Road Cycling Coalition, Mar 25, 2019.
Uber/Canada’s Pickup & Dropoff Safety Pilot

Safe pickups and dropoffs for Drivers & Riders, Helping to keep people on bikes safe on the road, Uber Canada Blog, May 13, 2019. From Uber's ‘Bike Lane Alerts’ pilot program for Toronto, in partnership with Share the Road Cycling Coalition, Canada.
CBC: Dutch Commonsense
Here’s Dutch Ambassador Henk van der Zwen demonstrating the ‘Dutch Reach’. @OttawaMorning @NLinCanada
— Hallie Cotnam (@HallieCBC) April 25, 2019
The Safest Way

Netherlands' Ambassador demonstrates the 'Dutch reach', In North America, it's called the "Dutch reach," but in the Netherlands, they don't even need a name for it — it's that common. "It's in our DNA ...." - Ottawa Morning, CBC, 25 April 2019. Article & gif .
Toronto Star Endorses Dutch Reach Bill

Protect cyclists from dooring with the ‘Dutch reach, by Star Editorial Board, May 1, 2019 .Toronto, Canada.
Dutch Reach Bill 89, Ontario, Canada

Bill 89 2019: An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act to ensure the Dutch reach method is included in driver education programs, Ontario Legislative Assembly, [Accessed May 2, 2019] Link to bill & status.
Ontario Teach Reach Bill: Method Defined

Definition of Dutch Reach method in Bill 89, Teach Reach Act, 2019, Ontario Legislative Assembly. Link to Bill 89.
Toronto Cyclists vs Dooring: 2005 to Present...
Call for Stronger Dooring Penalties, B.C.
— Ash Kelly (@AshDKelly) January 24, 2020
October 14, 2016

CTV Toronto: Single step can prevent dooring. Click screen or here to view.
Toronto, ON, Ca: BlogTO
Emportiérage:- SPVM

Emportiérage: La Poignee Hollandaise: pour éviter les accidents de portières. Service de police de la Ville de Montréal
Dooring Motion before TO Public Works Committee

Click image for motion PW25.13 to be heard 29 Nov. 2017.
Toronto Sun - Opinion
BRAUN: Cyclists and drivers need to step up their game
In Holland "people practise what’s called ‘the Dutch Reach’ when opening their car doors."
by Liz Braun Nov 19, 2017
TO City Councillor Gets It
@joemihevc does it! @DutchReach - open your car door with your right hand & do a shoulder check for cyclists. See:
Nova Scotia Legislator (& driving instructor!) pushes 'Dutch Reach'

Progressive Conservative MLA Pat Dunn is calling on the McNeil Liberals to pass a common-sense bill that would require drivers to practice the “Dutch Reach.” Dunn, himself a driving instructor for 12 years attested, ", I know the benefits of adding this to the curriculum...this is an easy safety measure that can be enacted." Click image for Nova Scotia Progressive Conservative Party announcement, 5 April 2018.
Nova Scotia: Bill 115 to Add Reach to Driver Handbook

A bill to amend the Nova Scotia Motor Vehicle Act to add far hand 'Dutch Reach' advisory for road safety of cyclists and other road users, submitted April 2018 by MLA Pat Dunn. View legislative progress & find bill's text here. Click image to enlarge. MLA Dunn announces Bill 115 submission.
Canadian MP Calls for Dutch Reach

In Parliament, Canadian MP Joel Lightbound urged public support for the Dutch Reach technique to protect cyclists from dooring death or injuries. Canadian Cycling, Magazine, 18 Nov 2016.
Dutch Reach Bill Introduced in Ontario Assembly
Marit Stiles MMP Introduces Private Members Bill on the “Dutch Reach”
April 18, 2019. Read more here.
Dooring Reduction Motion before Toronto Public Works Committee - 29 Nov 2017

Click image for motion PW25.13 - Referred to staff, 29 Nov. 2017.
Proposed Rivisions for Road Safety Act of British Columbia
Road Safety Law Reform Group in British Columbia submitted a detailed proposal to update B.C.'s Road Safety Act. Issued in 2016, the RSLRG proposal pre-dates the Dutch Reach campaign's promotion of the far hand dooring countermeasure. However B.C.'s Transportation mnistry and ICBC - the Royal Crown company which provides vehicular insurance - have both endorsed and are now promoting the Reach method. Hence it well may find itself included should the province revise its road safety regulations.
Will Toronto Finally Tackle Doorings?

Faiza Amin, CityNews TV, Nov. 25, 2017. Toronto, Canada. Click for video & article.
TO City Councillor Gets It
@joemihevc does it! @DutchReach - open your car door with your right hand & do a shoulder check for cyclists. See:
Blog TO - Toronto Progress

Click for in-depth video/article on Toronto's dooring crisis & 29 Nov 2017 Public Works Committee meeting.
Dooring Motion before TO Public Works Committee

Click image for motion PW25.13 to be heard 29 Nov. 2017.
Side Mirror View Alone Not Dependably Safe

Police officer who relied on wing-mirror as standard opening procedure doored cyclist. Officers apparently not trained to perform shoulder-check habit with direct sight back as with Dutch Reach. See: Toronto Star, 13 Nov 2018. See: SIU Director's Report.
Toronto Star Editorial, 2017

Protect cyclists from dooring: Editorial, Toronto Star, March 9, 2017.
CityNews - Toronto
Cyclists push for a motion to reduce 'dooring' collisions
by Faiza Amin Nov 25, 2017 - Article, video.
Comment dire "Dutch Reach" au Québec

C'est officiel: Au #Québec, le Dutch Reach est l'ouverturepivot ou l'ouverturehollandaise! - Office québécois de la langue française,.
CA bike on twitter
#Dooring #BikeTO #DutchReach #BikeSafety @STRCycling #FarHandReach @VisionZeroCA #visionzero #criticalmass @CanadianCycling @CyclingCanada @cdncyclist #TdF2020 @canbikecanada @CycleHamilton #roadsafety #driving #driversEd #bikes @WeAreHub #bikeyvr @CycleToronto @cycleonline @Canada_Bikes #Vélo @BikeMayorHfx @CyclingBC @bccycle #doorzone #bikemontreal #visionzeroCA @WeAreHub #bikeyvr @CycleToronto @Canada_Bikes #Vélo @BikeMayorHfx @CyclingBC @bccycle #doorzone #bikemontreal #visionzeroCA #bikenyc #bikelife #bikes #BicycleMayor @BYCS_org @cycleonline