Bicycling and road safety groups and organizations can readily incorporate Dutch Reach education and advocacy into their on-going bike & road safety mission. Reforming drivers' and passengers' faulty near-hand exiting habit is an essential part of dooring prevention. Below you will find examples of what some cycling, bike-walk and general road safety organizations are already doing.
CalBike's Dutch Reach Petition

California Bicycle Coalition launches Dutch Reach Petition in support of SB 945. More info & actions here.
National Safety Council Video
Bike League USA
Drive It Home - Far Hand Reach for Teens

‘Teach the Reach’ to Keep Bicyclists Safe, - Your teen driver can learn the far hand reach in four easy steps, .DriveitHOMEn , June 14, 2019. Video.
NSC - The Far Hand Reach

Protect Bicyclists with the Far Hand Reach..This simple technique will stop you and your passengers from opening your door in front of an oncoming vehicle, cyclist or pedestrian. This works for streets, sidewalks and parking lots. Naitonal Safety Council, Road Safey, June 2019. Video.
AU Bike & RAVC Campaign for Dutch Reach

Australia Bike & Road Safety Organizations Call for New Rules for Drivers Exiting Vehicles, Feb 2022. Read press release here (pdf)..
NSC Defensive Driving Courses, 10th Edition

National Safety Council includes 'Far Hand Reach' (aka Dutch Reach) in its Defensive Driving Courses, > 10th Edition, (Jan 2019). It will be taught by NSC instructors in classroom courses for courts, licensing authorities, auto insurers, US military etc. .Click image to enlarge. NSC video here..
Vélo Québec

L'ouverture pivot pour éviter l'emportiérage à vélo, Vélo Québec et Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ), 2 Sept 2022.
Ford & Gilllett Go Dutch Reach in Australia

Ford Australia & Amy Gillett Foundation to teach the Dutch Reach. Driving Skills for Life program teaches young drivers to share road with cyclists, by Robbie Wallis, GoAuto.com.AU, 18 Sept 2019.
AGFK Twist & Look Anti-Dooring Campaign

"Dooring"-Unfälle vermeiden - Verkehrssicherheitskampagne "Twist & Schaut" der AGFK Bayern. Campaign includes poster, flier, disc window sticker & press release. [nb. Twist & Shout was 1962 top hit in US, Schaut in German is Look] 24 Sept 2020.
American Automobile Association

AAA's Dutch Reach advisory as taught here. Click image to enlarge; here to order..
League of Michigan Bicyclists

The Dutch Reach, explained in the 2018 issue of Michigan Bicyclist, p 6. published by the League of Michigan Bicyclists.
Cycling UK Pitches 'Reach' to Driving Instructors
Yesterday we were at the ADINJC & Intelligent Instructors Conference speaking to driving schools & instructors about #DutchReach & #TooCloseForComfort. Many attendees are now looking to include our materials & films in their lessons!
View campaign info: https://t.co/LsevUrt43m pic.twitter.com/m475xYB0zH
— Cycling UK (@WeAreCyclingUK) October 7, 2019
Sharing the Road Safely | CAA
Canadian Automobile Assn: Calling All Neighbours, June 9, 2021.
CyclingUK, Uber, Team Teach Reach

WeAreCyclingUK & UberUK team up with videos, driving instructors, web & push notifications for major Dutch Reach Campaign, Includes DIY social media teachout: #TeachtheReach via Twitter, Facebook & email.
WeAreCyclingUK Dutch Reach Campaign Materials (2)

Montage of CyclingUK's Dutch Reach Campaign content including 15 FAQ's, slides for social media, (scroll to bottom), posts on car dooring & PDF guide for driving schools and road safety organisations, and the campaign's rationale within its broader prevention efforts.
CyclingUK Claims BikeBiz Advocacy Award

CyclingUK wins 11th BikeBiz Cycle Advocacy Award for its two digital campaigns: #TooCloseForComfort & The Dutch Reach, Sam Jones, Road.cc, 23 Sept 2019
CyclingUK & UberUK Warn About Dooring

Cycling UK and Uber announce new Dutch Reach csafety campaign, by Michael Murphy, TaxiPoint, 25 Jun 2019.
CyclingUK & Uber 'Reach' Video
Uber/Canada’s Pickup & Dropoff Safety Pilot

Safe pickups and dropoffs for Drivers & Riders, Helping to keep people on bikes safe on the road, Uber Canada Blog, May 13, 2019. From Uber's ‘Bike Lane Alerts’ pilot program for Toronto, in partnership with Share the Road Cycling Coalition, Canada.
Bike Smart - Road Safety Week 2018, UK

From: Brake Charity UK, 2018 Road Safety Week Bike Smart flier pdf.
Deutscher Verkehrssicherheitsrat (DVR)
Mit dem „holländischen Griff“ andere Verkehrsteilnehmer schützen: Wer auf der Beifahrerseite sitzt, macht die Tür mit der linken Hand auf, wer links sitzt, nutzt die rechte Hand. https://t.co/h8shhghajJ #sicherankommen #dooring #holländischergriff pic.twitter.com/TPbRCgaUV9
— DVR (@DVR_info) September 9, 2019

Click pix for story.
"Ride Illinois is working with Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) and ILSOS on expanding bicycling-related content for next year’s manual...
"Both CDOT and Ride Illinois suggested content on the “Dutch Reach,” in which drivers in parked cars use their right hand (and passengers their left) to open their doors, forcing them to look back to help reduce “dooring” crashes with bicycles and other vehicles."
-- Ride Illinois website, Sept 27, 2017
Alberta Cycling Coalition Cycling Safety Pamphlet

Travelling Safely on Alberta's Roads, Dutch Reach advisory included in Alberta Cycling Coalition's education pamphlet.
The Bicycle Network - Australia
Dooring causes serious injury and death for bike riders
Together we can focus attention on dooring and establish effective prevention
For drivers
Victoria’s road authority, VicRoads, advises drivers:
1. Get into the habit of always using your mirrors and doing a head check before opening your car door (one way to do this is to open the car door with your left hand)
2. Reach for the door handle with the left (inside) hand. This will twist your body slightly and make checking easier.
3. Open the door a little and look back up the road for bikes and other vehicles.
4. If clear get out of the vehicle and cross to the footpath at the rear of the car so you have a view of traffic approaching from behind.
5. Don’t be distracted by using your mobile phone.
The second recommendation above is also known as the Dutch Reach and its promotion has an advocacy movement of its own. You can read more about it at the Dutch Reach Project.
Passengers should also use the Dutch Reach, opening with their inside hand, to look before opening as well.
Cycling UK
Cycling UK is the UK's major bicycling advocacy organization and has for years campaigned for dooring prevention. It added the Dutch Reach to its road safety agenda in February of 2017. Seven months later, together with the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, Cycling UK has made adoption of the 'Reach' a national issue. Here are examples of their campaign:
Do you do the Dutch Reach?
New Highway Code review on right path for safer cycling
Bike Advocacy with TNCs
14 MA Bike Groups Petition TNCs

‘Fed up’ cyclists send letter to Uber, Lyft asking drivers to stop obstructing bike lanes, by Steve Annear, Boston Globe, March 1, 2019. Link to letter here.
Share The Road CC & Uber

Safe pickups and dropoffs for Drivers & Riders, Helping to keep people on bikes safe on the road, Uber Canada Blog, May 13, 2019. From Uber's ‘Bike Lane Alerts’ pilot program for Toronto, in partnership with Share the Road Cycling Coalition, Canada.
San Francisco Bicycle Coalition
San Francisco Bicycle Coalition's promotion of the far hand method pre-dates the Dutch Reach Project. Consulting to the San Francisco Metropolitan Transportation Authority, SFBC added the opposite hand opening technique into SFMTA's Large Urban Vehicle Driver Safety program and video in 2015. Likewise, as a consultant to Uber-SF, the maneuver again appears in Uber's training video Sharing the Road with Bicycles (2016). Now SFBC promotes it by the moniker 'Dutch Reach' here on its website.

Let's Go Dutch...Reach! SFBC. More here.
Tess's Beloved Community - San Francisco

Family and Friends of Cyclist Tess Rothstein Speak Out. SF Weekly, Ida Mojadad, March 19, 2019.
Tess Rothstein swerved to her death to avoid a car door flung in her path. San Francisco bike advocates, led by People Protected mobilized dramatic protests demanding rapid implementation of protected bikelanes on Howard St and other hazardous arteries. Tess's friends, family, co-workers and religious community published heart-felt letters to City & State officials listing and demanding comprehensive preventive actions - with the Dutch Reach included & described. Their letters to the Mayor, SF Board of Overseers, CA State Legislature & Governor are found here.
'Tess' Demands for CA Governor

List of demands sent to Governor of California by Tess's Beloved Community. One of three open letters expressing grief & each calling for comprehensive anti dooring & bike protective actions by city & state officials. Note: Lists of demands are specific to each recipient. Read letters here. Click to enlarge.
League of American Bicyclists - USA
The League of American Bicyclists, the national educational and advocacy organization for cyclists in the U.S. supports inclusion of the Dutch Reach in state driver's manuals, and encourages state bike groups to campaign for its use by the motoring public and promote it to local and state transportation departments:
LAB: Dooring & the Dutch Reach
Washington Area Bicyclists Association - DC

Do you know how to safely open a car door? by Doug Smith, Washington Area Bicyclist Association webpage on the Dutch Reach, February 1, 2017.
Canadian Automobile Assn & Share the Road Cycling Coalition - Ca
Drive It Home - Far Hand Reach for Teens

‘Teach the Reach’ to Keep Bicyclists Safe, - Your teen driver can learn the far hand reach in four easy steps, .DriveitHOMEn , June 14, 2019. Video.
New Jersey Bicycle & Pedestrian Resource Center
New Jersey Bicycle & Pedestrian Resource Center reviews & recommends the Dutch Far-Hand 'dooring' countermeasure in this review article on its website: Home » Blog » Bicycle and Pedestrian Policy »
"The Dutch Reach: A Doorway to Safer Streets"
Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents - UK`
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) - Britain's foremost road safety and accident prevention organization - recognized the Dutch Reach in early February 2017 with this best practice advisory:
Dutch Reach
What is the Dutch Reach?

The Dutch Reach is a practice for drivers and passengers where, rather than using your hand closest to the door to open it, you use your far hand1. This choice sets off a series of five linked actions: reach, swivel, look back, open slowly, and then exit facing traffic. This practice requires you to reach across your chest to open the door, forcing you to swivel your upper torso. This enables you to look in the rear-view mirror, out to the side, and then look over your shoulder to see any oncoming traffic. You can then look back through the window and begin to open the door, which allows a continuous view of oncoming traffic while preparing to exit, opening the door and stepping out2.
This practice can help to avoid collisions, often referred to as 'doorings' or being 'doored'. Dooring is defined as when a driver or passenger opens a vehicle door into the path of oncoming traffic, resulting in a collision or avoidance manoeuvres, such as swerving or braking, which may also result in injury or even death3.
The Dutch Reach method can also protect drivers and passengers themselves from being struck by an oncoming vehicle, as well as reducing the risk that their car door could be damaged or torn off by a passing vehicle.
Tips for drivers
- Check your rear-view mirror and side-view mirror before opening your car door with your far-side hand. The ‘Dutch Reach’ forces your body to turn, making it a habit to look for cyclists.
- Open your door slowly at first, do not fling it open3.
UK's Automobile Association - Dutch Reach for Safety

The Automobile Association (UK) Blog:“…trivial at first glance, this simple change in habit could help make the roads safer for cyclists as well as those climbing out of the car.” 15 Feb 2017. See post here.
An organization with 15 million subscribers, The Automobile Association of the UK provides motorists with vehicle insurance, breakdown service, driving lessons, road safety & travel advice.
New York Bicycle Coalition
New York Bicycle Coalition joined the Dutch Reach campaign in the summer of 2017 and made two significant contributions: Together with the City of Albany and NYS Governor's Traffic Safety Commission, they produced an excellent video for police training and driver education. Shortly after NYBC designed a candidate 'universal' graphic suitable for window decals and road signage to cue and teach the Dutch Reach..

New Zealand's Cycle Action Network promotes Dutch Reach. 1 NEWS now, NZ TV, 20 Jan. 2018.

New Zealand video & article reports on Dutch ReachN as Cycle Action Network raises call to kerb doorings. Stuff.co.NZ, Damian George, Jan 18, 2018.
Write a Letter to Editor
Letter: 'Dutch reach' needed to save cyclists from dooring, New Westminster Record, British Columbia, 14 Aug 2020.
Re: Increase in fines for ‘dooring’ cyclists
I doubt anybody will change their behaviour by increasing fines for dooring cyclists.
As far as changing infrastructure, I will have put my bicycle away and be using a scooter long before cycling infrastructure will protect me.
A better solution is to educate drivers to do the “Dutch reach,” which is a practise where you use your right hand to open the car door.
This means a driver has to automatically swivel their body and position in order to look past their side-view mirror and to the back of the vehicle to where a cyclist might be approaching.
Make this a part of driver education and a public relation campaign and we will all be riding happier.
Dale Darychuk, New Westminster
Additional examples coming soon!
Other examples of current Dutch Reach education and advocacy efforts by organizations may be found under News & New.
Fleet Training: Road Skills Online UK

5 Key Steps to the “Dutch Reach”, Road Skills Online, Oct 2020. RS consults to fleet operators in UK providing road safety guidance to professional operators & trainers.
https://roadskillsonline.com/blog/5-key-steps-to-the-dutch-reach #fleets #driver @Roadskillsbiz #fleetmanagement #roadsafety #parking #transport #License #OLicense #infrastructure #trucks #truckers #lorries #vans #rigs #boxtrucks #delivery #fleetservices #coach #CPD