Doorings’ Victims Not Just Cyclists

Dooring injuries, damages & fatalities can affect any road user.

Motorcyclists, moped drivers & their passengers, skateboarders, rollerbladers, hover board & Segway users, vans, lorries, buses, trucks, tractor trailers, street cars & other passing vehicles -- and heedless exiting drivers & passengers themselves -- are at risk in doorings.

Both doored and dooring vehicles -- the offending doors, or the collided car, truck, bus, street car, etc. -- may often sustain substantial damage.

Heedless Vehicle Egress Can Have a Large & Lasting Toll

Victims' lives may be ended or compromised for days, months, years or a lifetime.  

Perpetrators themselves are subject to life disruptions, whether the inconvenience of dealing with minor crash consequences, or significant legal and civil liability, license suspension or loss, possible job loss, guilty conscience, and attendant emotional distress of their own.

NY Officer Doors Auto

Driver Swerved to Avoid Dooring

This collision was caused by a taxi driver opening their door into the car's path; the said car then swerved into the van, Sussex Safer Roads Partnership, Twitter, Oct 28, 2022.

Passenger vs Bus

Door Wreck Case

Abrir la puerta del coche "a la holandesa",... evita accidentes !! View video via Twitter/Instagram here.  For analysis  of this collision and questions raised go here.

UK Door Removal 1/2

UK Door Removal 2/2

Motorcyclist doored, run over...

Rollerskater Dooring Demo

Dooring: Transit bus vs Flung Door

Video: Biker knocked under truck

Scooter / Moped Dooring

WATCH: Painful video of scooter rider wiped out after being 'car doored'. China CCTV The Star UK.

Scooter rider doored by passenger exiting into travel lane. CCTA, China. Article & video here.

Damage Averted in Parking Lot

Testimonial: Use of Dutch Reach in garage spared door damage. Twitter July 2022.

Failed to Use Far Hand, Officer Doors & Beats Motorcyclist

यहां घटना पर CarToq समाचार रिपोर्ट पढ़ें।
Read CarToq news report on incident here. Indore, India, 10 Nov 2020,

Motorcyclist Doored, Brazil

Scooter Dooring Death, Taiwan

Benz vs Bus, Berlin

motorcyclists can also be kiulled or injured by dorings as reported by UK Dept of Transport statistics.

"..from 2011 to 2015...figures obtained by Cycling that 34 motorcyclists were seriously injured and 280 slightly injured in that period in Great Britain." -The Dutch Reach by Motorcycleminds, 13 September 2017

Car v Car

Near hand fling can damage your door, day, and linsurance premium.

Doored Motorcyclist's Plea

The Sun persists in m isdescribingh DR

Motorcyclist who survived devastating dooring in 2016 calls for 'Dutch Reach', The Sun, UK, 21 Nov 2018. [Note: The Sun still mis-describes the Reach.] Click image for article, video of crash.

'Doorprize' awarded by passing truck

Kreis stade, de: Bold Action: Truck driver crashes at VW Golf and continues on. MOPO, Umland, Germany Deutchland

VW Golf driver opened door into path of truck Hamburg, Germany. Mar 6, 2018. Click image for article.



Motorcyclist Fatally Doored


Crash scene of fatal dooring of motorcyclist on Singapore street after passenger opened car door into cyclist's path.

Motorcyclist dies after crashing into car door.  Passenger opened door suddenly into travel lane at traffic light. The Strait Times, Singapore, 23 Feb 2017.


Drivers, Passengers, Self-Endanger: ไทย - Thai video

เปิดประตูรถแบบ Dutch Reach #คมชัดลึก --
WARNING - Graphic motorcycle dooring crashes displayed.

Scooter driver dead. Driver charged.

Dooring fatality / death results in legal liability, criminal negligence, insurance penalties, guilt & suffering for perpetrator driver or passenger in dooring accidents.

Driver charged with dooring after fatal crash - Scooter driver died after hitting car door, getting pinned under truck.
CBC News, Ottawa, 2016. Click image for article.

Washington D.C. Street Car Doored

Street car doored by auto in Washington, D.C. Feb. 21, 2017.

WMATA light rail street car doored by auto's passenger, H St. NE, Washington, D.C., USA, 21 Feb 2017. Credit: "Prince of Petworth", Popville Neighborhood Blog.

Motorcyclists also doored by drivers / passengers

Could Dutch Reach save motorcyclists?

"The Dutch Reach is a simple technique of opening a car door that could save motorcyclists filtering through traffic from being “doored”. Instead of using the hand closest to the door, the driver or passenger simply uses their far hand (left hand in right-hand-drive countries and vice versa in left-hand-drive countries) to open the door." - Mark Hinchliffe, Motorbike Writer, 18 Mar 2018. Click image for article. See also:  Doorings - not just bicyclists!

Car versus Car

Blog describes collision between door opened by parked driver & vehicle in travel lane.

The Dutch reach could save lives, - Tony, Age What Age, 14 Sept 2017.

What has Dutch Reach got to do with motorcyclists?

“Figures released by the Department for Transport [UK] between 2011 and 2015 there were 3108 people were injured, eight fatally, where ‘vehicle door opened or closed negligently’ was a contributing factor in incidents attended by the police. 2009 of the casualties were people cycling, with five resulting in fatalities.”

Although the majority of injuries were cyclists, the figures obtained by Cycling UK also show that 34 motorcyclists were seriously injured and 280 slightly injured in that period in Great Britain.
- Motorcycle Minds

Box Truck Driving in Bike Lane Doored by Parked Motorist

Driver doors Fedex truck traveling in bicycle lane.

Fedex Box Truck traveling in bike lane apparently doored by motorist opening driver door into bicycle lane. Location, date unknown - possibly Los Angeles, CA, USA. 

Dooring or damage due to high wind

“The most common form of vehicular wind damage occurs when the occupants attempt to open the doors during periods of high winds. If the door is not restrained properly the wind will catch the door, forcing it out of the occupant's hand. When this occurs, the hinge is pushed beyond its normal limit and the damage often requires repair or replacement.”

Vehicle Wind Damage to Vehicle Doors, Mountain Home Air Force Base Staff Report, Idaho.  NOTE: Step 3 of the 2015 Dutch driver instruction video:  Uitstappen uit de auto [Safe Exit of Vehicle], explains that the 'Reach' method keeps control of door in high wind. See English translation at Is the Dutch Reach really Dutch? Yes! 


Your Door (but My Life...)

Door Ding Danger

TV auto news reporter scratch paint finish of classic car by dooring gets canned, ie fired from job.

Dooring ding job loss, The Blaze, 23 Oct 2019.

Motorcyclist Wiped Out in Dooring

Experiments in Dooring: Junk Yard Demo

This is how to avoid from open-car door accident and the fault rate of that kind of car accident. As you open the car door, it suddenly crushed by another car from behind. Who do you think that is more guilty? who's fault is that? We will explain how we can avoid from the open car door accident through this video. 픽플러스 [PickPlus], Aug 2, 2019. [Subtitled in English].

Lufttransporterfahrer verursacht Autotürkollision

Am Abend kam es zu einem Unfall in der Kiefholzstraße in Alt-Treptow, als der Fahrer eines Kleintransport seine Tür, ohne auf den Verkehr zu achten, öffnete und einen Radfahrer vom Rad rammte. Der Radfahrer wurde verletzt und kam in ein Krankenhaus. Ein alarmierter Rettungshubschrauber wurde zum Glück nicht gebraucht. Die Beamten der Direktion 6 ermitteln zur Unfallursache.

Transporterfahrer reißt Tür auf und erfasst Radfahrer, Berliner Zeitung, Treptow-Köpenick Liveticker, 29. April 2020.

Dash Cam: Car v Car Dooring, UK

Video captured the moment a driver in Sunderland opens door without looking, only for a passing car to smash into it, Mirror, UK, Sept 1, 2021

Carelessly Opened Motor Vehicle Doors Are Dangerous

Dutch Reach Safer for All instructs use of far arm to open car door when exiting to avoid dooring crashes from heedless driver or passaenger exiting of vehicles.  Reach, look out and back, open slowly and exit facing traffic to avoid car door accidents & injuries.

Learn more about the Dutch Reach starting here!


Car vs Door

Inline Skater / Rollerblader Doored

This is a clip from a longer video here. 4 July 2020.