Memory aide to help swap out old habit for new! Reach across with your far hand to latch to initiate Dutch Reach anti- dooring method.

'Dutch Reach Saves Lives" small square format sticker by unknown activist graphic artist found on Face Book site: @DutchReachSavesLives
Practice! Practice! Practice!
Breaking that old and dangerous near hand push habit and swapping in the Dutch Reach won't be easy. To change over, do it over and over, and use reminders. It will take at least 30 days say police academy experts. Try to use it every day, every time you drive.
Do Practice Sessions: Practice far hand opening in a safe place - in a driveway or parking lot safely away from travel lanes and traffic. And prompt your kids and passengers to use it too - and to bug one another to use it~!
Set cues: A tactile or visual cue can remind you to do it! Link & say a cue phrase upon undoing seatbelt or turning off engine or setting brake to exit eg. "Dutch Reach!" "Reach-Turn-Look".
Attach a ribbon, note, pipe-cleaner, rubber bands, or a Dutch Reach sticker on or near the door latch or on the dash board.
Teach others: Being an ambassador for the Dutch Reach - engaging friends, family, colleagues about it - will reinforce your intention & practice.
Bake it into Habit: Safety experts strongly recommend making best safety practices into strong habits. Repeated practice gets the safe sequence of moves into 'muscle memory'.
Once baked in, you'll do it automatically -- even when tired, distracted or impatient - as we often are after hunting for parking space, late for an appointment, or in an emotional, impulsive or stressed out state of mind.
It can also spare you a crash, door damage, loss of license, penalty insurance rates, job loss, criminal prosecution, fines and civil liability lawsuits, sleepless nights and a mountain of sorrow and guilt.
Make safety automatic

Habitual best practice is key for safe behavior. See: The Habit of Safety by Tim Page-Bottorff. Diagram source here.

Engineer Ed Nisley's simplest invention. Click image to enlarge.

Tie ribbon to door latch as cue to use far hand Dutch Reach way to open safely and avoid door crashes and injury.

A Safer Way - The Dutch Reach. Illustrative diagram. Credit: Boston Globe Staff; May 31, 2017, p. A1. Click on image to enlarge.

Berliner Kampagne zur Vermeidung von Türöffner-Unfällen - FahrradPortal, 12. Juni 2018. Klicken Hier klicken für Details.

Dutch Reach reminder sticker,, Transp. Services, Lexington, MA.
Bike Grip Sticker for Latch

Rider Reminder - TAC Towards Zero (video). Tactile ''nudge' reminder sticks to door latch to cue vigilance (& far hand method). Rubber grooves suggest bicycle grip. Victoria, Australia..

Dutch Reach stickers in French & English for Canadian MP Joël Lightbound's nation-wide bike & driver safety campaign to end car door crashes, driver injury on exiting, and fatal doorings of cycylists. Attach sticker to dashboard or near door latch. Sticker reminds drivers to use the Dutch Reach far hand sequence. Daily repetition will swap out the risky near hand, & replace it with the obviously safer far hand habit - the Dutch Reach.

The Dutch Reach - Even Sexier Than It Sounds Because It - Saves Lives; Keep Us All Safe. Sticker reminders. Posted by: Elizabeth Tieri on Instagram: #DutchReach.
Modo Rideshare Dutch Reach Decal

Dutch Reach decal sighted in Vancouver, BC, Canada by Modo rideshare company. 27 Jan 2020. Click image to enlarge. Posted on Twitter here.

Modo Ride Share's Dutch Reach window sticker as jpeg above; as PDF here.
Erinnerungsaufkleber - Reminder Sticker

„Holländischer Griff“ schützt Radfahrende. - Sicher & Gesund, Hamburg und Schleswig-Holstein, UK Nord .de
Rubber Bottle Gaskets as Tactile Cue

Rubber lid gasket looped on car door handle becomes Dutch Reach tactile prompt. Rubber bands work too!
Dutch Reach Latch Lever Adapter

Dutch Reach door latch adapter which when placed on car door lever requires use of the far hand to to open.. Credit: Shaofeng Wang, National Taipei University of Technology Taipei, Taiwan. iF World Design Guide's Young Talent Contest. Find more Dooring Tech Solutions here.
Lever Adapter Use

Demonstration of door latch lever adapter to require Dutch Reach maneuver. Credit:Shaofeng Wang, National Taipei University of Technology Taipei, Taiwan. iF Design Young Talent Contest.