Audio: Dutch Ambassador in CA Explains the Dutch Reach

The Dutch Ambassador to Canada in Ottawa explains the Dutch Reach. Audio interview starts at 12m 40s using player here. CBC Radio, 2019.
Musikalische Sicherheitserinnerung

Jinge zur Förderung des Holländischen Griffs, Ministerium für Verkehr Baden-Württemberg .de. [Scrollen Sie zum Ende der verknüpften Seite, um Audio zu erhalten]. Dutch Reach jingle by the Ministry of Transport, Baden-Württemberg. Scroll to bottom of linked page for audio.] May take long tune to load audio spot at bottom of article; also try this link.
Illinois Radio WILL - NPr

Illinois Promotes “Dutch Reach” To Avoid Bicycle-Auto Collisions, by Jim Meadows for Illinois Media News, NPR, WiLL, Jan 22, 2019. Use audio player in article here.
German PSA for "Dutch Handle"

Public Service Announcement on der holländischer Grif, Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg. Scroll down this linked page for Radiospot description & Play Bar arrow to hear PSA.
Zoomer Podcast: Dutch Reach Bill for ON

Zoomer Radio Podcast: The Dutch Reach with MPP Marit Stiles, 5 Mar 2019. Click image to view & listen..
"Hollännesche Grëff" op Lëtzebuergesch (in Luxembourgish!)
Léiert d'Hollännesche Grëff op #Lëtzebuergesch!ëtzebuerg #Luxembourgish #Luxembourg #EschsurAlzette,#Differdange,#Dudelange #Ettelbruck #dooring #Vëlo #Velo #Stroossesécherheet #Cyclissem #Auto #Dier #Autostür #Kollisioun #Verhënnerung #dutchreach
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) April 10, 2019
Go to article & scroll down for audio report in Luxembourgish.
Web page article, audio & transcript: Massachusetts Goes Dutch
Marco Werman reports on the Dutch Reach on BBC World Service & PRI's "The World"
Guest: Michael Charney, Dutch Reach Project
Website story & recording:
This easy maneuver, borrowed from the Dutch, could be life-saving for cyclists
Recorded in studio at WGBH, Boston on 9/27/2016; broadcast: 10/2/2016.
Chicago Talk Radio: John Williams, WGN
RADIO LANCASTER UK - Clyp - Lancaster Dynamo Cycle Campaign: UK: On Car dooring & Dutch Reach

Phil Kennedy, Berkshire Radio, BBC
BBC RADIO - Phil Kennedy Show, 11 September 2017
Dooring hazard back in the news - The Dutch Reach
Interviews with Adrian Lawson, Director, Cycling UK, & Michael Charney, Dutch Reach Project.
11 September 2017
Segment starts at 2 hr; 11 min; 30 sec.
Audio file only available until October 10, 2017.
Dutch Reach Interview hosted by Diane Jenks
Guest: Michael Charney of the Dutch Reach Project
Interview starts at 34:37 min/sec mark
The Outspoken Cyclist series is produced by WJCU - 88.7 FM: Cleveland' and is shared on the Public Radio Exchange, PRX.

Click on image for Dutch Reach Podcast webpage or Use PLAY BAR immediately below.
Bike Talk Expisode #16 - The Dutch Reach - Starts at 36 min.
Swedish Podcast Allegedly on The Dutch Reach...
Scroll down to audio player. Note: If you speak Swedish (!) might you kindly let us know at what time in this podcast the Dutch Reach is discussed. Also, might you send a summary or translation in English which we may share here? Thank you! Contact DRP here.

Click image for podcast website. Mini-Story on original 99 %s Dutch Reach by writer Kurt Kohlstedt starts at 8 min. 30 sec. Dutch Reach segment proper begins at 10 min. Move audio bar on webpage to chosen time. Click here for original September 2016 article by Kohlstedt.
Tjuvjakt - Swedish Podcast, 2018.
Tjuvjakt, "the dutch reach" och pub-kuriosa. Idag får Linnea, Adrian och Sara besök av Tjuvjakt, avhandlar Adrians skräck för öppna bildörrar och reder en gång för alla ut den riktiga anledningen till lime i ölflaska! [trans: Today, Linnea, Adrian and Sara visit Tjuvjakt, deal with Adrian's fear of open car doors and once and for all find out the real reason for lime in a beer bottle! Poaching, "the dutch reach"and pub curios.] 2018. Do you speak Swedish? Might you help us understand the Dutch Reach discussion & tell us at what time it begins in the podcast? Please then contact us via email here. Thanks!
Driving You Crazy Podcast - The Dutch Reach
Driving You Crazy E93 - What exactly is the Dutch reach?
Segment starts at 37 min 40 sec. to 48m 35s. Denver 7 News, Sept 26, 2018.
Drive Guys on "Dutch Reach Around"
The Motoring Podcast on The Dutch Reach
Motoring Podcast #133: Episode 133 : Living in a Box...'Dutch Reach' request...
Segment starts at ~24 min. News Show, United Kingdom, September 15, 2017.
RPK Paceline Podcast #37 - 13 October 2016

RPK Paceline Podcast #37 with Michael Hotten, discussing the Dutch Reach to prevent dooring injuries & deaths. 13 Oct 2016. Segment starts at 29:30. Click image for podcast player or LISTEN on THE PACELINE website..
UK: Motoring Podcast - The Dutch Reach

Episode #133 of The Motoring Podcast discusses the Dutch Reach beginning. @ 24 min 10 sec. Click here for site & audio player. 15 Sept 2017.