Mobile electronic traffic sign teaches the Dutch Reach. Somerville P.D., Somerville, MA, USA.
Preach the 'Reach' on the cheap!
Teach the reach with hand outs. Create messaging & reminder cards for organizing & outreach by designing new, or adapting others' graphics. This site has an ever-increasing gallery of images for such purposes. And please share your own Reach art with us all!
Business card messaging can be quite inexpensive and quick to obtain, shipped within days if online or done overnight at larger graphics shops. Cost can be at or under $10 per 500 in basic B&W without shipping charges, and often cheaper by the thousand. Two color cards somewhat more.
Xerox'd full size and self-cut paper fliers of course can be cheap as well, especially if you have access to a copying machine and paper cutter!
You can devise your own graphics and text using Power Point together with MicroSoft's Snipping Tool to take screenshots of your graphic. But the image ratio must be tailored to the proper business card template proportions. Snipping Tool saves images as PNG files, known as vector files. PNG's expand and contract proportionately without losing resolution. Copy your finished, proportioned screenshot file into the print company's online template according to their specifications.

El "Dutch Reach" - (1) Abrir la puerta del coche con tu mano derecha... (2)...te permitira ver si se acerca algun ciclista.
Translation from Spanish: The "Dutch Reach" - (1) Open the car door with your right hand ....(2) ...will allow you to see if a cyclist is approaching. Spanishversion of Boston Globe Dutch Reach diagram, 31 May 2017.
![Turkish: SAG ELINI-KULLAN, HAYAT KURTAR (1) Kapi koluna sag elinizle uzanin. (2) Yaklasan bisikletliyi goreceksiniz. English: Use Life Saving Right [far] Hand. (1) Reach with right hand on the door. (2) You will see the on-coming bike Turkish language version of Boston Globe Dutch Reach diagram, 31 May 2017. Illustrates far hand method to prevent dooring & exiting collisions by heedless drivers & passengers which may kill or injury passing bicyclists.](https://www.dutchreach.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/SAG-ELINI-KULLAN-DR.png)
Turkish: SAG ELINI-KULLAN, HAYAT KURTAR (1) Kapi koluna sag elinizle uzanin. (2)
Yaklasan bisikletliyi goreceksiniz. English translation: Use Life Saving Right [far] Hand. (1) Reach with right hand on the door. (2) You will see the on-coming bike. Compare to original Boston Globe text:
Turkish language version of Boston Globe Dutch Reach diagram, 31 May 2017.

Dutch Reach anti-dooring campaign sticker in French. Credit: Le bureau de le Depute Joel Lightbound, Canada.

What's the Dutch Reach? fllyer [png], Transp. Services, Lexington, MA. [as pdf here]..

Warren Buffet waves far hand. Will he demo the Dutch Reach for North Dakotans?

Look Behind Before Opening Door, road safety poster by Leonard Cusden, for the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (UK), 1950, Reused by Safer Essex Roads Partnership here.