Dutch Reach Videos in Other Languages


Online media organizations and governments across the globe are gradually posting original 'Dutch Reach' teaching videos, as well as recasting Outside Online Magazine's viral video with & without subtitles.

Here below you can find Dutch Reach videos in French, Dutch, German, Hungarian, Japanese, Korean, Italian, Malayalam, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, and Vietnamese.  Go here for English language videos for left & right side of road countries.

For Dutch Reach coverage in these & other foreign languages, go to:  Media >> Coverage  >> By Country or Language Coverage


French Canadian: MP Joël Lightbound fait la démonstration du «Dutch Reach»

Aol.On hosts video posted by Canadian Member of Parliament Joël Lightbound

Joël Lightbound fait la démonstration du «Dutch Reach»


Chinese - 科技创新:2018荷兰式开车门方式即将普及!

Technological innovation: 2018 Dutch-style door opening is about to become popular!

Video: https://v.qq.com/x/page/z06192vzr31.html


Dutch Language Videos from Belgium

Dooring in Leuven, Belgium. HNL report explains Dutch Reach with video in Dutch, HLN Neuws, 8 Nov 2019. Or click image.

Nederlandse truc voor België


Polizei Duisburg

Holländische Griff - Ein Griff rettet Radfahrer

Unfallkasse Berlin, Apr 2, 2019.

Deutsch - German: BR24 Kennt Ihr den "Dutch Reach"?


Do you know the "Dutch reach"? This is a simple trick to avoid accidents when opening the car door with pedestrians or cyclists.

Weitere Videos und andere holländische Griffmaterialien in deutscher Sprache finden Sie hier.

DVR & Polizei Rheinland-Pfalz

Phänomen „Dooring“: Unfallgefahr durch aufgerissene Autotüren, `12 Aug 2020.

Polizei Nordrhein-Westfalen, Kreis Paderborn .de

Baden-Württemberg Verkehrs-Sicherheits Kampagne

13 Sept 2019

Hamburg 1 - "Dooring" -Gefahr

Geöffnete Autotüren gefährden Radfahrer - Aktion gegen "Dooring"-Gefahr, mit Video.  Hamburg 1, 17 Sept 2019. Mit video. [Open car doors endanger cyclists - Action against "Dooring" danger]

Sei kein Fahrradfresser!

Sei kein Fahrradfresser! Sei ein Lebensretter. Der Holländische Griff rettet Leben. Unser Film zeigt, was Du als parkender Autofahrer tun musst, um keine Fahrradfahrer auf dem Gewissen zu haben. Bestelle jetzt auch unseren kostenlosen Aufkleber für Deine Fahrertür:
April 30, 2020. Mehr: MIR NULL!  Der Aufkleber [Don't be a bike eater!]

Antenne Niedersachsen - Lower Saxony

Radfahrer beim Aussteigen aus dem Auto nicht gesehen? Mit dem Holländischen Griff passiert euch das nicht mehr. 19 Sep 2019.

Gernot Hassknecht: Neue Folge zu Dooring-Unfällen

Der „holländische“ Griff für Beifahrer - DVR

Mit dem „holländischen Griff“ andere Verkehrsteilnehmer schützen: Wer auf der Beifahrerseite sitzt, macht die Tür mit der linken Hand auf, wer links sitzt, nutzt die rechte Hand. 9 Sep 2019.

Verkehrssicherheitszentrum Olpe - Sicherheitstipp Autotür öffnen

Verkehrssicherheitszentrum Olpe:  Unachtsam geöffnete Autotüren können schnell zu schweren Unfällen führen. Eine kleine Umgewöhnung kann Gefahrensituationen vermeiden.[trans: Traffic Safety Center Olpe, Inadvertently opened car doors can quickly lead to serious accidents. A little habituation can avoid dangerous situations.] July 2017

Der Holländische Griff GIF von Stadt Berlin de

Polizei Berlin FB

#GuterRad Dutch Reach

Schutz vor Türunfällen - SWR1

Dooring verhindern | RADFUNK

Dieser Trick verhindert Fahrradunfälle

https://www.br.de/nachrichten/meldungen/fahrrad-hollaendischer-griff-100.htmlBR Bayern1: Holländischer Griff (Nachrichtenartike)

Deutsch - German: "Einfacher Trick schützt Radfahrer", von DRadio Wissen

Radverkehr: "Einfacher Trick schützt Radfahrer", by DANIEL, on Okt 24, 2016, von DRadio Wissen

Deutsch: Hollandishen Griff: Mehr Sicherheit

German media company Mediathek & the German bicycling organization AFDC advise the Dutch Reach for greater road safety for cyclists, in an educational video on the 'hollandischen Griff' or Dutch Reach. Mehr Sicherheit mit dem hollandische Griff:  Radhahren im Strassenverkehr ist keine ungefahrliche Sache. Immer wieder gibt es gefahrliche Unfalle durch plotzlich geoffnete Autoturen. Der ADFC empfiehlt daher einen Trick, um das Risiko dafur zu senken.  Dooring or getting doored or hit by a car door can be prevented.

More safety with the Dutch Reach - Cycling in the road traffic is not without risk. Again and again there are dangerous accidents due to car doors opening. The ADFC therefore recommends a trick to reduce this risk.

View video


Guardia Civil 🇪🇸 Abrir 'a la holandesa'

Tenga en cuenta!

Más ejemplos de La tecnica holandesa - artículos y gráficos - aquí.

En Español el "Dutch Reach" también se llama 'La tecnica holandesa', 'El alcance holandés', 'Método Dutch Reach'...

Finnish - Suomalainen

Miltä hollantilainen ote näyttää.

Français | French

L’ouverture à la hollandaise - Pub TV AXA France

GRACQ - Belgique

Voir l'article du GRACQ affiché sur le site   Web: La poignée hollandaise au service de cyclistes, Belgique, 13 décembre 2019.

L'ouverture à la hollandaise

L'ouverture à la hollandaise (Dutch Reach) - Accès transports viables. Jul 4, 2019.

Vidéo et article en français - Oh! My Mag

Oh! My Mag French news media on Dutch Reach dooring preventionDutch Reach : comment ouvrir sa portière "à la hollandaise" pour sauver les cyclistes

Entre les voitures et les cyclistes, de nombreux accidents et incidents ont lieu chaque année. Pourtant, certains peuvent être évités avec un geste très simple.

Connaissez vous la "poignée hollandaise" ?


Hungarian Bike Cam Shows Dutch Reach Protected Cyclist

Hungarian cyclist's bike cam shows driver peeking out of partly opened car door at 21-25 seconds. An overtaking vehicle prevents cyclist from takng the lane just as he approaches a parked car.  Fearing a close pass or worse, cyclist was confined to the doorzone. Note white striped sleeve as driver's right hand reaches across his body for the door latch - a 'Dutch reach'. With the door slightly open, driver gains unobstructed view back by doing a full shoulder-check. Driver sees cyclist and delays opening door further until cyclist is safely passed.

Driver's Dutch Reach - Bike Cam @23 sec.

Bike cam still @ 23 sec.: Driver with far hand on propped door, head turned to look back. Click to enlarge.


Hungarian: Az ajtónyitás nem a "Dutch Reach" módszer alapján

Hungarian video on the Dutch Reach method to avoid dooring cyclists.  

Az ajtónyitás nem a "Dutch Reach" módszer alapján 

Posted by sagancmbp on YouTube, Oct 14, 2016
No captions nor translation is as yet available.  If you speak Hungarian and would like to help, please translate video's audio into English (and any other tongues you have mastered!) and send text to this project by email at: Contact.


Dutch Reach Rule in Hindi

देखे , कार का दरवाजा खोलने का यह तरीका हादसों से बचाएगा Dutch Reach rule in hindi By Sumant Singh, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India, Oct 31, 2019.

Far Hand Rule, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India

Madhya Pradesh Police, Indore, India - Let's Save Lives

Dooring & Dutch Reach road safety lesson by  Sumant Singh COP, Madhya Pradesh Police, Indore, India.  Also at Instagram, with caption: "Lets_savelives  Dooring is one of the main reason for road accidents especially in urban areas. This needs to be spread as much as we can because this might save someone's life. So share as much as you can AND LETS SAVE SOMEONE!!"

ऐसा खोले #कार_का_दरवाजा नही होंगे एक्सीडेंट.....

Open like this so a car door won't cause an accident - the Far hand Rule to prevent dooring. Indore, Madhya Pradesh Police, India.Nov 1, 2019.

Dutch Reach Video, Indore, India - Hindi

देखे ,ऐसे खोलेंगे कार का दरवाजा तो नही होंगे एक्सीडेंट । Dutch Reach in Hindi by Sumant Singh, Indore,
India. Oct 6, 2019.

INDIA MALAYALAM / KERALA | മലയാളം / കേരളം, ഇന്ത്യ: malayāḷaṁ / kēraḷaṁ, intya:


Anas Muhammed, Traffic

Educational Dutch Reach anti dooring video to avoid striking cyclists when opening car door, by Anas Muhammad of Tirur, Motor Vehicle Inspector.



Feb 6, 2017

Italien - Italian: Dutch Reach article linked to Outside Online video.



Negli Stati Uniti, dove il fenomeno è conosciuto come “dooring”, negli ultimi anni si sono registrati sempre più problemi in tal senso: a Chicago, tra il 2009 e il 2012, si sono verificati ben 577 casi, un’enormità.

Una possibile soluzione è stata recentemente suggerita da Michael Charney, un medico americano in pensione, che ha iniziato a sensibilizzare l’opinione pubblica su una pratica diffusa da decenni in Olanda, il paese delle bici per eccellenza: si chiama “The Dutch Reach” e rappresenta il modo più sicuro per aprire la portiera di una macchina."

ITALIA: Outside Online Video con Sottotitoli in Italiano / Subtitles in Italian

CorriereTV - Dalla Rete:

La portiera dell’auto? Aprila come gli olandesi (ed eviterai di colpire un ciclista)

La tecnica «The Dutch Reach» viene insegnata da decenni nelle scuole guida del Paese. Ecco come funziona - di Elmar Burchia /CorriereTv, 05 FEBBRAIO 2017

L’improvvisa apertura della portiera dell’auto, senza prima accertarsi, attraverso gli specchi retrovisori, se sopraggiungono altri veicoli, pedoni o ciclisti, può avere delle brutte conseguenze. Nelle scuole guida in Olanda - patria dei ciclisti - insegnano da anni una tecnica che oramai è nota come “The Dutch Reach”. È semplice e intuitiva. Come funziona l’apertura della portiera “all’olandese”? Una volta parcheggiata l’auto sul lato della strada, prima di scendere, basta ricordarsi di aprire la portiera con la mano destra, quella che si trova all’opposto dalla maniglia. In questo modo, il movimento vi “obbliga” a girarvi e guardare prima nello specchietto e poi dietro di voi, anche se in quel momento siete distratti (YouTube/Outside Magazine)


オランダで考案されたドアの開け方「Dutch Reach」とは? - JAPANESE

オランダで考案されたドアの開け方「Dutch Reach」とは?

「Dutch Reach(ダッチ リーチ)」というドアの開け方を提唱することで、
この「Dutch Reach」についての説明は↓動画の42秒頃から始まります。

KOREAN / 韓国語 / Kankoku-go

Kia - South Korea

[안전사회 캠페인] 더치리치, 함께 해요! by SamsungfireTalk

"Dutch Richie:  I'm with you! " -  You Tube
Safety Social Campaign by SamsungfireTalk
Click here for associated full article.

두 유 노 더치리치? Dutch reach!! by 부산일보T / Busanilbo

Dutch Reach Traffic Accident Video [Lecture]

아파트 단지를 서행중 오른쪽에 서 있던 (완전주차) 차가 갑자기 문을 열어 사고났는데 80 : 20 이래요 (개문사고, 더치리치, dutch reach, 블랙박스, 블박영상, 교통사고 영상, Mar 15, 2019. If you speak Korean and could help us understand the method of this very formal video with references to specific texts & sentences [perhaps highway code?] please contact the Dutch Reach Project by email. Thank you!

Experiments in Dooring: Junk Yard Demo

This is how to avoid from open-car door accident and the fault rate of that kind of car accident. As you open the car door, it suddenly crushed by another car from behind. Who do you think that is more guilty? who's fault is that? We will explain how we can avoid from the open car door accident through this video. 픽플러스 [PickPlus], Aug 2, 2019. [With subtitles in English]


Netherlands Driver Education Video on Safe Exiting of Vehicle

This example of a driver education video from Holland demonstrates standard procedure to safely exit one's vehicle - and does so in considerable detail.   Dutch traffic code requires drivers to perform the far hand manoeuvre or a comparably cautious action when exiting.  Not to do so when taking one's driver licensing road test can result in being failed.

Volunteer Help with Translation Was Needed...
Now a volunteer from somewhere on the planet has stepped up and done the work!  This is truly a grassroots campaign.

Below is the translated text, 

Exiting a car

When exiting a car it’s important to prevent dangerous and hindering situations for yourself and other road users. In this tutorial, you will learn how to exit your car safely. At the end of your driver’s exam you might be asked to exit the car and wait inside the driver’s center to find out whether you passed. This is done to observe how you exit the car and whether you’ll adhere to safety guidelines.

Pay attention, because you could fail your driver’s exam if you don’t!

We will now show you step-by-step how to exit a car safely.

Exiting the car
Step 1
Remove the key from ignition and fold it up, if possible.

Step 2
Look in front of the car, in the inside mirror, the left outside mirror and over your left shoulder!

Step 3
If there’s no oncoming traffic, firmly grab the door handle with your left hand to prevent losing your grip on the door by the wind when opening it.

Step 4
Wait until there is no traffic before you press the button to fold in the outside mirrors.

Step 5
Unlock the door with your right hand!

Step 6
After closing the door, you head into the direction of oncoming traffic to walk to the sidewalk.

Step 7
Once you’ve safely reached the sidewalk, you can lock the car doors with one press on the key(fob).


Translation most kindly provided by Femke Zeilstra  (11 February, 2017).

Veilig In- en uitstappen | Safe boarding and alighting

Riljes-hulp.NL Dutch driving school produced this second, shorter lesson for both safe entry & safe egress, Oct 16, 2018.  Exiting instruction starts at 38 sec.[If you speak Dutch and would like to help by providing a translation into English &/or other languages, please do! & kindly email to DRP using Contact. Thank you!]


Polish: Article & Video: Na czym polega metoda the Dutch Reach?

Kierowcy i rowerzyści. Na czym polega metoda the Dutch Reach?

Data publikacji: 2017-04-04 Autor: (ip) TVN24/x-new

"Metoda the Dutch Reach polega na otwieraniu drzwi samochodu ręką bardziej oddaloną od drzwi,..."



Língua Portuguesa - Portugeuse

Holandeses saem do carro de uma maneira que preserva a vida do ciclista


Pegada holandesa
Esse gesto simples força o passageiro ou motorista a girar o corpo e o olhar em direção à mão da via – o que permite que ele veja, pelo retrovisor e diretamente, se há um ciclista vindo ou não. Assim, é possível antecipar o acidente e evitá-lo...."

gif: Shows cyclist in door zone colliding with flung door.

gif: Shows cyclist in door zone colliding with flung door.



EL PERIODICO DEPORTES of Barcelona touts 'Dutch Reach.' - Animation contrasts near versus far methods:

El Periodico Deporte describes & illustrates the Dutch Reach to prevent dooring crashes, injury or death of cyclists, using GIF animation contrasting the use of the near versus the far hand to open the car door.

"Dutch Reach": la forma de abrir la puerta del coche que puede evitar la caída de un ciclista
El método, con la mano contraria a la puerta, fuerza a mirar atrás para comprobar si viene alguien, evitando el punto muerto del retrovisor. - El Periodico Deporte: 19 June 2017, by ASIER JIMÉNEZ LARZÁBAL / Barcelona, Spain. CLICK IMAGE TO ENLARGE; CLICK HERE TO VIEW ARTICLE, ANIMATION & VIDEO.


THAI / ไทย / Thịy

ไทย - Thai | เปิดประตูรถแบบ Dutch Reach คมชัดลึก

เปิดประตูรถแบบ Dutch Reach #คมชัดลึก --
WARNING - Graphic motorcycle dooring crashes displayed.
Open Door [with] Dutch Reach - Deep contrast. Produced by: Bangkok Auto Sales Team. (April 2018)

Tips and Tricks! Just open the car door, who would think that can kill people? # Deep contrast, "open the door" car is only open up the car. But the accident of just "open the door" can happen at any time. If you do not care carefully. Or negligence in just seconds. We can kill our friends as well. And cause a loss, do not expect. It may also happen to you at any time.

The "Bangkok Auto Sales Team" introduces the "The Dutch Reach" door-opening technique, whether it be a driver or a rear-end passenger. This technique can be used. How to open


TURKISH - Açan Hollandali (Opening Dutch)

A "public service spot" on the Dutch Reach in Turkish with both Turkish & English subtitles by good Samaritan Bekir Solo posted on YouTube July 30, 2017 .

He translates 'Dutch Reach' as Açan Hollandali (Opening Dutch), a pun on Uçan Hollandali, which is Turkish for Flying Dutchman!  Perhaps a standard Turkish translations might be Hollandalı Yol meaning 'the Dutch Way'Hollandalı Açma (Dutch Opening), or Hollandaca Ulasmak (Dutch the Reach).  It includes .




Hướng dẫn mở cửa ô tô đúng cách, tránh nhiều tai nạn đáng tiếc

Guide to open the car door properly, avoid many unfortunate accidents.

Xe ô tô, 25/6/17.

Go to full report with videos in Vietnamese.  Use search engine translation function (eg. Google, Bing) for rough translation.

Video Américain suivi par une Transcription Française



The Simple Technique That Could Save Cyclists’ Lives - Outside Magazine 

La technique simple qui pourrait sauver les vies des cyclistes - Magazine Extérieur



Voix masculine:  Chaque fois que vous le souhaitez.

MVO:  Qu'est-ce que le "Dutch Reach"?

Femme:  Le "Dutch Reach"???

L'homme avec des lunettes: Le Hollandais Reach? Aucune idée!

Homme avec casquette:  Je n'en ai aucune idée.

Femme:  Aucune idée.

MVO:  Jamais entendu parler de Dutch Reach?

Femme:  Jamais entendu parler de ça. Non.

Homme en chemise bleue: Ca sonne sale!

MVO:  Pouvez-vous imaginer ce qu'il est

Chemise bleue:  Non.

Homme en chemise rose:  Je ne peux pas (rires)

Femme:  Est-ce NSFW? * Ou ... De quoi parlons-nous ici?

MVO:  Êtes-vous curieux d'apprendre ce qu'est le Dutch Reach?

Casquette:  Je ne pourrais pas être plus curieux de savoir ce qu'est le Dutch Reach.

Chemise rose:  Si c'est comme le «Get-up turc», assurez-vous!

MVO:  Et si je disais, je pourrais t'apprendre le Dutch Reach, et je pourrais le faire maintenant, dans le parking?

Coupe:  Je serais en panne. Faisons le.



Instructeur:  Donc, je sais que cela semble un peu idiot, mais le Reach néerlandais pourrait probablement sauver la vie de quelqu'un.

Lorsque nous nous dirigeons vers un parking, la plupart d'entre nous ne réfléchissent pas vraiment à la façon dont nous ouvrons la porte de notre voiture.

Nous mettons notre voiture dans le parc. Nous l'éteignons, et nous l'ouvrons généralement avec notre main gauche ... Nous ne nous regardons pas vraiment.

Mais ce que le Dutch Reach est, c'est ce mouvement où vous atteignez votre main droite au lieu de votre gauche ... ce qui va forcer votre corps ... votre haut du corps à se retourner et à chercher les cyclistes à venir.

À tout le moins, vous allez regarder dans votre rétroviseur.

Aux Pays-Bas, c'est à peu près la norme culturelle. Je veux dire qu'ils enseignent même dans la classe [éducation] de leur conducteur.

Donc, la prochaine fois que vous ouvrez la porte de votre voiture, faites comme le font les Néerlandais, les Hollandais atteignent!

* NSFW "Pas sûr pour le travail" - Contenu Web Taboo.

** "Coffre-fort pour le travail" / " Sûr pour le travail" :  Ne vous mettra pas en difficulté si vous êtes capturé.]

Produit par l'équipe de vidéographie interne de Outside Magazine Online avec le personnel interrogé.

Marie Sullivan, vidéographe; Wes Judd, l'éditeur de la forme physique comme instructeur néerlandais Reach.