Turn & Look, Do the Dutch Reach, Credit: Cycling UK, adapted for Right Side Driving.

Many vehicle doors exceed 1 meter/1 yard in width. SUVs, trucks, pickups & luxury vehicles pose greater risk. Current bike lane door zones & buffer zones are insufficient for cyclist safety. Chart source here.

Autofahrer und Radfahrer und das #dooring haben eine lange Geschichte. Die Postleitzahl zum Plakat ist Berlin W9. Source: @Polreporterin, Twitter, 2 Dec 2021. [Dooring has a long history, Berlin safety graphic, credit ?]

'Look Before Opening' road safety dooring prevention poster of The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents UK (RoSPA) by Roland Davies, 1960's.

Look Behind Before Opening Door, road safety poster by Leonard Cusden, for the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA UK), 1950, Reused by Safer Essex Roads Partnership here. [Note use of left (far) hand to aid shoulder-check! Was this recommended practice at the time? If so, it would be the first documented teaching of the far hand method.]

Holländischer-Griff Linker Haken - Den toten Winkel austricksen: Einfach mit rechts die Fahrertür öffnen, Die BG ETEM, 2020.

Der Holländische Griff, BG-ETEM.

Dutch Reach Technique, Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL).


Verkehrssicherheitskampagne "Vorsicht.Rücksicht.Umsicht" in Baden-Württemberg

'Dutch Reach' Sicherheitsaufkleber. Der "Holländische Griff" rettet Leben: Präventionsaktion von Polizei und Verein Buchholz fährt Rad,
Kreiszeitung Wochenblatt, 19. Sept 2020.

"Dooring"-Unfälle vermeiden - Verkehrssicherheitskampagne "Twist & Schaut" der ADFC & AGFK Bayern, 24 Sept 2020. [nb. Twist & Shout was a 1962 top hit in US, Lyrics: "Well, shake it up, baby, now / Twist and shout / Come on, come on, come, come on, baby, now / Come on and work it on out…"] Siehe auch hier.

Okay, not really. But here's a sampler:
Korea: https://youtu.be/sk3AFh04gaE
Germany: https://youtu.be/t_doOh_kBEs
United Kingdom: https://vimeo.com/275227774
USA: https://youtube.com/watch?v=TcFIg1uf1Cs&feature=youtu.be

Driver, cyclist & Dutch reach versus smart phone, Michael Moreu, cartoonist, Christchurch, NZ, 20 Jan 2018.

„Holländischer Griff“ schützt Radfahrende. - Sicher & Gesund, UK Nord .de

Before opening doors, turn & look for oncoming traffic, Bikeyface.com.
IAM Fleet Poster for Dutch Reach

L'ouverture pivot pour éviter l'emportiérage à vélo, Vélo Québec et Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ), 2 Sept 2022.