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Dooring Survivor's Letter to Editor

Betsy Kepes suffered dooring injuries; calls on drivers to practice Dutch Reach habit. Fellow citizens, local and state officials must hear our plea. Letter to Editor, North Country Now, Postdam, MYS, June 18, 2018 - link. Click to enlarge.
Actions City can take in wake of recent serious dooring
As you may know, a [Dooring News Report: 23 year old man from Brookline suffered multiple injuries in a hit & run dooring in Central Square Friday May 4 as reported in Cambridge Wicked Local here:
City Police: Cyclist injured after getting doored; driver flees ]
It is apparent more must be done to protect cyclists on major [Town/City] thoroughfares and retail districts. Besides infrastructure re-design, I/we believe more can be done to educate drivers & passengers about doorings and safe exiting procedures, ie the Dutch far hand method, which is now advised by [MassDOT, RoSPA, CAA, Berlin de, League of American Cyclists, SFMTA, etc.]
May I/we suggest several actions in this regard?
1) Immediate use of mobile electronic traffic signs (METS) to advise the Dutch reach. Messages could include: Safer to Open/Car Door/With Far Hand || Reach Twist/Look Back/If Safe Open; etc.
Photos of METS Dutch Reach signage and alternative text ideas:
2) Placement of anti-dooring Dutch Reach signage and/or stickers on traffic sign poles, meters, and at parking facilities.
NYBC Shadow figure: Driver Sees Cyclist:
NYBC Yellow caution sign:
Ride Illinois Reach Sticker:
3) Distribute fliers/posters re: dooring prevention to merchants for window display.
Burbank Police, CA: Dutch Reach Infographic:
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Teach the Reach (flier):
Boston Globe: Dutch Reach diagram:
4) [Require, Provide, Revise] vehicle window decals or clings for residential, commercial and for-hire taxi, ride share, livery vehicles to to instruct the Dutch Reach with shoulder check before opening.
NYBC Decal:
5) Institute city-wide re-training of municipal & private fleet drivers using available social media videos which teach the Dutch Reach and other road sharing content.
RoSPA: How to Do the "Dutch Reach"
MassDOT: Scan the Streets for Wheels & Feet
SFMTA: Large Urban Vehicle Driving Safety
For many additional graphics and media to choose from explore under Advocacy Toolkit, and Videos at:
Thank you for your consideration of these suggestions.
Yours truly,