Here are suggestions for municipal officials or local activists when seeking to promote the Dutch Reach method. Also, a detailed list of individual & local actions is found at Home > Help??: A Call to Far Arms
Teach the Reach in Bike Maps

Map includes Dutch Reach advisory for motorists New City Bike Map Includes Upcoming Greenways, Safety Tips for Motorists, by John Greenfield, June 7, 2019. See Chicago's 2019 Bike Map as pdf here.
When exiting your vehicle, remember to reach across. You could save a life.
1⃣ Reach with your far hand
2⃣ Turn & look for cyclists or other vehicles
3⃣ Open slowly - dooring can be deadly#VisionZero #Biketober— NYC DOT (@NYC_DOT) October 24, 2019
Click image to enlarge.
City of London, UK: Cabs to Reach 'Dutch'

Road Danger Reduction and Active Travel Plan, 2018-2023, [pdf] City of London Corporation, UK, includes Dutch Reach training for hackney carriage drivers & passengers (p. 47) to help achieve London Vision Zero. City will also work with major ride-share companies Addison Lee, Green Tomato & Uber to teach the 'reach'. Related coverage of Plan here.
NYC DOT 'Twist' Campaign - Press Release

NYC Partners With Rock Legend Chubby Checker on Traffic Safety PSA, NYC DOT Press Release, April 10, 2023.
New York City DOT Twist PSA
It’s easy to keep #BikeNYC safe! Do the New York Twist: before exiting a vehicle, twist your opposite arm to open the door, then turn your head behind you to watch for oncoming bikers. You twist one way to put on your seat belt, now twist another to save lives. #VisionZero
— NYC DOT (@NYC_DOT) April 10, 2023
Cities in Germany have embraced the 'Reach' aka der Hollandische Griff (Dutch Handle)
„Dreh‘ Dich um!“ - Frankfurt .de

Präventionskampagne „Parken, umdrehen, Leben retten!“: City of Frankfurt am Main municpal bus with dooring prevention campaign poster promotes the Dutch Reach to "Turn Around".
Stadt Berlin de
Aus aktuellem Anlass: Bitte beim Aussteigen aus dem Auto an den Schulterblick denken. Der Holländische Griff ist die beste Erinnerung und kann Leben retten.#sicherer #dutchreach #ruecksichtmitrueckblick
— Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt, Verkehr & Klimaschutz (@SenUVKBerlin) April 24, 2018
Dutch Reach Campaign by German Police

"Um das Risiko eines Dooring-Unfalls zu minimieren, sollten Auto- und Beifahrer beim Aussteigen den so genannten "Holländischen Griff" anwenden." -
Polizei Nordrhein Westfalen, Münster .de. 01 Sept 2022.
Police across Germany now regularly cite the 'Dutch grip' [Holländischen Griff ] in press notices following dooring incidents. See example here.
"Hamburg Pays Attention"
Weitere goldene Regeln für ein besseres Miteinander im Straßenverkehr 🚲 🚗 hier: #hamburg #Sicherheit #radperle #hamburggibtacht #dooring @Senat_Hamburg @AndyGrote @ADAC @ADFC_Hamburg @fvs_fhh
— BWVI (@HH_BWVI) September 18, 2019
Stadt Berlin de

Berlin startet Kampagne zum holländischen Griff, kündigt.- 16. März 2018
Holländische Griff Street Art, Radiospot & Video - Stuttgart

Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Transport uses street event to teach der holländische Griff. Part of new road safety campaign to reduce traffic"accidents" when motor vehicles are stopped or illegally parked. Ministry's Dutch reach website, video & radio spot here.
Stuttgart Police, Baden-Württemberg de

Miteinander läufts besser! Be better with each other! Polizei, Baden-Württemberg de. #ept 2019

Cambridge Street Code teaches the Dutch Reach. Click her for pdf; see page 9.
Cambridge, MA, USA
Cambridge, Massachusetts may be the first U.S. city to officially advise all its drivers to use the far-hand reach method when exiting motor vehicles.
In December 2016 the city issued a guide to promote safe road sharing, addressing drivers, pedestrians, cyclists and transit users. "Street Code - Rules and Etiquette for Getting There Together," is part of Vision Zero Cambridge. Two pages of text and diagrams are devoted to dooring prevention for drivers and cyclists, and includes the formerly anonymous Dutch technique. (pp. 8 & 9). The guide is the product of a collaboration among four city departments - Police, Traffic & Parking, Community Development, and Public Works.
Have you heard of the Dutch Reach? @MassRMV adds new bicycle safety advice to driver’s manual - #VisionZero #CambMA
— City of Cambridge (@CambMA) July 17, 2017
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Toronto City Council is now pressing for municipal actions to reduce doorings - after more than a decade of cyclist outrage and many riders heedlessly killed or injured. Recommendations include teaching the Dutch Reach - see text of the motion at right. View media coverage here.

Click to view in-depth video on Toronto's dooring crisis & Nov. 29, 2017 Public Works Committee meeting.
Toronto Board of Health Dooring Reduction Motion

Click image for motion PW25.13 - Referred to staff, 29 Nov. 2017.
NYC DOT Reach Across to Prevent Dooring
Getting “doored” is a leading cause of #bikenyc injury.
Whether you are a driver or passenger, always look over your shoulder before opening the door. Reach across, using your opposite hand to open your door (i.e. drivers use right hand).
Always watch for cyclists. #VisionZero
— NYC DOT (@NYC_DOT) June 27, 2019
Washington D.C., USA

Washington D.C. "dcReach" graphic. Part of D.C.'s anti-dooring educational campaign in 2017.
The Dutch reach --> car door & cyclist safety. You're opening a door? Reach with the furthest arm. Your head will turn & look automatically
— Dublin Fire Brigade (@DubFireBrigade) September 11, 2017
Burbank, CA Police Dept. Teaches Reach after Dooring Fatality

Keeping Cyclists Safe with the Dutch Reach. To prevent dooring cyclists, City of Burbank Police Dept., CA, is promoting the Dutch Reach technique. with an original Infographic (view & download as pdf here). Dutch Reach Project has adapted BPD's design (above). Click image to enlarge.
Albany, New York State, USA

Albany Police Dept's Road Sharing video teaches the Dutch Reach. [@ 2"15"']