News Archive: Jan – Mar 2017

Anti dooring poster teaches the Dutch Reach with cartoon figure of a dooring crash.

Teach the Reach! Poster. Credit: Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston;.

No Tech Solution graphic with Dutch Reach Icon, ribboned door latch & hand signifies Dutch Reach habit.

Dutch Reach Logo, tied-ribbon reminder, & far hand reaching across to door latch graphically signal simple, "No Tech" safe anti dooring method.

Cover image for Dutch Reach anti- dooring Twitter Moments series PSA featuring James Dean beside a top viewed icon of a sedan with all four doors open.

"Doorings:  Lo Tech Solutions" cover for Twitter Moments PSA [click & scroll] which promotes the Dutch Reach as a 'No Tech" low tech method to prevent doorings of cyclists.

Graphic rendering of a dooring crash as cyclist strikes obstructing door. View is from front of a parked car. Text reads "Doors Hurt"; caption defines far hand method for safe exiting of car to avoid dooring cyclists.

"Doors Hurt" graphic adapted from anti-dooring flier by City of New Haven's Dept of TT&P in 2013.  Click image to enlarge. View flier here.


Ontario Province Refuses To Track Doorings or Consider Them Collisions

Cycling safety needs to be a higher priority for Ontario's Ministry of Transportation.
by Albert Koehl, Torontoist, Ontario, Ca

Photo by ~EvidencE~ via Torontoist Flickr Pool.

Canada: The Toronto Star - Editorial

Editorial headline & photo from the The Toronto Star, 3/9/17, which calls for Dutch Reach as a simple solution to doorings. Photo of upset doored woman with bruised arm.

Protect cyclists from dooring: Editorial, Toronto Star, March93, 2017.

The News Wheel -

Avoid Dooring Cyclists with Dutch Reach Technique

With spring in the air, more and more bicyclists are taking advantage of the warmer weather to log some miles on two wheels instead of four.... Even with the best intentions, often when drivers are in driver mode, they are not thinking about cyclists. This lack of thinking is dangerous because it can lead to accidents.  The Dutch Reach concept is trying to prevent drivers and passengers from unintentional harm to cyclists, other vehicles, and to themselves...  Read full article.

The NewsWheel recommends the Dutch Reach to its Car Dealershiup Audience


Fort Collins' innovative Bike Friendly Driver (BFD) program teaches the far hand method. They call it the "Opposite Hand Trick"!  But that's just one tip in their BFD course aimed at motorists.

Motorists are responsible for most all doorings and for half of all vehicle/bike collisions.  But bike safety advocates have lacked programs to cure driver error.  Now enter the Bike Friendly Driver program of Fort Collins, CO.

Fort Collins has posted its Bike Friendly Driver program, its course, and a toolkit to develop, adapt & market versions for one's own locale.  It was featured at the National Bike Summit 2017 and is now going nationwide!

Find Information & links for the BFD course & toolkit here.

Message on Bike Friendly Driver course slide: Tip:  HOW TO AVOID: Motorists - Use this Opposite Hand Trick.  (To avoid dooring cyclists when opening car door).

Motorists - Use this
Opposite Hand Trick.

T/RT to promote: @DutchReach & #dutchreach

Twitter homepage for @dutchreach

Tele-organize Dutch Reach outreach, education & advocacy via Twitter @dutchreach & #dutchreach.  You can help by RT-ing. More here.

PSA Series on Social Media

New Photo/Graphics Gallery for Anti Dooring

Dutch Reach Gallery: 70+ images
Montagew of anti dooring stickers, posters & decals surround line drawing of a woman with her far hand reached across to car door latch, initiating the Dutch far hand Reach for safer exiting of stopped vehicles. A center left caption reads: "Far hand to open / Far safer! /". Credit: Dutch Reach Project

Go to: Photo & Graphics Gallery or on drop-down Menu at Advocacy Toolkit > Graphics, Flyers, Stickers > Anti Dooring Gallery...

Outreach Card Template

"Business Card" for Dutch Reach Project website & email with two line summary of the Dutch Reach method. Last line telegraphs that the Project is an anti dooring campaign.. Small format line drawing of woman initiating far hand method appears to left of text.

Dutch Reach Project 'card-let' hand-out, suitable for 2" x 3.5" basic business card. PNG file format. Use Powerpoint or similar program to customize and create final using screen shot.

UNITED KINGDOM -- Trivial Fine for Fatal Dooring by Taxi Passenger


Scene of fatal dooring by van passenger July 2016 Leicester UK Sam Boulton teacher. Police investigators on site.

Cycle Toronto Dooring Report

More cyclists getting doored on city streets, advocacy group says

Dooring collisions up 58 per cent in 2016 compared to 2014
 -  by Andrea Janus, CBC News, Mar 08, 2017

See:  Cycle Toronto's Dooring Report


"荷式开门":一个小动作 可能挽救一条命

Composite graphic with graphics & chinese character headlines for linked article on Dutch Reach anti- dooring method for use in China.

Open the Door:
A little trick may save a life. Chinese media report on the viral Dutch method. Montage above created by DR Project to share Sohu coverage. on Twitter by @DutchReach. Click image to view.  Use browser to approximately translate. 2017-02-24 

Cycle Toronto" Dooring Locations in Downtown Toronto 2014-2016. Dooring locations denoted with a yellow dot. Blue lines indicate the presence of bicycle lanes. Hot spots in red.

Dooring Locations in Downtown Toronto 2014-2016. Dooring locations denoted with a yellow dot. Blue lines indicate the presence of bicycle lanes. Hot spots in red.. Click image to view article. Mar 09, 2017



Motorcyclist dies after crashing into car door which 'opened suddenly' at traffic light
by Chew Hui Min  -  23 February, 2017

[Note:  Doorings and dooring injuries and fatalities are not limited to bicyclists.  Exited vehicle occupants, motorcyclists, skateboarders etc. are also vulnerable.  Vehicle damage to doors, car, truck, bus, light rail etc. -- also results, which can entail substantial damage. - ed.]

Crash scene of fatal dooring of motorcyclist on Singapore street after passenger opened car door into cyclist's path.

Motorcyclist fatally doored after passenger opened door suddenly into travel lane. The Strait Times, Singapore, 23 Feb 2017.

Cycle TO Dooring Report Recommendations

For the province:

  • Change the MVAR to include dooring collisions to ensure more accurate reporting.

For the city:

  • Install protected bike lanes on streets without streetcar tracks, including Bloor Street and Yonge Street; improve Adelaide Street between York Street and Victoria Street.
  • In areas where streetcar tracks are prevalent, such as the west end of the urban core, consider replacing on-street parking with protected bike lanes.
  • Investigate the role taxis and ridesharing services play in dooring collisions; consider banning taxi and ridesharing pickup and drop off in hotspot locations like Yonge and Dundas.
  • Include dooring collision analysis in Road Safety Plan.
  • Launch education campaign to educate drivers to understand why people on bikes ride one metre from parked cars even when that means using the centre lane of traffic, and to open their car door with their right hand.

For drivers:

  • Use your right hand, what's known as the Dutch reach, when opening your car door. Always shoulder check before opening your door.

For cyclists:

  • Avoid riding in the door zone by riding at least one metre from parked vehicles.

Additional coverage:  ‘Dooring’ incidents ... on the riseDramatic increase in 'dooring'  March 8, 2017.

Det Hollandske Greb - KBH Magasinet / Danmark

Det Hollandske Greb -  har hollænderne igennem flere årtier — som led i køreskole-undervisningen — lært vordende bilister en alternativ måde at åbne sin bildør på.   Metoden involverer ganske enkelt, at føreren af bilen åbner sin dør med højre i stedet for venstre hånd. Denne ganske lille ændring betyder, at kroppen roteres over mod døren, og at bilisten derfor næsten uundvigeligt kommer til at kigge ud på vejbanen og i sit sidespejl øjeblikket før døren åbnes.  Og dét betyder, at bilisten mindes om at kigge efter passerende cyklister, inden døren åbnes. The Dutch Reach:“…for several decades, in the course of driving school classes, the Dutch have taught car drivers an alternative way of opening their car doors. x “The method simply involves the driver of the car opening his door with the right instead of the left hand. This tiny change means that the body is rotating towards the door and that the driver will therefore almost inevitably look out onto the roadway and in his side mirror just before the door opens. x And that means the driver is reminded to look for passing cyclists before opening the door.”

Klik på billedet for at forstørre. | Click image to enlarge. Danish radio magazine explains the Dutch way to avoid dooring crashes. It reports the hand swap has been taught for decades by NL driving instructors and used to pass the licensing exam. Det hollandske greb, Christian Vemb, Magasinet KBH, February 20, 2017.

"Approved by RoSPA" emblem to note the RoSPA endorsed the Dutch Reach in an advisory issued February 1, 2017 in UK.

Click image to view RoSPA's approval of Dutch Reach safety advisory.


Feb 1, 2017,
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), UK has endorsed the Dutch Reach Method as a recommended best traffic safety practice.  RoSPA published by web its expert finding of safety advantage.  It points out that the far hand reach method provides a continuous view of on-coming traffic whilst preparing to open and exit the motor vehicle.  It protects cyclists and exiting occupants from heedless and at times devastating harm, either by direct collision or due to dangerous swerves by bicyclists or vehicles to avoid flung open doors.
Screen shot of RoSPA's Road Safety webpage which explains & recommends the Dutch Reach Method for dooring prevention, protecting bicyclists & exiting drivers & passengers from collision.

Click image for RoSPA's page

The far hand method has been practiced in the Netherlands for about 50 years with little notice elsewhere.  Such recognition by one of the world's preeminent safety and accident prevention organizations raises this hither-to-fore nameless commonplace -- but official Dutch practice -- to new found respect and prominence.  It confers authority for its adoption well beyond the physical and linguistic borders which stalled its export, leaving it little known or neglected by the English speaking world and, as it now appears given recent globe media attention, by most every other nation as well.

Diagram shows birds eye cut-away view of a driver, such as in the UK, or a front passenger, using the far hand method to reach across one's chest to the car door latch.  The motion causes the upper torso to twist, allow head to turn almost directly back over the shoulder and out back to watch for dangerous on-coming traffic before opening car door wide & exiting.

The Dutch far hand reach method naturally causes drivers or passengers to swivel & gain a clear view of on-coming traffic before fully opening & exiting the vehicle.

UK - THE TELEGRAPH: Twitter all you like but Dutch Reach no laughing matter.

How opening your car door like the Dutch could save someone's life

by Hugh Morris for The Telegraph, UK
8 February 2017

AUSTRIA: Weiner Zeitung on Dutch Reach -

Weiner Zeitung - blog, 21 February 2017

Schutz for Dooring: Türe öffnen mit der anderen Hand
Protection for Dooring: Open the door with the other hand

Von Matthias G. Bernold




A sign that RoSPA-approved Dutch Reach merits 'culture war' status.

The tabloids' escalation - see below - is now raising these issues further, albeit by use of dis-information and mockery.  Their attack may be in support of British Transport Secretary Chris Grayling who since December 15th, 2017 has been faulted for failure to use the Dutch Reach.  Grayling had doored the cyclist in October 2016 but his offense was only exposed two months later when a video of the dooring surfaced, posted by The Guardian, a legitimate newspaper in UK.  

Graying failed to exchange identification and has thus far escaped prosecution, despite apparently violating traffic code on several counts. Due to this scandal, the Transport Secretary has inadvertently elevated dooring, traffic law & safety for cyclists, bike lanes, and the Dutch Reach method -- all to far greater public awareness and concern than would otherwise have been the case.   

The tabloid press seized on a curious attempt -- seemingly well-meant by the Cambridgeshire Constabulary, UK, but dodgy all the same -- to improve upon the Netherlands', RoSPA and the Dutch Reach Project's recognized method.  

It was (first?) reported in the UK Cambridge News, and included online a jaunty video purporting to demonstrate the Dutch Reach.  But in fact was a radical departure:  It instructs drivers to lean out their opened side window to look for on-coming traffic, and use the far hand to grab the outside door handle and latch to open.

Note:  The original hoax story & dodgy video which appeared 9 Feb. in Cambridge News UK was taken down on 17 Feb without explanation nor accompanying retraction.   The headline and link are deceptively unchanged.  The substituted article again carries Raymond Brown's byline but whether the called-out editors or Mr. Brown actually did the re-write is here unknown.  Camb New UK & Brown's featured dodgy video has been removed -- & replaced by Outside Online's The Dutch Reach - Safe For Work.

CAMBRIDGE NEWS, UK    -   Cambridge Newspapers, CNL Media Ltd 

City leaders and police urge drivers to deploy 'Dutch Reach' to improve safety for cyclists

'Dutch Reach' is a method of opening a car door which is less likely to injure a passing cyclist
by Raymond Brown, 9 Feb., 2017 -- Now revised & considerably altered as of 17 Feb., 2017.  See preceding note above.

The British tabloid press seized upon this report to "ridiculue" (sic) theCambridgeshire police - perhaps well justified, but also mislabeled it the Dutch Reach, neglecting to make clear or report at all that the method mocked is a far deviation from the Dutch Reach. runs counter to RoSPA's advisory.  




Man who coined ‘Dutch Reach’ term asks police to publicly distance themselves from misleading video

by Alex Bowden, February 14 2017

A copy of the letter to Chief Constable Alec Wood of Cambridgeshire Constabulary, UK as cc'd to ROAD.CC with cover letter may be viewed at the preceding hyperlink.

Daily Mail - UK. [Tabloid spoofs Dutch Reach]

Drivers told to exit car using odd dutch reach around technique

The method, dubbed the 'Dutch reach', involves motorists winding down the window and opening the door from the outside using their left hand.
Video. Feb 10, 2017

Screen shot of dodgy tabloid reporter's mock "dutch reach', reaching out window to open car door, to discredit NL method either for sensation or in defense of motorist bias against cyclists.

Screen shot from the dodgy video purporting to enact the Dutch Reach. The reporter who apparently orchestrated the hoax is seen performing a mock 'dutch reach' which first ran in a Cambridge UK paper, as allegedly endorsed by the Cambridge Constabulary. The Constabulary denied approving the account which was however later picked up by London tabloids who feasted on it.


– based on a dodgy video

by Alex Bowden February 11 2017

DAILY  -  The Daily Mail & General Trust, owners.

It’s just Double Dutch! Motorists ridiculue [sic] police proposal for drivers to adopt wweird 'Dutch Reach' technique for getting out of a car without hitting a cyclist

Method called Dutch Reach involves opening door with your 'opposite' hand

By Emily Chan For Mailonline
Published: 12:12 EST, 10 Feb 2017 | Updated: 12:31 EST, 10 Feb 2017



Police mocked for ‘absurd’ campaign involving a manoeuvre dubbed ‘Dutch reach’ aimed to make roads safer for cyclists

The method involves motorists winding down the window and opening the door from the outside using their left hand
by Ellie Cambridge, 10th February 2017, 11:28 pm

Photo: Bike shadow on wall and adjacent ground, shows hand bars, stem, front wheel & fork. Shadow of wheel bends at ground, forming heart shaped front wheel shadow. Unknown photographer, found on Google search of bike + heart

A new webpage under Media > Blog Post Sampler on Dutch Reach, is now added for Valentine's Day! [Thoughtful writing on deeper meanings of this simple act.]

Also another new page under Advocacy Toolkit > Working Papers > Strategy & Pushback is now up, featuring a debate with John S. Allen, 'bikexprt' from his Bicycle Blog.  [Recommended for wonks only.]



Here's Why You Should Never Open Your Car Door With Your Left Hand
Bicyclists everywhere will thank you.

by Maria Carter, JAN 31, 2017 (blog)

Diagram shows birds eye cut-away view of a driver, such as in the UK, or a front passenger, using the far hand method to reach across one's chest to the car door latch.  The motion causes the upper torso to twist, allow head to turn almost directly back over the shoulder and out back to watch for dangerous on-coming traffic before opening car door wide & exiting.

The Dutch far hand reach method naturally causes drivers or passengers to swivel & gain a clear view of on-coming traffic before fully opening & exiting the vehicle.

Pour arrêter d’emportiérer (blesser et tuer) les cyclistes


Pour arrêter d’emportiérer vous qu’il existe une méthode facile pour éviter de blesser ou tuer un cycliste par mégarde lorsqu’on ouvre la portière d’un véhicule en ville : la «poignée hollandaise» ?

Louis-Philippe Messier
MISE à JOUR Lundi, 10 octobre 2016 20:0


How the 'Dutch reach' could help drivers protect cyclists from 'dooring'
by Michael O'Reilly, Executive Style, Jan 20 2017


How to Avoid Dooring a Bicycle Rider
by RACV Australia


MAMAMIA: What Women Are Talking About  > Real Life > Lifestyle
Jan 17,  2017 -  Joanna Robin

This small adjustment to the way you open your car door could save a life.

 A Dutch driving trick that's saving cyclists.

London Cabbies' Favored Radio LBC-UK Favors 'Dutch Reach'

Radio station beloved by London cabbies posts 'Dutch Reach' cycle safety video
by Elliot Johnston January 15 2017 -


LBC UK: Leading Britain’s Conversation

The One Thing We Can ALL To Do Save Cyclists' Lives
Website video & talk radio segment - 13 January 2017

Transport Secretary Grayling's cameo concludes the video.
For more on this story see below, Transport Sec. Doors....

Readers Digest: Always Open Your Car Door with Your Right Hand

Here’s Why You Should Always Open Your Car Door with Your Right Hand

The "Dutch reach" could save lives—so why don't we teach it in America
by Brandon Spector


Winnipeg, Manitoba, Ca City Councillor Matt Allard submits motion for 'Dutch reach' body-twisting motion to keep cyclists safe from doorings.  Asks Public Insurance agency to popularize manoeuvre. CBC News, Jan 10, 2017.  

Mark Cahoe, executive director of Bike Winnepeg endorsed the measure as a doable and affordable complement to infrastructure improvements.


The 'Dutch Reach' explained

CBC News: Winnipeg at 6:00
January 10, 2017 01:09
The CBC's Brett Purdy explains the 'Dutch Reach'