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Dutch Reach Driving Guide by Kia
Korean auto manufacturer Kia Dutch Reach animation in English. June 2018.
UK Window Repair Co. Knows!

Car Dooring – What It Is & How To Avoid It, Wind Screen Co. June 2018. Dutch Reach for left hand side-of-road driving nations. Read full article here; click to enlarge.
Dooring verhindern, Abstand halten | RADFUNK
A Death Foreseen; Protected Lanes Thwarted

Cyclist Killed on Stony Island, where 5th Ward Alderman Hairston has blocked Chicago DOT's plan for protected lanes. The driver who doored cyclist Luster Jackson, age 58, was not cited. Streetsblog Chicago, by John Greenfield, July 31, 2018. Click here for article. Click image to enlarge.
Police de la Ville de Montréal

Montréal's Police now advise the far hand / reach across habit to avoid doorings. In 2014 Montréal cyclists launched "Une Porte Une Vie", an anti dooring campaign which advocated the 'reach' method. Click image or Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal - Dooring for webpage.
Dutch Reach Video: PSA by CAA SCO
Search Dutch Reach Campaign Video from Share the Road - Canada on Vimeo. 22 May 2018.
"Cross Check" is Australian for "Dutch Reach"!

Bang! Always Cross Check. From an anti-dooring brochure by National Road Safety Partnership Program, AU. Click image to enlarge. View brochure & poster here.
ประเทศไทย Thailand: WinNews on Dutch Reach

ปลอดภัยไว้ก่อน เทคนิคเปิดประตูรถ : รู้จัก The Dutch Reach คืออะไร ?Thai: How the Dutch Reach Could Save Lives. WinNews, 28 ส.ค. 2560 28 Aug 2017. Click image to enlarge | คลิกที่นี่เพื่อดูรูปใหญ่. Click here for story | คลิกที่นี่เพื่อดูเรื่องราว Here for video | ที่นี่สำหรับวิดีโอ Here for GIF | ที่นี่สำหรับ GIF
Entering Pop Culture: Sherlock Solves Lies, Saves Lives, with Dutch Reach

"Once You've Ruled Out God" - Elementary episode S06E02, May 9, 2018. Modern-day Sherlock Holmes (
Jon Michael Hill) cracks terror case with...The Dutch Reach. 9 May 2018 on CBS. Click image to view on OniTube. Climax triggers at 33:30 m/s. Clue revealed on YouTube clip here.
Dooring & 'Dutch Reach' Awareness in So Central Ontario

Spring 2018 survey of CAA members indicates need for public education on road sharing with cyclists, especially with regard to dooring and its prevention. Can Cyclists Use the Entire Lane on the Road? by Junisha Dama, Inhalton, June 17, 2018. - Link. Study reveals stark lack of awareness of dooring, its dangers, illegality & means of avoidance. Click image to enlarge. CAA SCO Press Release on Survey here.
Việt Nam - Vietnam

Dutch Reach Video: PSA by CAA SCO
High-Curvature Convex Side Mirror

Supplement wing mirrors with high curvature secondary mirrors. Photo: Keep cyclists safe by doing the Dutch Reach, Lisa Boynton, May 07, . 2018. Canadian Automobile Assn.
„Radfahrer stürzt über geöffnete Autotür und muss ins Krankenhaus."
Das kann vermieden werden! Ein #GuterRad für alle Autofahrer: Öffnen Sie die Fahrertür mit der rechten Hand anstelle der linken! #DutchReach
Übrigens: So ist auch ein Crash mit einem anderen Auto nicht möglich!— Polizei Brandenburg (@PolizeiBB) June 4, 2018
Doored & Teaching the Reach

Betsy Kepes suffered dooring injuries; calls on drivers to practice Dutch Reach habit. Fellow citizens, local and state officials must hear our plea. Letter to Editor, North Country Now, Postdam, MYS, June 18, 2018 - link. Click to enlarge.
FahrradPortal: Berliner Kampagne zur Reduzierung von Autotürkollisionen

Berliner Kampagne zur Vermeidung von Türöffner-Unfällen - FahrradPortal, 12. Juni 2018. Klicken Sie auf das Bild für den Artikel
Clue Revealed
Holmes deconstructs key clue in Elementary episode S06E02: The Dutch Reach.
HAWAII: Dutch Reach Resolution HR 24

State of Hawaii, USA: House Resolution H.R. 24 submitted calling for introduction of the Dutch Reach anti dooring method into state driver education curricula. Feb 15, 2018. Click here for HR 24 as pdf.
WIRED: PSA of the Week

WIRED magazine cites Dutch Reach; chides Rudolf Giuliani for dooring pedicab.
This Week in the Future of cars, by Marshall Aarian, May 18, 2018.
City of London, UK: Cabs to Reach 'Dutch'

Road Danger Reduction and Active Travel Plan, 2018-2023, [pdf] City of London Corporation, UK, includes Dutch Reach training for hackney carriage drivers & passengers (p. 47) to help achieve London Vision Zero. City will also work with major ride-share companies Addison Lee, Green Tomato & Uber to teach the 'reach'. Related coverage of Plan here.
Another Dooring by the Rich & Famous

"Safer to open car door with far hand". Dutch Reach Twitter PSA features Rudy Giuliani as poster child for the Reach method after Giuliani doored a pedicab driver in Manhattan, NYC, 17 May 2018. See: New York Daily News; UK Daily Mail; WIRED. In 2016 British Transport Secretary Chris Grayling doored a cyclist in Parliament Square, London and left the scene without calling police, emergency medical, nor exchanging identification with victim.
Another NYC Fatal Dooring : Aaron Padwee, 45 d. May 29, 2018

Police report of fatal dooring in Long Island City, Queens,, NYC. Click image to enlarge. Reports: NBCNY, Twitter, QNS, No charges for driver, StreetsblogNYC, Aaron Padwee Remembered, Daily News.
The Great State of Illinois Goes 'Reach'

State of Illinois Dept. of Transportation (IDOT) added the far hand 'Reach' method to the 2018 Illinois Rules of the Road. Ride Illinois & Chicago DOT advocated for Dutch Reach inclusion. Doorings are a major cause of cyclist injury in Chicago. Illinois is now the second US state to adopt the measure. Click here for IL Driver's Manual pdf. See p. 43.
Cycling UK: 'Sam Says' Anti Dooring Campaign

'Sam Says' anti dooring campaign announced by Cycling UK charity, with vehicle window sticker to check for cyclists, & a video asking the Dept for Transport to make Dutch Reach an official driving manual instruction. Click image for article & video.
Autotüröffnung Kollision, München .de
#Dooring verhindern!
Im Jahr sterben 20 Fahrradfahrer an Autotüren, etwa 300 werden verletzt.
Das #Radfunk-Video zeigt Tricks, wie Auto- und Radfahrer solche Unfälle verhindern können. #Verkehrssicherheit #Fahrrad #Radverkehr— ökologisch mobil (@oekomobil) May 23, 2018
NYC: Pedicab doored by ex-Mayor Guiliani/Staff

Dooring of pedicab driver by former NYC Mayor Rudolf Guiliani &/or aides: New York Daily News, 17 May 2018. No summons filed. Click to enlarge.
NYC Vision Zero Road Share Lessons with 'Reach'
Training video for drivers of for-hire vehicles, complete with advice for accommodating cyclists - Vision Zero NYC. Learn more at TransAlt & scroll down. Far hand 'reach' taught at 1 min. 49 sec. Article & stills from video here.
New Vehicle Egress for Cyclist Safety - UK Instructional Video
By Integrated Transport Planning, Birmingham, England, UK.
Burbank PD Dutch Reach Infographic (adapted)

Keeping Cyclists Safe with the Dutch Reach. To prevent dooring cyclists, City of Burbank Police Dept., CA, is promoting the Dutch Reach technique. with an original Infographic (view & download as pdf here). Dutch Reach Project has adapted BPD's design (above). Click image to enlarge.
Canadian Automobile Assn & Share the Road Cycling Coalition Go Dutch! - Article, Video
Canadian Automobile Association announced a joint road safety campaign with Share the Road Ca to promote the Dutch Reach. See:: Why Is the Dutch Reach Important for All Road Users?, by Andrew Raven, CAA Magazine, 4 May 2018.
"I guess we do need the Dutch Reach...."
A post shared by Chasing the Twist (@chasingthetwist) on
Even the best get doored: Driver flung door with her near hand - & let go. Cyclist veers, handlebar scraped, kept control.
Car Doorings - A Daily Scourge, Globally

Police: Four seriously injured cyclists in one day. Two were doored. Dutch Reach - der holländische Griff - is advised - Leute, Tagesspiegel, by Nele Jensch, 3 May 2018 .
Nova Scotia Legislator (& driving instructor!) pushes 'Dutch Reach'

Progressive Conservative MLA Pat Dunn is calling on the McNeil Liberals to pass a common-sense bill that would require drivers to practice the “Dutch Reach.” Dunn, himself a driving instructor for 12 years attested, ", I know the benefits of adding this to the curriculum...this is an easy safety measure that can be enacted." Click image for Nova Scotia Progressive Conservative Party announcement, 5 April 2018.
Nova Scotia: Bill 115 to Add Reach to Driver Handbook

A bill to amend the Nova Scotia Motor Vehicle Act to add far hand 'Dutch Reach' advisory for road safety of cyclists and other road users, submitted April 2018 by MLA Pat Dunn. View legislative progress & find bill's text here. Click image to enlarge. MLA Dunn announces Bill 115 submission.
Motorcyclists also get doored by drivers / passengers

"The Dutch Reach is a simple technique of opening a car door that could save motorcyclists filtering through traffic from being “doored”. Instead of using the hand closest to the door, the driver or passenger simply uses their far hand (left hand in right-hand-drive countries and vice versa in left-hand-drive countries) to open the door." - Mark Hinchliffe, Motorbike Writer, 18 Mar 2018. Click image for article. See also: Doorings - not just bicyclists!
Cycling UK's '6 Policies' Campaign includes Dutch Reach

We Are Cycling UK and families of cyclists killed, call for six policy changes. Read article & view Cycling UK's campaign campaign announcement & video.. 25 April 2018.
CarToq Blog
April 3, 2018 by Shantonil Nag
Delivery Workers Door & are Doored

Accidents, stress and uncertainty: food delivery riders lift lid on work conditions - The Guardian Australia, 30 Apr 2018. Delivery cyclists are at high risk of doorings & other bicycle/motorist collisions. "A survey of 160 riders conducted by the Transport Workers Union in January found 50% had been hurt on the job or knew someone who had. Riders spoke of being hit by taxis, “doored” by cars and of experiencing near misses on a weekly basis."
Der Holländische Griff GIF! - Stadt Berlin de
Aus aktuellem Anlass: Bitte beim Aussteigen aus dem Auto an den Schulterblick denken. Der Holländische Griff ist die beste Erinnerung und kann Leben retten.#sicherer #dutchreach #ruecksichtmitrueckblick
— Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt, Verkehr & Klimaschutz (@SenUVKBerlin) April 24, 2018
Der Holländischer griff - GIF: Frames -

GIF: Der Holländische Griff von Stadt Berlin, Frame by Frame. Rücksicht mit Rückblick ['Look Back with Respect']. View GIF animation here. Click image to enlarge.
Stadt Berlin: Pressemitteilung
Senatsverwaltung für
Umwelt, Verkehr und Klimaschutz
Aufspringende Autotüren: Unterschätzte Gefahr für Radfahrende
Rücksicht mit Rückblick: den „Holländischen Griff“. Pressemitteilung vom 21.03.2018, Stadt de
Death of a Delivery Man - New York City

Delivery man doored, dies of injuries due to by improperly parked & oblivious SUV driver. NY Police of Precinct 26 fail to press charges, part of NYPD pattern with serious and fatal doorings. See articles by The Gothamist, New York Daily News & StreetsBlogNYC. April 2018. See related story re: Doorings toll on delivery workers in Australia.
Vehicular homicide by dooring

Fatal dooring in Burbank, LA as cyclist thrown into truck's path. April 17, 2018. Reports: Biking in LA & Burbank Leader/LA Times.
Nova Scotia Lawmaker & Editorial for Dutch Reach

NS' The News, Editorial calls for Dutch Reach law & education. 9 April 2018.
‘Why wouldn’t you make cycling safer?’ Cycling UK asks government
Cycling UK pleads six simple actions for safety: 1) Reform offenders before re-licensing 2) Separate bike lanes from traffic, 3) Standardize infrastructure, 4) Require wrap-around cab windows for lorries 5) Restore traffic enforcement staffing, and 6) Add the Dutch Reach to traffic code. Read article here.
The Dutch Cure...

The dutch reach: pillole di civiltà dal nord Europa - BiciTech, Italiano.
Vietnamese - Advice from the Tulip Kingdom

Nên mở cửa bằng cánh tay xa cửa hơn (Open with far arm). Vietnamese Dutch Reach.
ไทย - Thai
Fort Wayne, CO, USA
Motorists must learn to pay heed to bicycles
"...use something called a Dutch Reach to open the door when exiting the vehicle" -- Dave Gong | The Journal Gazette | April 1, 2018Ελληνικά: "Opposite Hand Trick"

Discus Thrower's Greek Dutch Reach
Illinois Bike Safety Bills
BERLIN de Launches Dutch Reach Campaign

Berlin startet Kampagne zum holländischen Griff, kündigt.- 16. März 2018
Do you know the Dutch Korean?
Twelve Roadsharing Lessons

Click here or image to view. More here.
The Guardian - Cycling Bike Blog

The Guardian’s Bike blogger Helen Pipps calls for the ‘Dutch reach’ to included in Great Britain’s driving test. 6 Feb 2018.
Bangkok Post, Thailand - Motorbike Risk
Terror on two wheels
"In the Netherlands, there is something called the "Dutch Reach", which is a method of opening a car door with the hand farthest from the handle, so in a right-hand driving country like Thailand, this involves..." -
Erich Parpart Senior Reporter - Asia Focus
8 Feb 2018

New Zealand's Cycle Action Network promotes Dutch Reach. 1 NEWS now, NZ TV, 20 Jan. 2018.

Cycling advocates urge New Zealand to adopt & teach Dutch Reach., 1/18/18.

Dutch reach / Zašto biste uvijek trebali otvarati vrata automobila desnom rukom [Why you should always open the car door with your right hand],
Reports on the Dutch Reach, 04. 01. 2018.
Leicester Mercury - UK
Alert on 'dooring' to cut deaths - but is it against the law?
ByAlex Ballinger 9 JAN 2018
Cambridge News, UK - Dooring Incident
Cyclist knocked over outside Abbey Stadium before Cambridge United match
The cyclist had no time to dodge the accident, according to a witness
ByJasmine Watkiss 13 Jan 2018
Der Holländische Griff

'Quoted' - Car Insurance News
Sharing is Caring: How to Share the Road with Cyclists
6 Tips: #1 Adopt the Dutch Reach
Quoted, published by The Zebra, car insurance marketplace. Feb 13, 2018
Dutch Reach & Distracted Parking - NZ

Distracted parking: Driver, cyclist & Dutch reach versus smart phone, Michael Moreu, editorial cartoon, Christchurch, NZ, 20 Jan 2018.
也就是荷兰开门法吗? [Chinese: What is Dutch Reach opening method?]

也就是荷兰开门法吗?What is the Dutch Reach opening method? 像荷兰人那样用离车门最远的手去开车门,强迫自己扭动身体向后看。Like the Dutch, use the hand farthest from the door to drive the door and force himself to twist his body and look back. Click on image to enlarge. Click here for Sohu webpost & videos. Sohu, 2018-01-18.
And yet doorings still happen in NL
Fietsster (55) overlijdt na botsing met autodeur in Almelo
Cyclist (55) dies after colliding with car door in Almelo
ALMELO - A 55-year-old woman from Almelo died last Sunday from her injuries she sustained earlier last week in an accident at her place of residence. - 1/24/2018.
The CBC's Brett Purdy explains the 'Dutch Reach'
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