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Video: Doored & Nearly Run Over -
Canadian Anti-Dooring Advocacy
How to prevent the dreaded door prize via @CanadianCycling #dooring #doorprize #DutchReach #biking #cycling #driving #parking #doorzone #bikelane #protectedbikelane #bicycling #righthandreach #roadsafety #CA #Canada #Toronto #Quebec #Montreal #cars #suv
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) March 16, 2025
Remco Reflex Reminder

bpost and Remco Evenepoel make drivers more aware of cyclists with the "Remco Reflex" In keeping with its commitment to road safety, bpost, in collaboration with the R.Ev Academy, is launching a sticker to prevent "dooring" accidents and protect cyclists.
On This Day - Stop de Kindermoord
On this day in 1971, Simone Langenhoff, aged 6, was killed while cycling to school; hit by a speeding driver.
Her death and the movement started by her father, Vic Langenhoff, a newspaper journalist, changed an entire country and saved thousands of Dutch lives. Here's how 🧵
— Adam Tranter (@adamtranter) October 14, 2024
Driver Reminder - Belgium
Sticker of #doored champion #cyclist #RemcoEvenepoe is promoted to remind #drivers to do a #shouldercheck #DutchReach to avoid #dooring #bicyclists. Evenepoe endorses le "#réflexeRemco," aka le #poignéehollandaise. #driver #look #biking #bikelane #crash #accident #roadsafetly
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) December 13, 2024
Znate li šta je „holandski zahvat“?
Znate li šta je „holandski zahvat“? Ako ovako otvarate vrata automobila, nekome možete spasiti život!
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) September 20, 2024
EU Driver Ed to Go Dutch [Reach]

The 'Dutch reach': EU drivers will have to use right hand to open car door, The Brussels Times,
by Maïthé Chini, 1 March 2024.
Munchen ADFC
Zum Tag der #Verkehrssicherheit 🚴⚠️ machen wir heute aufs sogenannte #Dooring aufmerksam. Plötzlich öffnende Türen sind lebensgefährlich! Übt den #HolländischerGriff - Fahrertür rechte Hand🖐️, Beifahrer mit linker Hand öffnen. 🤙#visionzero #sicherradfahren #sicherradeln
— ADFC München 🚴 (@ADFC_Muenchen) June 14, 2024
Why isn't California teaching drivers the #DutchReach, while #MA #WS #IL #DC #PA #UK #DEU are?
70 y.o. Cyclist doored, killed, by SF city truck driver #dooring #bikecrash #doorzone #SF @SFPUC_CAC @SFPD @caltransHQ @sfpublicworks #doorzone #StreetsBlogSF— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) June 16, 2024
UK Dooring Death
Brit, 65, diies after dooring #dooring #DutchReach #doorzone #takethelane
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) April 10, 2024
VIP's Self Dooring Door?
Hit by Shobha Karandlaje's car door, man falls off scooter, run over by bus in Bengaluru - #GoogleAlerts
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) April 10, 2024
Motorcyclist Doored, Killed
Motorcyclist dead after avoiding open car door #dooring #cardooring #Dutchreach #motorcycle #cyclist #driver #bike #biker #moped #doorzone #police #enforcement #vehicularhomicide #farhandreach #trucks #takethelane #scooter #ebike #bike
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) April 10, 2024
Metro Vancouver Dooring Lesson #dooring #doored #DutchReach #farhandreach #drivers #driver #delivery #biking #doorzonebikelane #DZBL #protectedbikelane #drivers_ed #roadsafety #bikes #cyclists
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) March 22, 2024
Czech: Expect Dutch Reach
Trik, který mnozí řidiči ani neznají. Europarlament ho chce zařadit mezi povinnosti #dooring #DutchReach #Czech #bikes #biking #cycling
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) March 28, 2024
Србија српски | Serbia Serbian RS
The Netherlands to Reaffirm Dutch Reach

Bij afrijden kijkt examinator straks of je op correcte manier je autodeur opent, de Gelderlander, 01-03-24. [met filmpje (video)].
“Poignée Hollandaise” en Français
Une nouvelle étape franchie vers l’obligation de l’ouverture de portière “à la hollandaise”
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) March 14, 2024
Malayalam: Kerala, Karnataka & Tamil Nadu, India
സുരക്ഷിതമായി കാറിന്റെ ഡോര് തുറക്കാം; എന്താണ് ഡച്ച് റീച്ച്?- വീഡിയോ #TamilNadu #Malayalam #കേരളം #ലക്ഷദ്വീപ് #കർണാടക #തമിഴ്നാട് #കാറിൻ്റെ_ഡോർ #ക്രാഷ് #ബൈക്കിംഗ് #സ്കൂട്ടർ #മോപെഡ് #റോഡ്_സേഫ്റ്റി #പോലീസ് #ട്രാഫിക് #ഡച്ച്_ഗ്രിപ്പ് #bike #dooring #DutchReach
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) March 14, 2024
Dooring Death in Brooklyn
Cyclist Killed After Being Doored Into Traffic on Unsafe Brooklyn Street in Already Violent Year
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) March 14, 2024
'Nederlandse' manier van uitstappen Dutch Reach wordt Europese
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) March 6, 2024
European Union Adopts Dutch Reach

The “Dutch reach” way of opening a car door will become the EU standard for drivers as part of new road safety legislation, the European parliament has decided. Dutch News, 1 March 2024. See Updates to EU road safety driving rules here.
League of American Bicyclists Gets It!
EU Parliament Press Release re: Dooring Prevention

MEPs back updates to EU rules on driving licences to improve road safety. European Parliament News Press Release, 28 Feb 2024.
Europski parlament je odlučio: Nizozemski zahvat za sprečavanje nesreća biciklista uskoro će postati obaveza! #Croatia European Parliament decided: The #DutchReach measure to prevent cyclist #dooring will soon become mandatory! #Hrvatski #Croatia #Hrvatska
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) March 6, 2024
Dutch Reach Does Europe
Exiting vehicles using "#DutchReach" will be part of driving tests across #Europe to prevent crashes w/ car doors swinging open. #dooring #roadsafety #bikelanes #doorzone #delivery @MassBike @bostonbikeunion @BikeLeague @steveannear #cycling #car #DOT
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) March 6, 2024
Dooring Death in Los Angeles
Hollywood producer Bob George killed by dooring in on Fountain Ave in East Hollywood/Silver Lake Tuesday; 10th SoCal bicycling death in 13 days:
— BikinginLA (@bikinginla) October 21, 2023
Intersection Risks, Causes
Police always advise crossing only at intersections and marked crosswalks. But, clearly, no amount of “education” can protect people against the inherent risks designed into the system by car-centric transportation engineers. Focus should be on designing safe streets. #VisionZero
— Martyn Schmoll (@martynschmoll) October 21, 2023
Ghost Bike with Explanatory & Memorial Signs

Ghost bike sign in Los Angeles, Opinion: ‘Dooring’ shouldn’t worry only cyclists. Drivers need to prevent it too, LA Times, 23 Dec 2023.
Woman Critically Injured in Boston Dooring
Phillippines' Dutch Reach Article
Practice opening your doors using the ‘Dutch Reach’ method #Phillippines #Indonesia #PH #ID #biking #bikelane #doorzone #dooring #NZ #AUS #UK #roadsafety #crash #cardoor #bicycling #cities #releaselever #doorhandle #habit #parking #dooring #DutchReach
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) August 13, 2023
Czech Anti-Dooring Campaign Video
Macedonia Discovers Dutch Reach
За да излезете, отворањето на вратата од автомобилот со далечната рака треба да ви биде навика! #Македонија #македонски #автомобил #врата_од_автомобил #падне #несреќа#зона_на_врата #возење_велосипед #скутер #мотоцикл #далекамерака #dooring #DutchReach
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) August 11, 2023
IAM Dutch Reach Road Safety Poster
Volvo EV with Anti-Dooring Tech
Volvo gives entry electric crossover cyclist-saving solution via @Automotive_News #dooring #dutchreach #doorzone #bikelanedoorzone #vru #roadsafety #ev #crash #trafficsafety #parking
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) May 23, 2023
Znáte „Holandský chvat“? #Prague #Brno #Ostrava #Plzeň #Liberec #Olomouc #ČeskéBudějovice #Hradec #Králové #Pardubice #Ústí_nad_Labem #Zlín #Havířov #Kladno #Most #Opava #Frýdek_Místek #Jihlava #Teplice #Karviná #Karlovy #Vary #DutchReach #HolandskýChvat
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) June 10, 2023
Znáte „Holandský chvat“? - CZ
VIDEO Znáte „Holandský chvat“? Cyklistům i sobě tím můžete zachránit život #kolo #cyklistika #cyklista #řidič #řízení #dveře_auta #nehoda #nehoda #bezpečnost_na_silnici #doorzone #pohled #DutchReach #pozor #respekt #dooringu #Česká #Čeština #HolandskýChvat
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) June 10, 2023
— Srbija Danas (@Srbija_Danas) August 11, 2023
Don't do this (above)!
One Year Sjnce New UK Code
Updates to Highway Code, One Year On: What do the experts say? #dooring #DutchReach #highwaycode
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) May 6, 2023
Tesla Driver Doors Two
Waymo Robotaxi Anti-Dooring Alerts
Waymo adds safety alerts to its #robotaxis to prevent exit door collisions with #cyclists #GoogleAlerts #dooring #dutchreach #VRU #doorzone #bikes #biking #passengers #rideshare #EV #auto #tech #parking #delivery #uber #robotaxi #waymo #roadsafety #safety
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) May 10, 2023
Find additional Tech Solutions here.
Radfahrer durch "Dooring" getötetm, Saxony
Coswig: Radfahrer stirbt nach Zusammenstoß mit Autotür #dooring #dutchreach #doorzone #Autotür #Radfahrer
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) May 6, 2023
Dooring Liability Demo'd
Watch as driver smashes into waiting car door while overtaking traffic #dooring #liability #travellane #doorzone #driver #passenger #crash #crashnotaccident #accident #damages #cycling #biking #drivers #delivery #dutchreach
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) May 7, 2023
NYC DOT Press Release on 'Twist' Campaign

NYC Partners With Rock Legend Chubby Checker on Traffic Safety PSA, NYC DOT Press Release, April 10, 2023.
New York City Twist c/o @NYC_DOT
It’s easy to keep #BikeNYC safe! Do the New York Twist: before exiting a vehicle, twist your opposite arm to open the door, then turn your head behind you to watch for oncoming bikers. You twist one way to put on your seat belt, now twist another to save lives. #VisionZero
— NYC DOT (@NYC_DOT) April 10, 2023
NY Officer Doors Auto
This is why you move over! During a recent traffic stop on I-95 in New Rochelle, Trooper Robert Schaeffer was exiting his patrol vehicle when a passing motorist failed to move over & took the door off his vehicle. Trooper Schaeffer suffered minor injuries & thankfully survived.
— NewYorkStatePolice (@nyspolice) April 5, 2023
Double Dooring, Hamilton Ca
Hamilton #dooring victim has two broken ribs and wrist via @CanadianCycling #dutchreach #doorzone #protectedlanes #
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) May 6, 2023
Avec Video

L'ouverture pivot pour éviter l'emportiérage à vélo, Vélo Québec et Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ), 19 Avril 2023.
CTV News Quebec Ca
SAAQ : Quebec to teach Dutch Reach to new drivers. #dooring #dutchreach
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) April 23, 2023
Car Tech Dooring Risk Detection
‘Door exit’ #cyclist detection #tech joins five-star #SafetyNet4All criteria #dooring #doorzone #bikelane #cars #drivers #shopping #delivery #food #retail #bikes #biking #bike2work #roadsafety #trafficsafety #doorzonebikelane #protectedlanes #DutchReach
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) April 14, 2023
Quebec's Auto Insurer Will Teach Reach

Quebec's auto insurance board (SAAQ) training courses and exams will now require drivers in the province to understand the "Dutch reach.",, April 18, 2023.
L'ouverture à la hollandaise
Serious Dooring, Leuven, België
Bijna dagelijks raakt een fietser gewond door openzwaaiend portier: “De ‘#DutchReach’ moet een automatisme worden bij elke #chauffeur” #dooring #fietsen #ongeval #gewoonte #preventie #verkeersveiligheid #vrachtwagens #auto #licentie #politie #deurzone
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) February 23, 2023
Greek Dutch Reach
Με ποιο χέρι πρέπει να ανοίγω την πόρτα του αυτοκινήτου μου; #dooring #DutchReach #Greece #Greek #ποδήλατο #ποδήλατο #ποδηλασία #τρακάρισμα #αυτοκίνητο #οδηγός #συνεπιβάτης #ατύχημα #αστυνομία #πάρκινγκ #κυκλοφορία #δρόμος #δρόμος #πρόληψη #πόρτα_ζώνη
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) January 24, 2023
Klapdeur crash, België (met instructievideo)
#Dooring is the 2nd most common bicycle crash in Brussels #dutchreach #bikes #drivers #parking #bikelane #doorzone #visonzero #criticalmass #dot #cycling #bike2work #school #safestreets #cars #autos #taxis #uber #license #driversed #roadsafety #habit
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) February 23, 2023
Chinese Santa Treaches Reach
After #dooring incident Chinese police #SantaClaus teaches the Dutch Reach to kids #DutchReach #biking #China #holiday #bike #moped #motorcycle #roadsafety #Taichung #doorzone #bikelane #police #city #cycling #driving #driver #passenger #crash #accident
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) December 22, 2022
„Dreh‘ Dich um!“ - Frankfurt am Main
„Dreh‘ Dich um!" #dooring #dutchreach #Radfahrer #Präventionskampagne #HolländischerGriff #Dooring_Unfälle #Deutschland #Österreich #Schweiz #sicherankommen #criticalmass #Fahrrad #Verkehrssicherheit #fahrradstraße #straße #Mobilität #mobility #DrehDichUm
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) December 20, 2022
High Bar for License in NL
It's Hard to Get a Driver's License in NL, & That's One Reason Dutch Roads Are So Safe via @StreetsblogUSA #roadsafety #driverslicense #learner #permit #driverseducation #NL #motorists #driver #drivers #crash #accident #roadtest #prevention #transport
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) December 12, 2022
For Your Favorite Mayor or Road Safety Authority
Bhopal Police Door Then Beat Cyclist
इंदौर में पुलिसकर्मी ने पहले तो गलत साइड से गेट खोलकर बाइक सवार को गिराया, फिर डंडे से पिटाई की, बाइक सवार माफी मांगता रहा लेकिन डंडा चलता रहा, आरोपी पुलिसकर्मी निलंबित @ndtvindia @ndtv @vinodkapri
— Anurag Dwary (@Anurag_Dwary) November 9, 2020
What is 'Dutch Reach'
‘#DutchReach’? #otv #Orissa #Bhubaneswar #Odisha #dooring #Puri #Balasore #Cuttack #Bhadrak #Sambalpur #Paradeep #Jatni #Jharsuguda #उड़ीसा #भुवनेश्वर #ओडिशा #डोरिंग #पुरी #बालासोर #कटक #भद्रक #संबलपुर #पारादीप #जटनी #झारसुगुडा #Odisha #India #इंजनसेसाइकिल
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) December 11, 2022
Dutch Reach Referenced in Ticket

Cyclists 'ticket' police after officer doors bike rider (+ video), Victoria B.C.,, 14 Nov 2022. Video here.
Dooring Crash Simulation
Die extrem abgelenkte Radfahrerin Miriam hat’s bei 'nem Dooring Unfall voll erwischt.#crashtest #verkehr #unfall #dooring
— Radweg Hindernis(se) 🇺🇦🇪🇺 (@RadwegH) November 28, 2022
Genauer: "Der äußerst fahrlässige Autofahrer hat den Radfahrer mit seiner Autotür angefahren."
Le Parisien FR
Pour éviter l’accident avec un cycliste, adoptez le réflexe «portière gauche, main droite»
➡️— Le Parisien (@le_Parisien) November 7, 2022
Driver Swerved to Avoid Dooring

This collision was caused by a taxi driver opening their door into the car's path; the said car then swerved into the van, Sussex Safer Roads Partnership, Twitter, Oct 28, 2022. More examples that Not only cyclists get doored here.
Decision Science Says 'Boost'
Turns out, the #DutchReach is a #boost, not a #nudge! (Once adopted its a #habit). Each can alter #behavior, #nudges by covert guiding, #boosts by enhancing #competence & rational #literacy. #roadsafety #boosting #policy #decisions @BIN_NL @ScienceBoosting
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) November 10, 2022
Above image: Keynote speaker behavioral scientist Stefan Herzog, of the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin, at the Dutch Dag van het gedrag 2022 [Day of Behavior Congress 2022] cites the Dutch Reach as an example of boosting. Utrecht, Nov. 3, 2022. See original post here, here, & #dvhg22.
Pour descendre de voiture...
« Portière gauche, main droite ; portière droite, main gauche » Sécurité routière, Oct. 19, 2022.
Sécurité routière

Pour sécuriser les trajets des cyclistes, adoptez un geste simple : portière gauche, main droite ; portière droite, main gauche ! - Sécurité routière .fr [To secure the journeys of cyclists, adopt a simple gesture: left door, right hand; right door, left hand!]
Passenger vs Bus
Ça ne sert à rien d'ouvrir la porte avec la main opposée, si au final on ne regarde pas avant d'ouvrir.
Heureusement, ce n'était pas un cycliste, là il n'y a que des dégâts matériels !
— Altis ▷ (@AlTi5) November 13, 2022
Top Cyclist Doored, Advocates Dutch Reach
#ChrisFroome 'doored' in Monaco, calls on all #motorists to use #DutchReach #TDF @ChrisFroome #cycling #bicycling #dooring #roadsafety #sports #GrandTour #Criterium #racing #athlete #winner #drivers #driverseducation #license #Israel #DZBL #lycra #peleton
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) September 26, 2022
TikTok PSA by Froome
Doored in #Monaco, #cycling champ #ChrisFroome did #DutchReach 'PSA' on #TikTok [click2vu]. #dooring #biking #cycling #bicycling #driving #drivers #vans #trucks #delivery #pizza #fastfood #donuts #nascar #marathon @ETSC_EU @ADFC_Hessen @EuCyclistsFed #suv
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) September 27, 2022
Dooring Alert Standard Added

,Will your car be safe enough? More stringent testing criteria for five-star crash ratings coming in 2023, Chris Thompson, CarsGuide, 35 Sep 2022
Long Nights Coming

Équipez votre vélo de lumières afin d'être visible dans les rétroviseurs. Use headlight to be seen in car mirror.
Frankfurt, Hessen
Am 30. August 2022 wurde eine Radfahrerin im Straßenverkehr getötet. Um ihrer zu gedenken findet heute eine Gedenkfahrt statt, die um 17 Uhr am Niederräder Ufer 14 startet. Bitte erscheint nach Möglichkeit in weißer Kleidung.#StopKillingCyclists #VisionZero #Dooring
— ADFC Frankfurt (@adfc_ffm) September 20, 2022
San Francisco Doored
More than 200 SF cyclists injured after getting 'doored' #dooring #infrastructure #protectedbikelanes #VRU #drivers #motorists #cycling #doorzone #sharetheroad #DZBL #sharrows #bikelanes #safestreets #parking #cars #cardooring #crash #accident #DutchReach
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) September 24, 2022
Sécurité routière - vidéo de campagne
Vélo Québec
L'emportiérage est la première cause de collision entre cyclistes et automobilistes dans les villes. Pour l'éviter, adoptez l'ouverture pivot qui consiste à ouvrir sa portière avec la main opposée.
En collaboration avec la @SAAQ.
Plus d'information 👉
— Vélo Québec (@VeloQuebec) September 1, 2022
SAAQ Will Teach 'Reach' for New Permit
After coroner's ruling on #dooring death Quebec to teach new drivers the #DutchReach #Quebec #Montreal #Toronto #BritishColumbia #NovaScotia #Ontario #BikeTO #Manitoba #NewBrunswick #Alberta #dot @UNRSC #roadsafety @VisionZeroCA @EuCyclistsFed #biking #car
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) September 3, 2022
Việt Nam - Video
Mẹo sử dụng ôtô: Mở cửa xe kiểu #DutchReach #dooring #CầnThơ #ĐàNẵng #Hảiphòng #Hànội #Xeđạp #ThànhphốHồChíMinh #ViệtNam #TiếngViệt #tàixế #xemáy #lauxe #ngưỡngcửa #Tainạn #cửaxe #thóiquen #giáodục #giaothông #sựantoàn #dooring
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) September 4, 2022
Croatia - Hrvatska
Otvaranje #vrata #automobila desnom rukom spašava život! #bicikl #biciklizam #vozači #auto #kombi #kamion #auto #policija #sudar #nesreća #biciklizam #nizozemski #skuter #motocikl #Zagreb #Karlovac #OsijekPula #Rijeka #Split #DutchReach #dooring #Zadar
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) September 25, 2022
Dooring in Galway, Ireland
Radio interview w/ Dooring Victim, #Ireland #Galway #DutchReach #roadsafety #bike #biking #driving #parking #blame #visionzero #Boston #cycling #doorzone #driving #motorist #takethelane #DZBL #crash #accident #injury #helmet #closepass #bike2work #drive
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) August 27, 2022
Frau durch Autotür getötet
#Dooring kills 60 yo woman #cyclist in #Frankfurt #Unfalle #Deutschland #Österreich #Schweiz #sicherer #criticalmass #holländischengriff #Radfahrerin #Schulterblick #blick #Fahrrad #Verkehrssicherheit #straße #Mobilität #mobility #AutotürKollision
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) September 1, 2022
Utiliser la bonne main - Vélo Québec et SAAQ

L'ouverture pivot pour éviter l'emportiérage à vélo, Vélo Québec et Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ), 2 Sept 2022.

Turn & Look, Do the Dutch Reach, Credit: Cycling UK, adapted for Right Side Driving.
Dutch Reach Demo
Always use Dutch Reach Method while opening car doors to prevent hitting vehicles coming from behind.@TopDriverIndia @rajakesari99
— Ara Gundu (@skc2000rpm) August 20, 2022
Interim Solution: Dutch Reach

Latest fatality of a bicyclist because of ‘dooring’ brings reminders of the lifesaving Dutch Reachm, Tom Meek, Cambridge Day, Aug 23, 2022.
Dooring Fatality, Somerville, MA

Somerville bicyclist, 72, dies in ‘dooring incident,’ by Emily Piper-Vallillo, Cambridge Day, Aug 15, 2022.
Non-Contact Serious Dooring
Double #dooring caused serious harm even w/o collision w/ door as #cyclists braked hard, lost control, fell & badly injured. #doorzone #drivers #egress #doored #motorists #driver #bikes #bikelane #ebike #traffic #parking #police #TeachtheReach #DutchReach
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) August 19, 2022
Door-Wreck-tomy Video

Abrir la puerta del coche "a la holandesa",... evita accidentes !! View video via Twitter/Instagram here. For analysis of this collision and questions raised go here.
'Dutch Reach' Elevator Speech
Can we learn anything from the Dutch? Jef Van Den Bergh explains what the 'Dutch Reach' is. Belgium, Jun 2022.
DR Project Slide Set
View a tutorial on the Dutch Reach, Dooring, Cyclist v Car Door History, Anti-dooring Countermeasures, Technologies, Policies & more. Two sets of slides: Main Presentation & Supplementary Slides [2 Aug 2022].
Die Burofamilie -
#Dooring Wenn Türen parkender Autos plötzlich geöffnet werden, kommt es oft zu Unfällen mit Radfahrenden. Der holländische Griff rettet Leben: Beim Aussteigen auf der Fahrerseite einfach die Tür mit der rechten Hand öffnen. Mehr Infos ➡️ #Verkehrssicherheit
— VBG (@VBG_Hamburg) September 19, 2022
Bright Side: Parking Tips
De Nederlandse Reach

Leer de ‘Dutch Reach’-truc om deurongevallen te voorkomen,. Ealdwine Eadse, Groenhuis, juli 30, 2022.
Car Dooring – What It Is & How to Avoid It | The Windscreen Co.
Spoiler Alert?
Today's #RebusPuzzle answer is the term coined for a safer far-hand habit to get out of your 🚗. Can you read the signs?🧐
— Signal Woman (@signal_woman) September 12, 2022
Reaching The Star, in Malaysia
Learn #DutchReach' trick, avoid #dooring #crash! #KL #Malaysia #KualaLumpur #SEAN #Thailand #Cambodia #Laos #Vietnam #Indonesia #Philippines #Ipoh #Georgetown #KotaKinabalu #KualuTenengganu #JaharBahru #car #Malacca #Kuching #Putrajaya #ShahAlam #AlorSetar
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) August 2, 2022
Open door safely - DriveSafe, India
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Side Mirror Alone Is Inadequate:
72 y.o. #ebike #doored. #Motorist used side mirror but did not #shouldercheck. #German #police advise #DutchReach. #pedelec #dooring #roadsafety #headcheck #trick #cycling #driving #truck #suv #rental #transport #activetransport #VRU #crash #accident— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) August 3, 2022
UK Insurers Promote New Code

UK Car insurers wars OKn drivers to learn about 2022 Highway Code changes, by Kate Lally, ECHO, 13 July 2022. See also: Veygo Magazine article.
La Vanguardia (Barcelona) Gets It
📹El espeluznante vídeo que muestra la importancia de abrir la puerta del coche 'a la holandesa'
Una mujer abre la puerta de su coche🚗, da de lleno a la moto 🏍️, y su conductor sale despedido a mitad de la calle justo cuando pasa un camión 🚛
— La Vanguardia (@LaVanguardia) July 12, 2022
Nederlandse truc voor België
#Politie adviseert #DutchReach in Regio #Limburg #fiets #Maastricht #belgie #Bruges #Antwerp #Brussel #Ghent #Leuven #Dinart #Liege #Aalst #Flanders #Aarschot #Charleroi #Amsterdam #Groningen #Delft #Eindhoven #Rotterdam #DenHaag #Leiden #Utrecht #dooring
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) July 15, 2022
UK Highway Code Behavior Change Campaign
#THINK road users reset #transport #drivers #HighwayCode #UK #Lplate
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) July 13, 2022
Take The Lane, & Dutch Reach
This is horrible but a must watch. Be aware of what can happen. Stay alive. #besafe #Dooring #DoorPrize #RoadSafety #BikeTO
— HighVis_T.O._Cyclist (@HighVis_Cyclist) July 9, 2022
Treaty: Vienna Convention Article 24

Article 24 on prohibiting open door endangerment of other road rusers, European Convention on Road Traffic ('Vienna convention'), 1966, Amendment 1, 1993. pdf
Den nederlandske metoden for å forhindre bildørkrasj

Du åpner bildøra «feil». Flere fordeler med den nederlandske metoden. Dersom du åpner døra på «riktig» måte, kan du være med på å forhindre ulykker. Se video her. Video: Embla Hjort-Larsen.Din Side, 03..juli 2022. [Norway]
#Metoda_Holenderska #Polskie #drzwi #rower #kolizja #wypadek #samochód #van #kierowca #pasażer #sztuczka #zapobieganie #edukacja #Warszawa #Kraków #miasta #ulice #szpital #Polska #Białystok #Gdynia #Wrocław #Poznań #Gdań #Szczecin #Bydgoszcz #Lublin #Radom
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) July 15, 2022
CAA Reach Pitch
The #DutchReach is awesome and helps make the roads safer for #cyclists and other vulnerable road users. #StaySafe and if you’ve got questions you can always #ASKaTrafficCop! 👍
— Sean Shapiro (@VoiceoverCop) June 30, 2022
Coroner calls out Quebec DMV: Teach Reach, Raise fine
Coroner faults #Quebec's #DMV [#SAAQ] for failing to teach the #DutchReach #dooring #crash #cycliste #méthode #portière #France #Belgique #française #Paris #Lyon #Dijon #Marseille #Strasbourg #Bordeaux #Nice #Nantes #Geneva #Avignon #habitude #Montreal
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) June 29, 2022
See also Dutch Reach: Quebec coroner recommends technique to open your car door after cycling death, Montreal CTV News, 29 June 2022 (article & video).
Javna agencija Republike Slovenije / Slovenian Traffic Safety Agency
Odpirajte vrata po nizozemsko. #DutchReach
Kot šofer vrata odprite z desno roko, kot sopotnik pa z levo. S tem boste prisiljeni, da se obrnete s celotnim telesom, kar pomeni, da boste dobili boljši pregled nad dogajanjem za in ob avtomobilu. #VozimoPametno— Varnost prometa (@varnostprometa) July 4, 2022
Banner Year for Cycling UK: #HighwayCode #RoadUserHierarchy #DutchReach #ClosePass, #COP26, #Scotland commits 10% to #VRU #infrastructure! @CyclingUK @BikeLeague @MassBike @RideIllinois @StreetsBlogUSA #Cycling #BikeBiz #dooring #roadsafety #sharetheroad
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) June 22, 2022
Durch Dooring schwer verletzt
#Dooring mit lebensgefährlichen Verletzungen bei dem ##Unfall: #dutchreach #HolländischenGriff @FahrradClub @ADFC_Berlin @ADFC_Muenchen @ADFCKoeln #criticalmass #polizei #Treiber #Passagier #Radfahrer #Radfahren #Verkehrssicherheit #Schulterblick #Autotür
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) June 25, 2022
Woman 70 on Pedelec Doored: Suffers Serious TBI
Markt Check on Dooring, Bike Risks
Der Rechtexperte rät 90cm Abstand zu parkenden Autos zu lassen #dooring (Sorgfaltspflicht der Radfahrer*in) und dann bleibt aber vom Schutzstreifen nicht mehr viel übrig😔
— 🪑Steppenwölfchen🪑 (@stppnwoelfchen) June 13, 2022
Reddit: Life Pro Tip - Dutch Reach

LPT: when opening a car door, twist a bit and use the hand that is furthest away from the door. This is called the "Dutch reach," and forces you to look behind the car before opening the door, making it less likely your door will hit a bicycle or another car. Reddit, miscellaneous, Posted by u/epoch_100, 2017. Source link PRI/The World, 2016. 833+ comments.
Progress in Indore, India
Indore(MP): A video of traffic @sumantsinghcop went viral on socialmedia in which he was explaining the proper method of opening a car door. His video was appreciated by the team of DutchReach Project of America. @DutchReach #FarhandRule #SumantsinghCOP
— Sumant Singh Kachhawa (@sumantsinghcop) May 30, 2022
US Army Garrison Teaches Reach

Garrison celebrates Bike Safety Month, How motorists can protect cyclists in traffic - Dooring & the Dutch Reach, by Roland Schedel, U.S. Army, Wiesbadin, Germany, May 17, 2022.
Défi-Bruxelles et la «poignée hollandaise»
La «#PoignéeHollandaise» Sortir de sa #voiture avec la main droite #OuverturePivot #Emportiérage #velo #sécuritémroutière #cyclisme #habitude #chauffeur #autoécole #accidents #cyclistes #Conducteurs #passagers #véhicule #Sécurité #auto #dooring #DutchReach
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) May 24, 2022
Dooring Death of Elder e-Cyclist, NZ
Vigorous #elder #cyclist doored, died. #NZ #motorist #driver #passenger #negligence #roadsafety #visionzero #criticalmass #doorzone #vehicularhomicide #DOT #ChristChurch #Aukland #Wellington #Hamilton #UK #AUS #London #biking #cycling #ooring #DutchReach
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) April 20, 2022
Dutch Reach in Chinese, Toronto

该用右手开车门?很多人做不到 但很重要!加拿大都市网?很多人做不到 但很重要!加拿大都市网, 2022年5月6日 [Why should drivers open doors with their right hand? A lot of people can't do it but it's important! Canadian Metropolitan Network May 6, 2022]
Wired Helmet Alerts

“Attention! A Door Could Open.”—Introducing Awareness Messages for Cyclists to Safely Evade Potential Hazards, Tamara von Sawitzky et al, , Multimodal Technologies & Interactions, MDPI, Published: 31 December 2021. (pdf). See also here.
Dooring Overview

Bicyclists Hit By Car Door Accident Cases, by Atty. Lawrence J. Buckfire, Personal Injury, April 13, 2022, c/o See Comment here.
11 Motorcycle/Moped Deaths in Taiwan 2021
Fatal #motorcycle & #moped #dooring crashes rise in #Taiwan #cycles #bikes #moped #ebike #ADAS #doorzone #cardooring #crash #accident #look #roadsafety #bikemonth #cars #taxis #uber #delivery #autos #motorists #passengers #traffic #transport #DutchReach
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) April 19, 2022
Cycling UK Graphic (adapted)

Turn & Look, Do the Dutch Reach, Credit: Cycling UK, adapted for Right Side Driving.
Homicidio por Choque de Puerta

Buscan identificar al conductor que, al abrir la puerta de su auto, golpeó a un ciclista y le provocó la muerte, por Enrique Julio y Vieytes, Canal Siete, Argentina, 6 abril 2022. Vídeo aquí.
ADFC Rhein-Neckar; Heidelberg
"Holländische Griff" vermeidet #Dooring-#Unfälle #Deutschland #Österreich #Schweiz #sicherankommen #holländischengriff #sicherer #criticalmass #Schulterblick #blick #Fahrrad #Verkehrssicherheit #fahrradstraße #straße #Mobilität #mobility #AutotürKollision
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) April 9, 2022
„Holenderska” metoda otwierania - PL
Michelin Man's Far Hand Reach

Michelin in Malaysia advises the Dutch Reaech, Facebook, 2Aug 15, 020.
Liability in Passenger Dooring Case Revived
#Garbageman doored by #passenger can sue #Uber #dutchreach @CalBike @sfbike #bikelaw #plaintiff #personalinjury #uber #rideshare #cycling #biking #doorzone #roadsafety #bikelawyer
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) March 29, 2022
CA Apellate Decision in Mason vs Uber

Dismissal reversed. Case can proceed. WILLIAM J. MASON v. UBER TECHNOLOGIES INC., A161000, A161966 (San Francisco City & County Super. Ct. No. CGC-18-563924). pdf
Motorist Reminder Sticker

Dutch Reach reminder sticker, Transp. Services, Lexington, MA.
Gas Pump Pumps Dutch Reach

Star Tankstelle [Star Gas Station] in Germany features features DVR far hand anti-dooring graphic on its pumps. Image is of pump tap where the gas quality is selected. une 11, 2022.

"If they are able to, vehicle users should open their door with the hand furthest from the door, so they can see people cycling or walking behind them," UK Gov THINK! Dutch Reach poster. March 2022.
Dutch Reach Flier

What's the Dutch Reach? fllyer [png], Transp. Services, Lexington, MA. [as pdf here]..
Chapel Hill Acts on Doorings
#ChapelHill #NC makes ‘dooring’ a crime, sets 25 mph 4 some streets & will promote #DutchReach anti-#dooring method after #bicyclist #NickWatson killed. #crashnotaccident #sharetheroad #roadsafety #visionzero #drivers #passengers #delivery #trucks #suv
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) May 6, 2022
Dooring-Unfällen - Märkische Allgemeine
Immer wieder kommt es zu #Dooring-Unfällen: #Autofahrer öffnen eine Tür, ohne auf den #Radfahrer hinter ihnen zu achten. Die Verletzungen sind schwer, weiß Angela Schickhoff zu berichten. Sie ist ein Unfallopfer aus #Potsdam.
— Märkische Allgemeine (@maz_online) February 26, 2022
South Yorkshire Imports Dutch Reach
Can you do the Dutch Reach?
Have a look at our video to find out how this simple move could prevent a collision.
For more detail: #dutchreach #cycling #barnsley #doncaster #sheffield #Rotherham #cyclinglife #doorsopen #Dutch— South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership (SYSRP) (@SYSaferRoads) March 1, 2022
Dooring, Code & Dutch Reach - Turkey

Dooring ve Dutch Reach Nedir? EcoDiurnal, 29-06-2018. (Turkish).
AU Bike & RAVC Urge Dutch Reach

Australia Bike & Road Safety Organizations Call for New Rules for Drivers Exiting Vehicles, Feb 2022. Read press release here (pdf)..
Korean (?) Dutch Reach Graphic

Dutch Reach graphic in Korean? Can you help translate - contact us!
How UK Got the 'Reach'

The Dutch Reach: drivers could face £1000 fine for opening car door with wrong hand, by Jacobien Van der Kleij, Kingston Courier, 24./02/2022. History of the far hand method & How The Dutch Reach came to the UK.
IAM Fleetworld Poster, UK
IAM publishes free ‘Dutch Reach’ poster for fleets via @FleetWorldGroup
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) March 4, 2022
AUTOentusiastas, Brasil

PONTO CEGO? O QUE É ISSO? por Bob Sharp, AUTOentusiastas,, 6/03/2022.

Doored cyclist dies of injuries, The News & Observer, NC, Feb 4, 2022.
Scooter Dooring Death, Taiwan

Scooter rider run over by gravel truck in dooring accident in New Taipei,, by George Liao, Taiwan News, 27 Feb 2022.
Kwok Kwan, 66, Succumbs After Dooring, NYC

E-Cyclist Dies After Being Doored On Deadly West Side Strip, by Gersh Kuntzman,, StreetsblogNYC,
Feb 16, 2022.
Słyszałeś o metodzie "Dutch Reach"? - Polska

Myślisz, że umiesz bezpiecznie wysiadać z samochodu? Całe życie robiłeś to źle! Paweł Rygas, Motoryzacja Interia., 8 lutego 2022. Polska.
Evening Standard Podcast w/ Cycling UK Advocate
Duncan Dollimore of Cycling UK explains changes in new UK Highway Code, Evening Standard, London, Jan. 25, 2022.
Manobra Holandesa - Chile

La Maniobra “Dutch Reach” ayuda a prevenir accidentes de transito, Preserva, 08/18/20, Chile.
Dutch Discover Dutch Reach
Britse automobilisten moeten ‘#NederlandseTruc’ toepassen bij het uitstappen [British drivers must use '#Dutchtrick' when getting out] #dutchreach #dooring #highwaycode #NL #roadsafety
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) January 27, 2022
Flemish Public Broadcasting News Service, Belgium

Verenigd Koninkrijk verplicht "Dutch Reach": Britten moeten anders uit auto stappen om fietsongevallen te vermijden, Valerie Vanhelden, VRT NWS, 28 jan 2022, België.
Northern Ireland, UK

Changes to the Highway Code in GB later this month will NOT immediately be incorporated into NI’s separate Highway Code, Alan Meban, Slugger O'toole, Belfast, NI, Jan 6, 2022,
Nyissa ki jobb kézzel!

Ezért nyisd ki mindig a jobb kezeddel a kocsi ajtaját! Életet menthetsz vele, Blikk Rúzs, 2022. január 3.
Niederlandse greep -

Autodeur met 'verste hand' openen is volgens ministerie soms juist gevaarlijker,, U.nll, 27 januari 2022.
België: Dutch Reach in Dutch - NWS

Bijna elke dag gebeurt er een fietsongeval met een openslaande autodeur: bekijk hier wat je als autobestuurder kan doen, Sanne Baeck,, fNWS, vr 10 sep 2021. België. Met filmpje.
GOV.UK HC THINK! Campaign Planned

UK Gov plans major #THINK campaign to back Highway Code changes: hierarchy, Dutch Reach, Gov.UK, Jan 26, 2022.
Escape your car safely

Ways to get out of your car, by c/o We Are Cycling UK.
Dutch Reach Advisory, Al-Masry Al-Youm, Egypt

ألف جنيه إسترليني.. بريطانيا تفرض غرامة على كل من يفتح باب السيارة بـ «اليد الخاطئة»
المصري اليوم, مصر
-, Al-Masry Al-Youm, Egypt, Jan 23, 2022.
Vintage Berlin Anti-Dooring Graphic

Autofahrer und Radfahrer und das #dooring haben eine lange Geschichte. Die Postleitzahl zum Plakat ist Berlin W9. Source: @Polreporterin, Twitter, 2 Dec 2021. [Dooring has a long history. Berlin safety graphic. Credit, date unk.]
Sweeping UK Code Changes
UK #Drivers unaware of sweeping Code changes
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) December 31, 2021
Dutch Reach Official in UK

The Dutch Reach comes to England: Revised Highway Code sets out new way to open your car door, by Mike Wright, The Telegraph, UK, 30 Dec. 2021.
Việt Nam - Tiếng Việt
Cách mở cửa ô tô an toàn, không gây tai nạnầnThơ #ĐàNẵng #Hảiphòng #Hànội #ThànhphốHồChíMinh #ViệtNam #TiếngViệt #tàixế #xemáy #lauxe #Xeđạp #ngưỡngcửa #Tainạn #cửaxe #thóiquen #giáodục #giaothông #sựantoàn #car #dooring #DutchReach
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) December 30, 2021
What do cyclists want?
A discussion of whether or not "door zone" bike lanes are terrible revealed an essential truth: If we want to use city cycling to address societal issues, the preferences of seasoned, confident cyclists *aren't important at all* for achieving that goal.
— Streetsblog Chicago (@streetsblogchi) January 10, 2022
Who should we be really building bikeways for? StreetsBlogCHI, Jan 10, 2022.
Love c/o "The Dutch Reach"!
The Dutch Reach from Flywheel Film on Vimeo. GHSA of NYS & NYBC. Dec. 2021.
UK Highway Code to Protect Vulnerable Road Users

Dutch Reach graphic from "Two in three UK drivers unaware of planned Highway Code changes," by Helen Pidd, 30 Dec 2021.
Helsingin Sanomet
Finland: ”Hollantilainen Ote”.

Tämä pieni niksi voi pelastaa vakavilta onnettomuuksilta – Autoilijan "hollantilainen ote” tunnetaan edelleen heikosti, Hanna Freyborg HS, Helsingin Sanomet, 9.12 2021.
Door Atlas & Anatomy

11 Different Types of Car Door, Kingsley Felix, Wheels Inquirer, Aug 12, 2021.
L’ouverture à la hollandaise
Metoda olandeză - DC News, RO

Metoda olandeză de a deschide portiera, cea mai bună metodă pentru a evita accidentele cu biciclişti sau trotinetişti, Florin Răvdan, DC News Romania, 02 dec 2021.
Fraser Health Video, Canada
8 Croatian AutoKlub Safety Tips

Neke mogu biti kobne: Ovo je 8 najčešćih pogrešaka koje radimo u vožnji i kako ih se riješiti, Piše: Karlo Huzjak, Autoklub, Nov 29, 2021. [8 Road Safety Tips - Croatian]
Gas Pump Pumps Dutch Reach
What is the Dutch Reach?

What IS 'The Dutch Reach'? James Dawes MD Dawes Highway Safety Group, & Thames Valley Police Hampshire Constabulary Collision reduction unit, LinkedIn, UK, Nov 2021.
Going Dutch in Indonesia

Jangan Anggap Sepele, Ini Cara Aman Membuka Pintu Mobil [Don't take it lightly, this is a safe way to open the car door], by
Syifa Ayuni Qotrunnada, Rintani Mundari, Mata Jakarta, 22 Nov 2021, Indonesia.
Dutch Reach Dooring Prevention, Busan, South Korea

부산 사상경찰서, 자동차 개문사고 방지책 적극 홍보 이상철 기자 승인 2021.11.18
UK Motorcyclists' - Visor Down
#DutchReach can save #biker's #life #motorider #1000cc #bikers #motobike #motolove #motolife #motorcyclelife #2wheels #hog #motorcycles #harley #yamaha #moped #choppers #helmetlovers #helmet #drivers #motorsport #sportbike #bikerlife #dooring
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) December 1, 2021
In Indonesia; In Indonesian!
Mengapa Kita Sebaiknya Membuka #Pintu #Mobil dengan Tangan Kiri?
> #Indonesia #keamananJalan #pengemudi #pintu_mobil #kecelakaan_pintu_mobil #menabrak #kecelakaan #tabrakan #sepeda #motor_bebek #skuter #metode_tangan_jauh #parkir #dooring #dutchreach— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) November 11, 2021
Motor Biscuit Advisory

Why Should You Always Open Your Car Door With Your Right Hand? by Joe Santos, Motor Biscuit, July 5, 2021
The 'Dutch Reach' Can Prevent Car Doorings, Save Bicyclist's Lives, KPIX-CBS - Bay Area, SF, CA.
UK Highway Code Changes
Add #DutchReach to #Highway Code? The safety practice whereby drivers and passengers use the hand furthest from the door to exit their vehicle. This naturally turns the driver or passenger towards the window, making it easier to spot approaching cyclists.
— Martin Hughes (@MartinJHughes) October 7, 2021
Schwerer Autotürunfall in Münster.
+++ "Dooring"-Unfall - 59-jährige Fahrradfahrerin schwer verletzt +++
Eine 59-jährige Münsteranerin wurde am Montagabend (4.10., 18:41 Uhr) bei einem "Dooring"-Unfall an der Wermelingstraße schwer verletzt. Mehr: #msverkehr #Münster — Polizei NRW MS (@Polizei_nrw_ms) October 6, 2021
Connecticut Highway Safety Advisory
#Dooring may now be against the law, but do you know what it is? Dooring is when the occupants of a vehicle open their door in the path of an oncoming pedestrian or bicyclist. Reach across your body when opening a car door, this way you'll naturally check over your shoulder.
— CT Highway Safety (@CThighwaysafety) October 9, 2021
8 Ways to Share the Road with Bicyclists

8 Ways to Share the Road with Bicyclists, info graphic with tips for drivers & bicyclists. View full graphic &/or download here. Credit: Safe Routes to School - Massachusetts. Click image to enlarge.
Extra-wide Doors Pose Extra Risk

Many vehicle doors exceed 1 meter/1 yard in width. SUVs, trucks, pickups & luxury vehicles pose greater risk. Current bike lane door zones & buffer zones are insufficient for cyclist safety. Chart source here.
Road Users: Learn New Bike Signage.

Know and Obey These Common Bicycling Road Markings, Signs, and Signals - Safe Routes to School - Massachusetts. View/download PDF here. Click image to enlarge.
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