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FAtal Negligence by Passenger & Cabbie

Xin Kang Wang, 74, Dies Ten Days After Taxi Passenger Doore,d Him on 20th Street, by David Meyer, StreetsblogNYC, May 18, 2017.
35% of UK Motorists Negligent When Exiting

35% of drivers don’t look before opening their car door: A survey by eBikes Direct of 1,000 drivers from across the UK found negligent exiting practices & marked ignorance of cyclists' road rights. Bike Radar, 25 May 2017.
Hướng dẫn mở cửa ô tô đúng cách, tránh nhiều tai nạn đáng tiếc. Guide to open the car door properly, avoid many unfortunate accidents. Xe ô tô, 25/6/17 ; 25 June 2017. Go to full report with videos in Vietnamese. Use search engine translation function (eg. Google, Bing) for rough translation.
British Columbia Road Safety Reform

View position paper. (Yet to include 'Reach').
"荷式开门":一个小动作 可能挽救一条命

Open the Door:
A little trick may save a life. Chinese media report on the viral Dutch method. Montage above created by DR Project to share Sohu coverage. on Twitter by @DutchReach. Click image to view. Use browser to approximately translate. 2017-02-24
Bayerischer Rundfunk - Bavarian Radio, de
Holländischer Trick rettet Leben > [Hör mal zu.
Eine holländische Technik könnte auch in Deutschland Leben retten - das von Radfahrern. Lernen müssten sie allerdings Autofahrer. Sie heißt "Dutch Reach...
Video. Jun 20, 2017
Dutch Reach now Official in MA
Dutch Reach now in Massachusetts' Driver's Manual

Boston Globe: MassDOT adds ‘Dutch Reach’ to driver’s manual, 5/30/2017 (online); A Safer Way to Open Up, A1 [above] & To reach a door, do like the Dutch, B2, 5/31/17 (print). By Steve Annear, Globe Reporter.
MassDOT: “Scan the Street for Wheels and Feet”
Scan the Street Campaign: The "Dutch Reach"
Scan the Street: 30 Second Version

Dutch Reach approved by RoSPA February 1, 2017. See RoSPA's advisory here.

Cambridge Street Code teaches the Dutch Reach. Click here for Code, see page 9.
Massachusetts RMV Adds Dutch Reach - 22News wwLP

Road Sharing issues for drivers addressed in Part 1 of NY Bicycling Coalition video.
New York State teaches 'Dutch Reach' in new Road Sharing Video!
Sharing The Road (Part 1) - Bicycle Law in New York State from New York Bicycling Coalition on Vimeo. (29 July 2017 release date).
BuzzFeed pitches Dutch Reach caution to ride-share users.
Videographer Allyson Laquian.
Posted: August 20, 2017 on Twitter (left). Retweeted @DutchReach with montage graphic by Dutch Reach Project (right).
Click either image or here to view video.

Dutch Reach Project's graphic to promote BuzzFeed's "Dutch Reach" video on ride-share dooring hazard which advises the far hand method. See it as a tweet here.
Cleveland, OH, USA - WKYC Channel 3 News
Investigator | Do the Dutch Reach to avoid dooring
An in-depth report on the growing occurrence of 'dooring' & a lesson on the Dutch Reach.

Investigator | Bicyclists, car doors collide with painful results. (Photo: Mike Leonard/Phil Trexler, WKYC) July 10, 2017.
New Jersey Bike Ped Resource Center, USA

"A Doorway to Safer Streets": New Jersey Bicycle & Pedestrian Resource Center reviews & recommends the Dutch Far-Hand 'dooring' countermeasure, 6/27/17.
Barcelona, Spain - El Periodico Deportes touts 'Dutch Reach

[Composite of screen shots from animation which compares near to far hand demonstrating Dutch Reach safety advantage.] "Dutch Reach": la forma de abrir la puerta del coche que puede evitar la caída de un ciclista
El método, con la mano contraria a la puerta, fuerza a mirar atrás para comprobar si viene alguien, evitando el punto muerto del retrovisor. - El Periodico Deporte: 19 June 2017, by ASIER JIMÉNEZ LARZÁBAL / Barcelona, Spain. Click image to enlarge. Click here to view article, animation & video.

SR-Mediathek's Current Report topical news program broadcast interviews with road safety experts and produced demonstration videos on the Dutch Reach, 13 March 2017. Coverage starts with report on dooring fatality as cyclist traveled in bikelane turned deathzone.
Segment on Hollandaise Gribft starts at 3 min. (second report).
Berlin, Germany: Dooring homicide charge evaded by Saudi diplomat
Anger as Saudi official escapes prosecution over cyclist death because diplomatic immunity
A SAUDI Arabian diplomat has escaped prosecution after he opened his door while parked in a cycling lane and killed a passing biker.

The Saudi Arabian diplomat opened his door while parked in a cycling lane which killed a cyclist.
German news service issues 'Dutch Reach' video; follows Berlin fatality
Do you know the "Dutch reach"? This is a simple trick to avoid accidents when opening the car door with pedestrians or cyclists.
Kennt Ihr den "Dutch Reach"? Das ist ein einfacher Trick, um beim Öffnen der Autotür Unfälle mit Fußgängern oder Fahrradfahrern zu vermeiden.
Kennt Ihr den "Dutch Reach"? Das ist ein einfacher Trick, um beim Öffnen der Autotür Unfälle mit Fußgängern oder Fahrradfahrern zu vermeiden
— BR24 (@BR24) June 18, 2017
The 'Dutch Reach' not ...
Accident Commission of South Australia - Apr 30, 2017
Claims Journal - 5/12/17
Separate Lanes, Laws Aren’t Enough to Stop Bicycle Dooring Incidents
Despite dooring laws in 41 states and designated bike lanes in cities across the country, dooring incidents continue to cause concern.
Active Transportation Alliance spokesman Jim Merrell says the data is a sign more needs to be done to prevent such crashes.
Though there’s a lack of data in dooring accident statistics, cities make up a significant portion of bicycle crashes, said Ken McLeod, policy director of The League of American Bicyclists.
Dooring laws are important, he said, because they increase public awareness of the problem and because bicyclists can’t really prepare and avoid a car door opening in front of them.
“There is also a campaign by private citizens called The Dutch Reach which advocates people opening doors with their right hand, so they are prompted to look behind themselves,” McLeod said.
Jaipur Explore, Blog - India

Safe Driving In India! You Should Always Open Your Car Door with Your Left Hand, By Mr Sayeed, Jaipur Explore, May 17, 2017.

Illinois DOT's latest Chicago bicycle crash data (2015) shows a steep increase in 'doorings.' See: WTTW Chicago Tonight, 4/21/17. This follows a similar striking jump in doorings reported in Toronto for 2014-16. Scene is of fatal dooring in Chicago in 2016. Photo: Chris Smith.
Chicago 'doorings' rose 50% in 2015, caused 17.5% of bike crashes.
Chicago Tribune
Number of Chicago cyclists caught by car doors on the rise, IDOT data show
Leonor Vivanco Chicago Tribune, April 26, 2017
More than 300 cases of cyclists crashing into open car doors on the streets of Chicago — deemed America's Best Bike City — were reported in 2015, an almost 50 percent increase from the previous year.
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