Police Chief, Telangana State, India
One way to make sure that you always do that is to adopt and practice the technique called #DutchReach pic.twitter.com/CVozfhjUL7
— DGP TELANGANA POLICE (@TelanganaDGP) February 4, 2019
VR Dutch Reach: Met Police, London
Stopped by Met Police at Hyde Park Corner this morning! But for good reason: road safety campaign to change way we open car doors.”Dooring” is biggest cause of serious injury to cyclists but can be avoided simply by opening car door with hand farthest from door.1/3@MetCycleCops pic.twitter.com/h2v6GdYnix
— Martin Oldham (@martinoart) September 26, 2019
Police, traffic & road safety departments of local governments are often the first to promote the Dutch reach in their public service announcements, training and communications.
Note: Old Twitter posts take time to load
Peel Regional Police, Ontario, Canada
ICYMI - This one simple tip can help you avoid vehicle/cyclist collisions. For more info on road safety https://t.co/2KzXIHoeZn#DutchReach #ASaferCommunityTogether pic.twitter.com/nLGc1s6p7w
— Peel Regional Police (@PeelPoliceMedia) June 21, 2019
Also as YouTube video here.
'Virtual Reality' Dutch Reach Lesson - Met Police London
This Met Police cycling safety VR video shows how the Dutch Reach can prevent crashes, injuries & deaths due to dooring. 26 Sept 2019. More on anti dooring campaign at The Guardian & Met Police / Dept for Transport, UK.
Madhya Pradesh Police, Indore, India - Let's Save Lives
कार का दरवाजा खोलने से पहले इस बात का ध्यान दे नही होंगे हादसे । जनहित में शेयर करे @sumantsinghcop #RoadSafetyCampaign #ACCIDENT #SafetyFirst #SadakSurakshaJeevanRaksha @NHAISocialmedia @MORTHIndia @aajtak @ZeeMPCG @IndoreTalk @nitin_gadkari #Indore pic.twitter.com/iXKFYDpOey
— Sumant Singh (@sumantsinghcop) October 12, 2019
Dooring & Dutch Reach road safety lesson by Sumant Singh COP, Madhya Pradesh Police, Indore, India. Also at Instagram, with caption: "Lets_savelives Dooring is one of the main reason for road accidents especially in urban areas. This needs to be spread as much as we can because this might save someone's life. So share as much as you can AND LETS SAVE SOMEONE!!"
Madya Pradesh Police Safety Tip in Hindi

This is how the car door [should be] opened. The vehicle coming from behind will not hit the car gate [door]. 1. Open the gate with the hand that is away from the door
2. By doing this, you are able to see in the side glass and your body turns backwards so that the vehicle coming from behind can see.Hindi adaptation by Sumant Singh COP, Madhya Pradesh Police, Indore, India. Diagram: Times of London, UK
Guadia Seville, 112 Castilla y León, España
Hay emergencias que no podemos prever, pero hay otras que se pueden evitar si todos nos acostumbramos a realizar algunos consejos de autoprotección tan sencillos como el de 'abrir la puerta a la holandesa'. Ponlo en práctica, es así de fácil 😉 #DutchReach #Bici pic.twitter.com/jYu6QhUTax
— 112 Castilla y León (@112cyl) May 6, 2019
New York City: NYPD 61st Precinct
.@NYPD61Pct's #TommyTraffic explains a few safety tips for drivers sharing the road with bicyclists. #VisionZero pic.twitter.com/DAkAOnHKSO
— NYPD NEWS (@NYPDnews) May 2, 2017
Michigan State Police Advisory

Michigan State Police road safety tip for drivers. to prevent dooring bicyclists
Burbank Police Dept., Burbank, CA, USA

Keeping Cyclists Safe with the Dutch Reach. To prevent dooring cyclists, City of Burbank Police Dept., CA, is promoting the Dutch Reach technique. with an original Infographic (view & download as pdf here). Dutch Reach Project has adapted BPD's design (above). Click image to enlarge.
Police de la Ville de Montréal, Canada

Montréal's Police now advise the far hand / reach across habit to avoid doorings. In 2014 Montréal cyclists launched "Une Porte Une Vie", an anti dooring campaign which advocated the 'reach' method. Click image or Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal - Dooring for webpage.
Polizei Brandenburg, de
„Radfahrer stürzt über geöffnete Autotür und muss ins Krankenhaus."
Das kann vermieden werden! Ein #GuterRad für alle Autofahrer: Öffnen Sie die Fahrertür mit der rechten Hand anstelle der linken! #DutchReach
Übrigens: So ist auch ein Crash mit einem anderen Auto nicht möglich! pic.twitter.com/iExvtlhIBi— Polizei Brandenburg (@PolizeiBB) June 4, 2018
Polizei Berlin, de

Polizei Berlin: Dutch Reach - Ein Griff, der Leben rettet - FaceBook, March 2018.

Dutch Reach - Ein Griff, der Leben rettet +++
Die Niederlande erzeugen ja bei so manchem Verkehrsteilnehmer Bilder im Kopf - Uns würde eigentlich das Eine reichen: Die rechte Hand am Innengriff der Autotür 🚘
Police Dept., City of Albany, New York State, USA
Sharing The Road (Part 1) - Bicycle Law in New York State from New York Bicycling Coalition on Vimeo.
Albany Police Department teaches Dutch Reach in this officer training video on road sharing law in NYS (Lesson 2). July 2017.
'Police Use Nextdoor' to Prevent Doorings

Burbank PD, CA used Nextdoor neighborhood social media to pomote Dutch Reach for Bike Month, 2019.
Guardia Civil, España: Video on Twitter
Abrir la puerta del coche a la holandesa (con la mano derecha en lugar de con la izquierda) es la forma más segura de bajar con seguridad
Con esta técnica evitarás impactos con ciclistas, motoristas u otros usuarios#NoEsPorLaMulta
— Guardia Civil 🇪🇸 (@guardiacivil) October 23, 2018