An Introductory Presentation on Dooring, Prevention & Dutch Reach (2022)
FYI on Behavior Change Research
Turns out, the #DutchReach is a #boost, not a #nudge! (Once adopted its a #habit). Each can alter #behavior, #nudges by covert guiding, #boosts by enhancing #competence & rational #literacy. #roadsafety #boosting #policy #decisions @BIN_NL @ScienceBoosting
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) November 10, 2022
Want safer cycling? Don’t dismiss dooring, by Transport Researcher Marilyn Johnson, The Conversation, May 10, 2012.
Cyclists and open vehicle doors: Crash characteristics and risk factors, Marilyn Johnson a,b,⇑, Stuart Newstead c, Jennie Oxley, Judith Charlton, 2013, Safety Science.
Cyclist exposure to the risk of car door collisions in mixed function activity centers: A study in Melbourne, Australia, February 2018 Traffic Injury Prevention 19(sup1):S164-S168, DOI:10.1080/15389588.2017.1380306. Authors: Brendan M. Lawrence, Jennifer Oxley. Monash University (Australia), David Bruce Logan Monash University (Australia), Mark R Stevenson University of Melbourne.
Risk Factors Analysis of Car Door Crashes Based on Logistic Regression, Cheng-Yong Huang, Sustainability.
Motorcycle door crashes: An evaluation of crash characteristics in Taipei City, Taiwan Ping-Ling Chen,Ming-Heng Wang,Václav Linkov,Chih-Wei Pai. Published: December 27, 2018
Where Bike Lane Design Collides with Savvy Cycling, August 29, 2018/13, Comments/by Paul Schimek.
Observations of Drivers’ Behavior When Opening Car Door with Two Stages, January 2017. Abstract, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-41682-3_28. In book: Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation (pp.327-336). Authors: Cheng-Yong Huang. Bicycle Rider Collisions with Car Doors, Road Safety Action Group Melbourne, Part 2, pdf 2012.
“Attention! A Door Could Open.”—Introducing Awareness Messages for Cyclists to Safely Evade Potential Hazards, by Tamara von Sawitzky 1,2,*ORCID,Thomas Grauschopf 3 and Andreas Riener 1,2
Configurations of underreported cyclist-motorised vehicle and single cyclist collisions: Analysis of a self-reported survey. Authors Kevin Gildea, Daniel Hall, Ciaran Simms.
Cyclists interacting with passenger cars; a study of real world crashes, M Lindman, S Jonsson, L Jakobsson, T Karlsson, D Gustafson, A Fredriksson
Cyclist exposure to the risk of car door collisions in mixed function activity centers: A study in Melbourne, Australia. Brendan M. Lawrence,Jennifer A. Oxley,David B. Logan &Mark R. Stevenson.
Cyclist-motor vehicle collisions before and after implementation of cycle tracks in Toronto, Canada, R Ling, L Rothman, MS Cloutier, C Macarthur, A Howard Accident Analysis & Prevention - 2020,
Validating ‘Dutch Reach’: A Preliminary Evaluation of Far-Hand Door Opening and its Impact on Car Drivers’ Head Movements, D.R. Large, M.C. Choo, R. Houghton.
Cycling Safety at the Fore – Evaluation of a Cyclist Warning System from a User Perspective, Isabel Kreißig, Sabine Springer & Josef F. Krems, Conference paper, First Online: 16 June 2022.
Advancing healthy cities through safer cycling: An examination of shared lane markings. Author: lNicholas N., Ferenchaka, Wesley E. Marshall.
Operational Evaluation of Central Sharrows and Dooring Zone Treatment on Road User Behavior in Ottawa, Canada. Ali Kassim, Karim Ismail, Shawn McGuire, First Published July 15, 2018 Research Article.
Automatic topics extraction from crowdsourced cyclists near-miss and collision reports using text mining and Artificial Neural Networks. Authors: Keneth Morgan, Kwayua Valerian, Kwigizilea, Kevin Leeb, Jun-Seok Oha, Trisalyn Nelson/
The modeling and simulation of collision protection system between the driver of non-motor vehicle and car door, Yujun Lu, Jiatao Lai & Yan Feng, Published: 02 May 2018.
Protected Cycle Lanes and Cyclists’ Behaviour and Perceptions of Safety, A thesis for M.S. degree in Psychology, The University of Waikato, By Alexandra Knight.
Delivering Justice: Food Delivery Cyclists in New York City, by Do J. Lee, The Graduate Center, City University of New York, 9-2018
Impact analysis of bicycle safety laws (Report No. DOT 813 123). Jackson, S., Retting, R., & Miller, S. (2021, August). National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Vehicle Door Opening Control Model Based on a Fuzzy Inference System to Prevent Motorcycle–Vehicle Door Crashes, Cheng-Yong Huang.
Dooring Statistics & Measurement Issues - Dutch Reach Project (collection of diverse reports, studies)
Fatal crashes into car doors increasing ELEVEN DEATHS IN 2021: People should open the door of their vehicle slightly to check the traffic situation before fully opening it, a road safety official said. Taipei Times, Taiwan, Sun, Apr 10, 2022 page3
35% of drivers don’t look before opening their car door. Survey highlights drivers’ ignorance and bad habits. Bike Radar, By Paul Douglas, May 25, 2017.
Occupational injuries among Boston bicycle messengers, Jack Tigh Dennerlein 1, John D Meeker, Am J Ind Med, 2002 Dec; 42(6):519-25. doi: 10.1002/ajim.10144
Development of Composite Motorcycling Safety Index along Urban Roads in Malaysia, A. P. Tan*1, H. Hamid1, T. H. Law1, F. M. Jakarni1and S. V. Wong2, JSAEM
PEDALCYCLE AND SCOOTER ACCIDENTS IN 1968. PARTIAL REPORT NO. 1: PEDAL CYCLE ACCIDENTS, Corporate Authors: Swedish Council on Road Safety, Sveavagen 166, XIV, Stockholm Va, Sweden. Authors: Kritz, L B; Mohlin, H; Publication Date: 1971-5
Scenarios of crashes involving light mopeds on urban bicycle paths, Authors: R.J.Davidse; K.van Duijvenvoorde; M.J.Boele-Vos; W. J.R.Louwerse; A. Stelling-Konczak C.W.A.E.; Duivenvoorden; A.J. Algera. Accident Analysis & Prevention Volume 129, August 2019, Pages 334-341.
Rider factors associated with severe injury after a light motorcycle crash: A multicentre study in an emerging economy setting. Carlos Lam,Chih-Wei Pai,Chia-Chang Chuang,Yu-Chun Yen,Chia-Chieh Wu,Shih-Hsiang Yu, Kuo-Sheng Hung, Wen-Ta Chiu. Published: June 28, 2019.
Video examples of motorcycle/VRU doorings:
Google search term: door crash with motorcycle moped scooter bike
Google Scholar search results, same terms: door crash with motorcycle moped scooter bike
A Study of Bicycle and Passenger Car Collisions Based on Insurance Claims Data, Irene Isaksson-Hellman, Ann Adv Automot Med. 2012 Oct; 56: 3–12. PMCID: PMC3503407, PMID: 23169111.
The modeling and simulation of collision protection system between the driver of non-motor vehicle and car door,
Yujun Lu, Jiatao Lai & Yan Feng. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking volume 2018,
An evaluation of door zone collisions between bicycles and vehicles, by Cadell Chand, Honors Baccalaureate of Science in Civil Engineering, Thesis submitted to Oregon State University.
Investigation of bicycle accidents involving collisions with the opening door of parking vehicles and demands for a suitable driver assistance system. M. Jänsch, D. Otte, H. Johannsen, IRCOBI Conference 2015, IRC-15-11.
NZ Cyclist/Dooring Map, Injury Prevention Research Unit,
Te Huka Rakahau Ārai Whara, University of Otago, NZ.
Configurations of underreported cyclist-motorised vehicle and single cyclist collisions: Analysis of a self-reported survey, Author(s): Kevin Gildea *, Daniel Hall , Ciaran Simms *, Department of Mechanical, Manufacturing, and Biomedical Engineering, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. 0001-4575/© 2021 . Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Pai, C.W. Overtaking, Rear-End, and Door Crashes Involving Bicycles: An Empirical
Investigation. In Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 43 No. 3, 2011, pp. 1228-1235
Observations of Drivers’ Behavior When Opening Car Door with Two Stages, Author: Cheng-Yong Huang. Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation, Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Bicycle Use and Cyclist Safety Following Boston’s Bicycle Infrastructure Expansion, 2009–2012, Felipe E. Pedroso, MD, MPH,corresponding author Federico Angriman, MD, MPH, Alexandra L. Bellows, BS, and Kathryn Taylor, PhD. Am J Public Health. 2016 December; 106(12): 2171–2177; 2016.
Dooring Simulation
Die extrem abgelenkte Radfahrerin Miriam hat’s bei 'nem Dooring Unfall voll erwischt.#crashtest #verkehr #unfall #dooring
— Radweg Hindernis(se)
(@RadwegH) November 28, 2022
Genauer: "Der äußerst fahrlässige Autofahrer hat den Radfahrer mit seiner Autotür angefahren."