New Technology & Gimmicks to Prevent Dooring Cyclists
Here are a variety of available high and low tech devices to prompt drivers and passengers, or to warn cyclists, to prevent doorings. If you know of others please forward info via email at Contact.
Bicyclists: See primer on Dooring Self-Defense for Cyclists here.
Door Atlas & Anatomy

11 Different Types of Car Door, Kingsley Felix, Wheels Inquirer, Aug 12, 2021.
AI /AV Overview - Forbes
Whether #Bicycle Riders Will Still Get Conked By Car Doors Being Opened Even In An Era Of AI Self-Driv... via @forbes #dooring #dutchreach #farhandreach #tech #AV #AI #ADAS #sensors #alarms #alerts #bike #crash #accident #roadsafety #prevention
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) September 16, 2021
Automakers' Can Stop Dooring, Now!

Car occupants cause doorings. Automakers can stop it! Köln: VOX TV, Frühsommer 2021.

Side rear view mirror lets passengers look for on-coming cyclists or other vehicles before opening door to exit.
Tech Solution 1: Side Mirrors for Back Seat Passengers
Thin vertical mirrors placed on the pillar between front and back side windows permit rear view for back seat passengers. The add-on mirrors with adhesive are sold as sets and are accompanied by stickers to instruct passenger use. Cachi Mirror Company markets their mirrors to taxi fleet owners foremost to reduce civil liability, vehicle damage, off-service repair time, and 'accident' insurance cost exposures.

Taxi equipped with Cachi mirror for rear passenger use.

Sticker to warn passengers to check mirror to avoid dooring cyclists. - Cachi, Mirroty Inc.

When seat belts unbuckle, DAS Lambda dooring alert system flashes exterior warning lights to alert cyclists
Tech Solution 2: Unbuckling & Video Cam Alert Systems for Cyclists & Occupants
An Australian company Dooring Alert Systems' DAS Lambda anti-'dooring' devices link unbuckling of seat belts to exterior warning lights; video cam detectors trigger interior warning lights of cyclist's approach to avert the risk of dooring. Also see article.

Rear facing radar alerts driver of on-coming cyclists with side mirror flashing LED - Audi A4 2016.
11% Side Crash Reduction Claims w/ Blind Spot Detection Tech:
Tech Solution 3: Back Looking Detectors to Warn Driver of Cyclist Approach
The new 2016 Audi A4 luxury sedan uses radar and flashing exterior warning lights to alert driver and occupants of on-coming bicyclists. Concealed behind the rear bumper, the device first detects cyclists at 10 to 15 meters (33 to 49 feet) back. Warning lights near the side rear view mirror and atop the door trim are triggered automatically for up to three minutes after engine turn off as well as when running.
Also see Stop the Dooring Danger in What's Next in Car Safety, Consumer Reports, July 2021:
"To prevent dooring—which in some cities is responsible for close to 20 percent of cycling crashes—some current Audi and Mercedes-Benz vehicles and the upcoming 2022 Lexus NX use built-in sensors to detect oncoming bicycle or vehicle traffic from behind. If it isn’t safe to open the door, the vehicle will sound and/or flash a warning, or keep the door from unlatching. Some Hyundai, Kia, and Genesis vehicles actively prevent rear-seat occupants from exiting the vehicle until it’s safe by locking the rear doors."
See also Tech Solution #14 below.
AVAS & ADAS System
#AVAS & #ADAS to warn VRUs & alert #motorists to avoid harming #VRU's #dooring #pedestrians #cyclists #overtaking #collisions #crash #accident #AV #EV #alarm #tech #exitwarning #frontassist #HighwayCode #crosswalks #driving #biking #walking #bikeped #auto
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) April 22, 2022
Rider Reminder adhesive rubber strip on door latch provides tactile nudge: Look for cyclists.
Tech Solution 4: Tactile Reminder on Inside Door Latch
The Rider Reminder is an Australian invention applied to a car door latch to cue drivers to look out for cyclists when exiting their vehicle. It is a small adhesive loop of rubber textured to feel like a handle bar grip and meant to work as an aide de memoire.
It has been endorsed by Victoria AU's Transport Accident Commission, and promoted by professional Australian cyclist Cadel Evans. Evans talks about car dooring and the tactile cue's use to prevent doorings in this video: Rider Reminder TAC Towards Zero.
TECH SOLUTION #5: Bike Laser Light's "Bike Sign" to Warn Drivers

"Bat Signal" for bikes! Blaze Laser Bike Light cast bike signal onto pavement ahead of bicyclest to warn drivers & pedestrians of bicyclist's approach.
Blaze Laserlight -- 11500 of London's Santander public bikes to be equipped
Transport of London
This way the public bicycles of London avoid nocturnal accidents
Patricia Duran - 02/10/2016, NOTICIAS -- COCHES.COM
The system, pioneer so far, projects on the ground the image of a bicycle five meters away, in order that these are more easily recognized by a driver and avoid a possible collision. Video promotion.
If driver looks back and down, perhaps the projected image could forewarn and prevent doorings. Also, the pavement signal may not be dependably visible on viewing the wing mirror. However the head lamp itself would likely be visible from afar.
Retracted door featured in on a 1993 Lincoln Mark VIII
TECH SOLUTION #6: Disappearing Car Doors
Bend your mind and roll your car doors!
Jatech of UK demonstrates its contribution to unconventional or pre-conventional vehicle door design with their video, Disappearing CarDoor by Jatech. While it has failed thus far to go mainstream, as have sliding vehicle doors, nor achieved such glory as DeLorean's gull-wing doors, Jatech's retractable-door trick should at least merit a cult following.
But bike expert John S. Allen was not reassured. His 2009 blog post - End to “dooring” hazard? - noted it, and comments on its anti-dooring limitations.
Sedans with Horizontally Sliding Doors
#dooring is probably the most frequent bicycle accident everywhere. I just rode past this model on my way home and now I'm wondering : why not make this a standard, #slidingdoors for all new cars ? @EuCyclistsFed @Bulc_EU
— Frederik Depoortere (@FrederikDepoor1) November 30, 2019
Slide Under Car Doors
While driver and rider education to check surroundings before throwing open car doors can prevent needless bike 🚲 rider injuries and deaths, car makers can do more to design doors that don’t require a lot of space to open, particularly helpful in cities where space is a premium.
— 🤷🏻♂️ (@Khanoisseur) March 9, 2019
TECH SOLUTION #7: 2018 Audi 8 sports Suite of anti dooring features
Audi reveals cyclist-friendly tech
New Audi A8 locks doors if it detects a cyclist
Vehicle has exterior warning lights for cyclists, senses when driver has hand on door handle, detects on-coming cyclists with remote sensing, and temporarily locks door should driver attempt to open in presence of on-coming cyclist. Protection lasts for 3 minutes once motor turned off. Price: $200,000 in Australia.
Volvo EV Anti-Dooring Feature
Volvo gives entry electric crossover cyclist-saving solution via @Automotive_News #dooring #dutchreach #doorzone #bikelanedoorzone #vru #roadsafety #ev #crash #trafficsafety #parking
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) May 23, 2023

Ausstiegswarner: So schützen sie vor Dooring-Unfällen, ADAC, 20.8.2019.
"Life Sticker" Reviewed by Treehugger
TECH SOLUTION #8: Semcon's 'Life Sticker' - Wireless Alert Device & App
"Life Sticker" Reviewed by Treehugger
TECH SOLUTION #9: Bright Paint on Door Edge

Paint a Warning Strip on the Inside of Your Car Door to Prevent Accidents. LifeHacker, by Thorin Klosowski, 2/07/12. Click here or image to view article.
While of limited value when doors are suddenly flung open, application of bright, reflective paint on all vehicle door edges could prove protective in some instances. Perhaps NHTSA should require manufacturers should be required to do so. Some vehicles now have small red lights on the edge of doors, which would again be somewhat helpful at night, though not during daylight.
TECH SOLUTION #10: High-Curvature Convex Secondary Side Mirror

Supplement wing mirrors with high curvature secondary mirrors. Photo: Keep cyclists safe by doing the Dutch Reach, Lisa Boynton, May 07, 2018. Canadian Automobile Assn.
A Door Lever for the Dutch Reach

Recessed lever is shor, angled in, and points forward with a cupped T end, well-suited for finger tips to engage & pull back to open. [Left door; Aston Martin 2019 Vantage sports car.] For an in-depth discussion of lever click here.
TECH SOLUTION #11: Re-Design Door Handle to Favor Dutch Reach
Designing-in Road Safety...
This is the interior door handle in an Aston Martin Vantage 🇬🇧
It’s easier to open with the hand furthest from the door than the hand nearest...
...this encourages you to do the #DutchReach and look over your shoulder before opening the door 👍 🚲🏍
— Lincs Police Rural Crime Team🚜 (@LincsRuralCrime) September 28, 2019
'Dutch Reach Lever' Demo @ 8m 12s
For in-depth discussion of how Aston Martin lever encourages the Dutch Reach click here.
TECH SOLUTION #12: Door lever action &/or senors activate alerts
Cologne taxi driver patents door opening alert system to warn cyclists tying door lever operation to exterior lights and interior vibratory alerts. Ford studies sensor-based solutions for doorings. By Ayhan Demirci, EXPRESS, 12/20/19, Cologne .de. [Original article in German. Use Google Translate.] Click image to enlarge.
Ford's New Anti-Dooring Tech

Ford Motor Company of Europe announces dooring alert & prevention features, Cologne, Germany, Feb 2020. Exit Warning sounds an alarm and could prevent doors opening fully if it detects a potential collision. Also reported on in Creamer Media's Engineering News of Johannesburg ZA & Perth AU here on 11 Nov 2o20.
#12: Neue Lösungen zur Vermeidung von Autotür kollisionen von Taxifahrer & Ford
Ford & Taxifahrer bieten Lösungen für Autotürkollisionen. Von Ayhan Demirci, EXPRESS, 20. Dezember 1919, Köln .de. Klicken Sie auf das Bild, um es zu vergrößern.
#13 Pending: Tesla to Add Anti-Dooring Function to EVs

Elon Musk, Testa's chief, agrees to anti-dooring update for its electric vehicles. Zweimal kurz „Ok“: Tesla-Chef nimmt Twitter-Vorschläge für neue Funktionen an, TeslaMag, Jan 7, 2020. More tech solutions here.
#14: Anti dooring Tech by Audi, Aston Martin & Faurecia
L'emportiérage peut tuer les cyclistes: les techniques pour l'éviter via @BFM_Auto
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) January 25, 2020
Video to right by BFM TV describes danger of blindspots & driver failure to exercise caution. It then presents anti dooringt systems by three manufacturers: Audi's E-tron system followed by Aston Martin's integrated 3 camera system, & Faurecia's which "presented a camera rearview mirror that warns the driver of the presence of another user in his blind spot. For example, a cyclist is indicated in yellow, orange and then red as he gets closer in the interior screen which retransmits the images from the exterior camera. But if it is too close, the vehicle blocks the opening of the door, in case even with all these warnings, the driver has not seen the bicycle arrive." BFM.TV, France. 25/01/2020.
BFM.TV on Dooring & 3 Tech Solutions
#15 Add-on Latch Adapter for Dutch Reach

Dutch Reach door latch adapter which when placed on car door lever requires use of the far hand to to open.. Credit: Shaofeng Wang, National Taipei University of Technology Taipei, Taiwan. iF World Design Guide's Young Talent Contest.

Demonstration of door latch lever adapter to require Dutch Reach maneuver. Credit:Shaofeng Wang, National Taipei University of Technology Taipei, Taiwan. iF Design Young Talent Contest.
Tech Solution #16: Notched Door Hinges

Car manufacturers can equip vehicle doors with notched hinge, which does not open too quickly, nor too easily over its entire width. Source: Eviter l'emportiérage, par l'urbaniste Jacques Robin, Loire, FR, 2 août 2020.
5G Connected Bike Helmets Demonstrate Intelligent Safety #dooring #DutchReach #bikelanes #doorzone #DZBL #cardooring #ebikes #ehelmets #ihelmets #bikehelmets #roadsafety #biking #cycling #bicycling @bikeleague #visionzero #bikewalk #walkbike #sharetheroad
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) June 16, 2021
Tech Solution #18: Robotaxis with Anti-Dooring Tech
Waymo adds safety alerts to its #robotaxis to prevent exit door collisions with #cyclists #GoogleAlerts #dooring #dutchreach #VRU #doorzone #bikes #biking #passengers #rideshare #EV #auto #tech #parking #delivery #uber #robotaxi #waymo #roadsafety #safety
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) May 10, 2023
TECH SOLUTION #19: Toyota's Revolutionary Dooring Deflector
Innovative: Toyota Is Saving Cyclists’ Lives By Adding Ramps To Their Car Doors
Press release:
“The engineers of the Toyota Motor Corporation are happy to offer a ramp feature improving the experience for everyone on the road. Instead of facing an opened door or potentially deadly sideswipe, cyclists will now be launched well into the air—and are encouraged to do a tail tap or even a 180, should they wish—before being safely returned to the ground.”
More at
Wired Helmet Alerts - Research

“Attention! A Door Could Open.”—Introducing Awareness Messages for Cyclists to Safely Evade Potential Hazards, Tamara von Sawitzky et al, , Multimodal Technologies & Interactions, MDPI, Published: 31 December 2021. (pdf). See also here.
Plus de solutions pour prévenir l'emportiérage

Les solutions pour éviter l'emportiérage. Tous les détails se trouvent dans le diaporama ici, par l'urbaniste Jacques Robin, Loire, FR. [Cliquez sur l'image pour l'agrandir.]
Bike Cam Video Evidence

Cyclist Video Evidence promotes using video & technology to track, map & analyze near miss incidents to improve police enforcement, deterence & collision prevention.
dutch via @BFM_Auto
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) January 25, 2020