Picture the Dutch Reach ... & Display it widely!
Below you can find graphics to help you teach and promote the "Dutch Reach" method in your community, city, state or nation!. Some are by amateurs or professionals who volunteered their talent. Others are by graphic artists, photographers or videographers working with cycling or road safety advocacy groups, government agencies, news and media companies, independent blog sites and individual social media contributors. Click most any to expand, view or copy.
Uner TOOL-KIT also view Anti Dooring Gallery – Photos &Graphics (B) & Graphics: Decals, Cards, Stickers, Reminders (C). "Pre-Dutch Reach" anti-dooring graphics may be found under the drop-down menus for MEDIA, RESEARCH and RESOURCES.
Other earlier graphics may be found at this Google Share folder [or this updated link] of materials used in prior anti-dooring and cyclist road safety campaigns around the globe. A large collection of Reach-related images & texts may be found by scrolling through Twitter at: @dutchreach, #dutchreach, as well as at #dooring, #cardooring, #doored, #doorzone, etc. Other search terms are found at Dutch Reach Social Media Logs
To cast your net ever more widely, search using Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo etc., for Dutch Reach > Images or Videos or search terms such as Dooring, Doored, Doorzone, Bike Car Door Crash or Accident, etc. alone or coupled with ~ photos, ~ cartoons, ~ stickers, ~ graphics, ~animations, etc. Use foreign language equivalents to transcend the English speaking world!
View collections of Dutch Reach videos at RESOURCES >> Videos & Animations >> Dutch Reach English Videos, Foreign Language Videos, Road Sharing videos. Please note: Most every menu bar box or drop-down box contains content - click to open each.
Dutch Reach for Bike Safety
Drivers, Passengers: Dutch Reach!
Please credit NYBC for use of 'Reach' Icon
"We are happy to share the material we have created and it is branded (with our logo) to NYS but obviously there is design flexibility. If others use or modify we would like credit." -- Paul Winkeller, Exec. Dir., New York Bicycling Coalition.
The Dutch Reach Project has long sought a universal graphic for signage to 'say' & show Dutch Reach at a glance.
This September (2017), New York Bicycling Coalition stepped up. Following close on their Sharing the Road video (which touts the Dutch Reach), NYBC commissioned Glass Planet Videography to meet the Dutch Reach High Peaks Challenge.
And meet it they have! Abstracting the line drawing on the Project's homepage graphic designer John Glenn in consultation with NYBC's Executive Director Paul Winkeller & Education Director Ken Crandall developed a bold sign silhouette, a 'rounded' version is presented here. Flipped it is suitable for all occupants: drivers and passengers, in both right- and left-road sided driving countries.
DRP and NYBC hopes state & municipal DOTs will promote such signage to get the public to use the 'Reach' and spare our lives!
Ever more graphics and media are welcomed to teach kids of all age groups, for driver manuals and training, for bumper and parking meter stickers, posters, presentations, billboards, publications, etc. This Project/website collects such imaging as they are discovered on the web. Please forward any new material you may make or find via Contact . Do share them widely on social media with friends, family & the public as well as to road safety advocates and sites. Please send as well to Twitter at #dutchreach and @dutchreach.
-- Dutch Reach Project
Dutch Reach Makes Vigilance Physical
Montage is assembled with pre-2016 stop dooring campaigns from around the globe. Most called for drivers to LOOK! The Dutch Reach makes looking a habit. Find source files here.
Niederlandse greep
België - Dutch Reach
Española - Spanish
Japanese - Dutch Reach
U.K. Left Side Driving
Turn & Look: Do the Dutch Reach
Left Hand Template
Right Hand Template
10 Advantages of the Dutch Far Hand Method
EL PERIODICO DEPORTES: GIF animation screen shots & composites show 'Dutch Reach' versus 'Near Hand' habit.
"Dutch Reach": la forma de abrir la puerta del coche que puede evitar la caída de un ciclista. El método, con la mano contraria a la puerta, fuerza a mirar atrás para comprobar si viene alguien, evitando el punto muerto del retrovisor. - El Periodico Deporte: 19 June 2017, by ASIER JIMÉNEZ LARZÁBAL / Barcelona, Spain. Click here for article & animation.
CBC Manitoba's GIF News animations which are the source of the images below, are themselves excellent teaching videos. They actively show the field of vision advantage of the Dutch Reach's Swivel & Look technique for detecting on-coming cyclists, or other traffic.
The screen shots below were captured from videos in a January 10, 2017 news report by CBC Manitoba. The featured video, "Dutch Reach Explained" combines both reporting and a short animated clip. Further down in the article appears a second animated GIF News clip representing a single car and cyclist.
Sets of screen shot series from each video clip can be viewed and downloaded using the Share links beneath.
Note on UK, AU versions: PNG files of screen shots were flipped left to right to produce sets of images suitable for the UK and other Left Side of Road driving countries. Hence the reversed green check marks.
New Dutch Reach / Far Hand Method Graphics from Around the Globe
Doors Are Dangerous, Cambridge, MA
The Drive to Save Lives Tour - Teen Safe Driving
Pre-Dutch Reach Project anti-dooring graphics from around the globe --
Use this Google Shared Link. [Click on each image to enlarge. Use 'Save as' to download.]
For additional graphics created or found following this Project's inception:
Use this DropBox Link.
'Dutch Reach' Line drawing illustration #2, thin lines
'Dutch Reach" Line drawing #1 - thick lines.
- L. Herman (CC,2016), for Free Public Use.
'Dutch Reach' Illustration UK Driver or US Front Passenger
L. Herman (CC,2016), for Free Public Use
'Dutch Reach" Illustration, US Driver or UK Front Passenger
"Dutch Reach Saves Lives'graphics created by another Dutch Reach website
Visit source website: Face Book: @DutchReachSavesLives
"Dutch Reach Saves Lives" - small square sticker design
Bumper Sticker by @DutchReachSavesLives on Facebook
Sample 'Dutch Reach' Flyer with Illustration #1.
Appeal! A Grand Graphic Challenge to create 'ISO' standard signage for 'Dutch'Reach
Dear Graphic Designer, Illustrator, Artist, Videographer &/or Visually Talented Reader,
Might you have ideas for road signage to 'say' Dutch Reach at a glance?
A universal sign is needed to get drivers and riders to use the far hand reach method to avoid doorings and injury when opening and exiting.
Other graphics and media are also needed to teach kids of all age groups, for driver manuals and training, bumper and parking meter stickers, posters, presentations, billboards, publications, etc.
If you are so inspired, please add your talent to this anti dooring cause! We will share forward your quality files with other activists around the globe.
New Dutch Reach graphics & slogans for stickers on bikes, meters, car bumpers, window decals and refrigerators & kids! etc. will also be a great help for community campaigns everywhere.
Please also add your work to Wikimedia Commons, which will put it securely in the public domain. And use keywords including: Dutch Reach, doored, dooring, getting hit by car door, bicycle, crash, accident, car dooring etc., so it can be readily found by search.
Likewise, if you find other old or new instances of far hand reach media not already found below, please kindly send such links and files to the Dutch Reach Project at: Contact.
Thank you! - mc.
View Standard Sign Graphics:
US DOT Federal Highway Admin's Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD):
Standard Highway Signs &
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