Tabloid's Mock Version
Disheveled & unshaven tabloid reporter Raymond Brown enacts his gag version of the 'Dutch Reach', having misled Cambridgeshire Constabulary to secure their endorsement, ultimately embarrassing the officers & city officials, and endangering cyclists & motorists both.
Man who coined ‘Dutch Reach’ term asks police to publicly distance themselves from misleading video
by Alex Bowden, February 14 2017
A copy of the letter to Chief Constable Alec Wood of Cambridgeshire Constabulary, UK as cc'd to ROAD.CC with cover letter may be viewed at the preceding hyperlink.
UK Tabloid's "Dutch Reach Around Technique" Video
This is the video - now retitled - which first appeared in Cambridge News UK in February 2017. In it 'reporter' Raymond Brown - who wrote the article with which it ran (& duped the Cambridgeshire Constabulary to endorse it) also appears as the driver demonstrating what tabloids called the "Double Dutch". The video & article were quickly syndicated in the UK. It accompanied rewrites of the story with somewhat less editorial irresponsibility in The Daily News & the Sun. This version still claims the method involves leaning out the window to grab the outside handle, thus performing an an awkwardly contorted torso pivot to gain a view back. Indeed it is effective~! although unlikely to be adopted. Both London tabloids & Cambridge News eventually withdrew or revised their coverage to restore some semblance of integrity to their enterprises. This remake was posted on DailyMotion Sept 2019. Credit: JPI Media Archive.
DAILY - The Daily Mail & General Trust, owners.
It’s just Double Dutch! Motorists ridiculue [sic] police proposal for drivers to adopt wweird 'Dutch Reach' technique for getting out of a car without hitting a cyclist
Method called Dutch Reach involves opening door with your 'opposite' hand
By Emily Chan For Mailonline
Published: 12:12 EST, 10 Feb 2017 | Updated: 12:31 EST, 10 Feb 2017
'SOUNDS QUITE RUDE' Police mocked for ‘absurd’ campaign involving a manoeuvre dubbed ‘Dutch reach’ aimed to make roads safer for cyclists
The method involves motorists winding down the window and opening the door from the outside using their left hand
by Ellie Cambridge, 10th February 2017, 11:28 pm
– based on a dodgy video
by Alex Bowden, ROAD.CC UK, February 11 2017
A sign that RoSPA-approved Dutch Reach now merits 'culture war' status.
The tabloids' escalation - see below - is now raising these issues further, albeit by use of dis-information and mockery. Their attack may be in support of British Transport Secretary Chris Grayling who since December 15th, 2016 has been faulted for failure to use the Dutch Reach. Grayling had doored the cyclist in October 2016 but his offense was only exposed two months later when a video of the dooring surfaced, posted by The Guardian, a legitimate newspaper in UK.
The tabloids seized on an alternate "official" advisory, allegedly that of the Cambridgeshire's police but so dodgy as to be prime -- which vastly distorts RoSPA's message.
First reported online by Cambridge News UK, it features a jaunty video which purports to show the Dutch Reach. But far from it: It instructs drivers to lean out their opened side window to look for on-coming traffic, and use the far hand to grab the outside door handle and latch to open.
Note: The original hoax story & dodgy video which appeared 9 Feb. in Cambridge News UK was taken down on 17 Feb without explanation nor accompanying retraction. The headline and link are deceptively unchanged. The substituted article again carries Raymond Brown's byline but whether the called-out editors or Mr. Brown actually did the re-write is here unknown. Camb New UK & Brown's featured dodgy video has been removed -- & replaced by Outside Online's The Dutch Reach - Safe For Work.
CAMBRIDGE NEWS, UK - Cambridge Newspapers, CNL Media Ltd
City leaders and police urge drivers to deploy 'Dutch Reach' to improve safety for cyclists
'Dutch Reach' is a method of opening a car door which is less likely to injure a passing cyclist
by Raymond Brown, 9 Feb., 2017 -- Now revised & considerably altered as of 17 Feb., 2017. See preceding note above.
The British tabloid press seized upon this report to "ridiculue" (sic) theCambridgeshire police - perhaps well justified, but also mislabeled it the Dutch Reach, neglecting to make clear or report at all that the method mocked is a far deviation from the Dutch Reach, and runs counter to RoSPA's expert advisory
The UK's Telegraph newspaper responsibly reported on the Dutch Reach and RoSPA advisory several days before the down label papers pranked the anti dooring effort.
Actual Reach Method

Daily Mail, UK. of 10 Oct 2018 now correctly illustrates Reach method. Dutch Reach includes wing-mirror check, shoulder-check before & after door is partly propped open, & thus obtains direct look back for oncoming traffic.
The Sun Continues to MIslead

Motorcyclist who survived devastating dooing in 2016 calls for 'Dutch Reach', The Sun, UK, 21 Nov 2018. [Note: In this article timed for Road Safety Week 2018, The Sun yet again mis-describes the Reach as requiring open window and use of outside door handle to unlatch.] Click image for article, video of crash.
UK - THE TELEGRAPH: Twitter all you like but Dutch Reach no laughing matter.
How opening your car door like the Dutch could save someone's life
by Hugh Morris for The Telegraph, UK
8 February 2017 [re-posted & re-dated 11 Sept 2017 - coincident with RoSPA & Cycling UK's tandem anti-dooring campaign]

The Dutch far hand reach method naturally causes drivers or passengers to swivel & gain a clear view of on-coming traffic before fully opening & exiting the vehicle.
Feb 1, 2017,
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), UK has endorsed the Dutch Reach Method as a recommended best traffic safety practice. RoSPA published by web its expert finding of safety advantage. It points out that the far hand reach method provides a continuous view of on-coming traffic whilst preparing to open and exit the motor vehicle. It protects cyclists and exiting occupants from heedless and at times devastating harm, either by direct collision or due to dangerous swerves by bicyclists or vehicles to avoid flung open doors.
The far hand method has been practiced in the Netherlands for about 50 years with little notice elsewhere. Such recognition by one of the world's preeminent safety and accident prevention organizations raises this hither-to-fore nameless commonplace -- but official Dutch practice -- to new found respect and prominence. It confers authority for its adoption well beyond the physical and linguistic borders which stalled its export, leaving it little known or neglected by the English speaking world and, as it now appears given recent globe media attention, by most every other nation as well.
More Misinformation c/o UK Media
You've been misled by lazy tabloid journalists - the fine is up to 1000 pounds in the event of dooring injury. The DR is not law, ie not mandated but is advised as safer
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) February 5, 2022
Cycling UK Clarify Highway Code Changes
You've been misled by lazy tabloid journalists - the fine is up to 1000 pounds in the event of dooring injury. The DR is not law, ie not mandated but is advised as safer
— Michael Charney (@DutchReach) February 5, 2022

The Dutch far hand reach method naturally causes drivers or passengers to swivel & gain a clear view of on-coming traffic before fully opening & exiting the vehicle.